After the eviction last night, Helen was named the next Head of Household. Not too long after that, they began questioning the identity of the “4th vote” against Elissa. As was expected, McCrae told Amanda, Judd, Helen, Elissa, and Andy about the Moving Company. Knowing this, Helen began suspecting Howard and Spencer heavily, and told Spencer that he had 24 hours for him to be completely honest with her.
The next day, Howard and Spencer found it in their best interest to come clean completely about the Moving Company and try to make amends to rectify the situation. Howard and Spencer came clean to Helen, who bawled and kept repeating that she loved them and only said nice things about them. Helen then told Howard that if he were nominated, he would not be the target, but she would only do it to make it clear that she was hurt. Later that night, Howard and Spencer told the rest of the HoH crew [Candice, Judd, Amanda, McCrae, and Elissa] about everything. They pretty much just begged for forgiveness a billion times.
The Have/Have Not competition also took place yesterday. We don’t know much about the competition, but it appeared to be very messy because all of the Houseguests were running to the showers afterward.
The Have Nots for the week are: Jessie, Judd, Amanda, and McCrae.
Meanwhile, Helen talked to each of the Houseguests about where they stand in the house in order to determine her nominees. She told Aaryn and Kaitlin that if they were to be on the block this week, they would only be pawns. About midway through the day, the feeds came back and it became clear that
Helen has nominated Kaitlin and Aaryn for eviction.
What’s the logic behind this? Well, Helen’s master plan for the week is to have Jeremy evicted. However, everyone is afraid that if she nominated him directly, he would win the Power of Veto and take himself off the block. That being said, by nominating Kaitlin and Aaryn, there is a strong chance that Jeremy won’t even be able to participate in the Veto competition, so Helen can end up backdooring him this week.
As for the new MVP…she is not new at all. Elissa has won the MVP position yet again. The HoH crew wishes for her to nominate Howard this week. It’s looking like if for whatever reason, the Veto is not used and Jeremy is not put on the block, they want to be able to take out Howard. Elissa is not very thrilled at the idea of nominating Howard because she likes him a lot on a personal level and is afraid because there is a strong chance that Jeremy will leave this week, but that means Howard will stay. If he stays, he AND Candice will be gunning after Elissa because she nominated him. Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and Helen are still pushing her hard to nominate him, however.
That’s all for now. Tomorrow’s update will contain the MVP nomination and the Veto competition results.
Check back!