America’s Got Talent – EP 14 – 10 Acts Compete for the Top 10 – VIDEO

We won’t find out who made the Top 10 until tomorrows special elimination episode. So tonight, we’re treated to tons and tons of lovely filler.

Last year’s winner, Terry Fator comes back to perform with his puppets. He’s a ventriloquist, but I have to say he’s good. And very clever. Not that I’d ever pay good money to see him perform. He’s opening at the Mirage next week.

More recap and VIDEO after the JUMP…

Sickstep – They teach dance by day, dance hip hop by night. Eh. The tricks are kinda lame. If they want to advance or play Las Vegas, they’ll have to pull out all the stops. Piers doesn’t think they are improving with each performance. He didn’t think they were tight enough. Sharon says, “Great energy, I love your choreography, but I want to see more gymnastics.” Hoff says, “I know you guys are going to be voted back…you brought more attitude…but you’ve got to make it even tighter.”

Donald Braswell – This is the singer who overcame a vocal cord injury, didn’t make the Top 40 but was brought back through a wild card round when one of the acts had to withdraw from the competition. He’s advanced to the Top 20, but will he advance even further? Oh he’s singing “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera. *waves* Hi David Cook fans dropping in to this thread for the first time! It’s a beautiful performance. I dare say I like him better than judges’ favorite, Neal E. Boyd. Piers says, “I’m beginning to hate the sight of you…every time you come back I’m reminded that we rejected you from the Top 40…my God we were wrong about you…you are the Rocky Balboa of our show…you could win the title.” Sharon, “Great song choice…I would like to have you sing something uptempo…” Hoff says, “That is a hard song, and you take my breath away…you’ve got a major career.”

Joseph Hall – I wonder if the crappy Elvis impersonator is going to step it up this week? Oh. He’s doing the old, fat Elvis. Except Joseph is neither old nor fat. His leg is jiggling like he’s got some nervous tick. This is really bad. He sounds like Elvis a little bit, but he’s completely lacking the energy and charm of the king. He’s really tentative and awkward on stage. Seriously, how did this guy get through in the first place? Piers says, “Elvis is back in the building. That was the performance I say in your audition.” Huh? Sharon says, “You are packing it tonight” Ok, I’m not the only one that noticed that. She adds, “The show needs more of you darling.” Hoff says, “You sounded so much like Elvis, I thought I was listening to a track.”

The Taubl family – I thought they barely held it together last week, but this performance is kind of a hot mess. They’re back to doing more traditional fare–a treacly song called “Do You Believe in Miracles.” The girls start off with solos, and then the whole family joins in. Their harmonies always sound off to me. Piers thought the beginning was boring, but it came together in the end. Sharon disagrees, “The song was beautiful…love you.” Hoff says, “It was a bit squirrely in the beginning…you’re powerful as a family.”

Sarah Lenore – She’s the other blond singer in the Top 20 (the other being Jessica Price). She’s a big belter, but she’s chosen to sing a softer song tonight. Well, that’s what she says. I don’t really consider “Bleeding Love” a softer song. It serves up ample opportunities for belting. Or shouting. Although, she is holding back, rather than screaming her way through it. She’s doing all those little yippy throat sounds that Leona Lewis does. Hm. It’s almost too restrained. Piers calls it a brave song choice. He says, “You sang it well, but not brilliantly.” He thinks she should stick to country music. Sharon says, “Huge song, you tried to make it your own, but you didn’t…I just don’t think we’ve seen the best of you.” Hoff says, “We’ve got to vote you back, that was the wrong song…go back to those roots.”

Nuttin But Stringz – Hip Hop violinists, baby. These guys are pretty fierce. They are virtuoso violin players and they incorporate their classical training into the Hip Hop world in a very engaging, creative way. Piers says, “It’s emotional and passionate…you bring two worlds together…you deserve to win.” Sharon, “You tailored your show for a much younger audience…you get away with it…you have to come back next week.” Hoff says, “Four words, Nuttin but the finals.” Oh that Hoff, he’s so clever! Gah.

Kaitlyn Maher – She’s only 4 years old, and she’s already addicted to fame! Eep. She likes that the judges like her. What’s going to happen when they reject her? Will she understand? Ugh. A 4 year old does not belong in a competition like this. She warbles another Disney song, “Beauty and the Beast”. They seem to be her specialty. It’s amazing that she remembers all the words and her timing is so spot on. Her parental units must spend many many hours rehearsing her, and that just seems so wrong. Oh look, she’s incorporated arm movements like Sharon asked her to last week. She’s such a cute little girl, but this whole deal just doesn’t smell right to me. “I had fun and I practiced hard, ” says Kaitlyn. Bleah. It looks like the producers have decided it’s time for her to go. Hm. Piers says, “I think you’ve done brilliantly, you are our little princess…I don’t think you’re quite there yet…but I think you’re terrific.” Thank You! She parrots uncomprehendingly. Sharon compliments Kaitlyn on taking her direction. Then she asks Kaitlyn to tell her daughter Kelly (who must be having a breakdown, or something) to cheer up. “Cheer up Kelly!” parrots Kaitlyn. Hoff says, “It’s not important that you make it to the Top 10…what’s important is that you brought this country together…you make people smile…” Do you think she understood a word of that? The poor thing looks really confused. She’s only 4. I hope her parents prepare her properly for the eventual let down.

The Tapping Dads – Well, these guys pretty much suck. They need to go this week. I don’t care about how dancing brings them closer to their daughters. Take them to a movie or an amusement park. That’s what my Dad did, and we were plenty close enough. Mkay? Just get off my Tee Vee screen. Piers has a history of loathing this act. But, this week he says, “Something was holding me back [from buzzing]…there is something about your determination and spirit that’s beginning to get to me.” Sharon says, “I think your standard of dancing is getting massively better…I can see you in Vegas.” Hoff says, “I’m so glad I didn’t buzz you off…Fred Astair is rolling over in his grave, because you guys are getting better.” What?
And, why does Hoff feel the need to scream at me?

Eli Mattson – Oh wow, is he singing what I think he’s singing? Yes! He’s performing Alicia Keys’, “If I Ain’t Got You”. Interesting and risky move to sing a tune associated so strongly with a female singer. He definitely makes it his own, although I have to say, it’s not one of my favorite performances. But still, it’s more than enough to move him into the Top 10, I think. Piers says, “You can sing any song, and you would do it your way.” Then he tells him that he’d buy his album right now. Sharon says, “Watch your intonation when you sing in your local register…I look forward to seeing you next week.” Hoff agrees with Sharon about the lower register, but says, “You sing with so much emotion…you really are the piano man.” Yeah, I have to say I agree with Sharon and Hoff about his lower register. But, I still love him.

Jerry Springer announces that October 17 is the finale…

Jonathan Burkin – Baton twirler Jonathon Burkin twirls to Elton John’s version of “Pinball Wizard”. He’s added more acrobatics to the act, and I swear he’s throwing those batons higher. And he makes it look so easy. He really is fabulous! He better make the Top 10. Piers says, “I was absolutely sure you were going to drop one tonight” OMG Piers thinks that crappy Elvis impersonator is tough competition for the awesomely awesome Jonathan Burkin? Hell to the no. Sharon says, “Well done, I hope to see you next week.” Hoff says, “You did it again…you’ll be voted back man, you are too good.” Indeed, he is.

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!