So, last spoiler, it was revealed that Elissa won the Power of Veto this week. Since then, a lot has happened and there has been a lot of speculation about how Elissa ended up on the block. Many people in the house still believe Elissa won MVP once again and self-nominated in order to throw the others off of her track, but Elissa has obviously denied this, because it’s simply not true. Helen and Andy definitely believe her, but the others still seem to be speculating.

The bigger question on everyone’s mind since the Veto competition was who the replacement nominee would be. Normally, as live feed watchers, we would have a big insight as to who the replacement nominee would be, but due to the twist this week, we have had to wait until the Veto Ceremony in order to find out who received the second-highest amount of America’s votes. After the ceremony, the feeds returned  and revealed that GinaMarie is the third and final nominee this week.

Where does the vote currently stand? Well, it’s been fluctuating. Earlier in the week, it was common knowledge that if left on the block, Aaryn would be walking out the door Thursday. However, over the past few days, a counter-plan has developed that involves Kaitlin leaving over Aaryn and GinaMarie. Basically, Judd wants to work with Aaryn as opposed to Kaitlin, so he’s kind of rallied the votes of Amanda (who’s also closer to Aaryn), McCrae, Andy, and Jessie to evict Kaitlin. From Judd’s perspective, this may be a good move because he’s keeping someone in the house that no one wants to reward (Aaryn), so if for some reason, they were to end up in the Final 2 together, it’s almost a sure win for Judd.

Personally, I hope Kaitlin stays because she has been on fire during some of these competitions. She won last weeks Veto and is SO confident in HoH competitions. I don’t like her personality, but without Jeremy, she’s been significantly more likeable, and I’ve always liked to root for competitive females that can bring out a win when they need to (excluding this week), a la Janelle.

Interestingly enough, “The People’s HoH” Helen appears to be the swing vote this week. Whether she decides to vote against Aaryn or Kaitlin may have a huge impact on the dynamics of the game. As we all know, 3 days is an eternity in the Big Brother house, so don’t confidently place any bets quite yet.
