I’m gonna start off this piece by patting myself on the back for correctly predicting all of the acts that went through to the semis last week. *Pats self on back.* Anyway, now that that is out of the way, lets move on and take a deeper look at the 12 acts poised to perform this week. Please keep in mind that this is all preliminary and I could be totally wrong about my predictions; these are all just my guesses for how the show will go. So without further ado, please check out my predictions below.
Note- Since we are yet to see Cornell Bhangra perform, I have exempt them from my rankings. However, based on the fact that they are sort of a wildcard and thus will be hyped accordingly, I’m predicting they will end up advancing.
11 – Keiran and Finian (Band)- This week is a little up in the air going into predictions. This is the first time that I am a little stumped on how things will fall and how everyone will end up ranked. I’m not gonna bring up that Beach Avenue were miles better then these guys, but K&F still are remarkably talented. Compared to other acts in this shuffle, they don’t come close to holding up. Unless they really have a breakout moment, which I doubt, I think they will be going home this week.
10 – AcroArmy (Acrobatics) – Eh, they are ok. I have seen the same acts and tricks before done much better. The thing these guys need is a hook or anything that makes them memorable, because they keep just fading into the background to me. I don’t think there is much of a chance of them advancing this week.
9 – Mike Super (Magic)- I’m not getting the whole supernatural shtick. It just seems like a gimmick that if it wasn’t there, he would just be your typical magician. I think Mat from last week is miles better, but if Mike can pull of a good trick, I’m sure the judges will eat it up, but for now, I just don’t know.
8 – Dragon House “The Agents” (Dance Act) – Wow, these guys are really good. Here is the thing with them; we haven’t seen them so much so they have a huge element of surprise. I think if anyone is going to come out of nowhere and give an epic performance it will be these guys. Thing is, right now, many people are already sold on certain acts and have decided on who they are voting for. I think though, if they don’t mess up and really dazzle America, I think they will have an awesome shot of advancing. I’m rooting for these guys.
7 – Wendy Liebman (Comedian) – I didn’t find her that funny, but she can still surprise us. Like Dan Naturman, she has potential to move up, but she also has Darik Santos potential of falling flat on her face. Tomorrows performance will solidify her placing, but for now based on what we’ve seen, she is in the middle for me.
6 – Adrian Romoff (Pianist) – I’m pretty sure this kid has an evil plan to take over the world. I’m torn on this kid. I kinda can’t stand his whole smart thing going, but I just can’t deny his talent. Granted, I can’t really blame a nine year old for anything as his personality (hopefully) isn’t fully developed, but more on that another time. The thing is, Adrian is really talented. The show really has been pushing him and his audition has the most views on Youtube of any contestant this season. I think if he keeps his mouth shut and just gives an incredible piano cover he has a legitimate chance of advancing. I kinda also really want to hear him do a piano cover of 100 Years, by Five For Fighting. I just hope and pray he doesn’t end up trying to sing.
5 – Christian Stoinev (Dancer) – Dawwwww, he is a tough guy acrobatic, but he brings along his adorable dog to help with the act. I’d vote for him just for the dog, but add in the fact that he seems like a nice guy who is really built, the teenage and older girls will be shooting him tons of votes. The wholesomeness the dog adds to the act and the fact that the guy is capable of some pretty remarkable moves makes me pretty sure he will end up advancing. It might come down to the judges deciding who will advance because the night is so full of talent, but if it does come to that, I’m pretty sure he will advance regardless.
4 – Sons of Serendip – I love the lead singer’s voice! The dreamlike interpretation makes their performances entrancing and I just love their song choices! These guys haven’t had a miss yet and every performance has peaked my curiosity more and more. I honestly can’t wait to see what these guys are doing tonight. I don’t know if America loves them as much as I do, but we will know by tomorrow when we get the results.
3 – Blue Journey (Shadow Dancers)- Blue Journey is definitely a favorite of mine going into this round. I love their dancing and how the projection interacts with the performance. I hope they can pull off a winner tonight so they will advance! Going forward however, if they do manage to advance this week, going up against Aerial Animation will be rough and I’m pretty sure they won’t come out on top there, but for this week, I think they have enough momentum riding with them that they will advance.
2 – Paul Ieti (Singer)- I honestly am not a fan, but the judges (aka the producers), go nuts over this guys voice! The only reason I have Anna beating him is because she is more marketable, but if it wasn’t for that, he would be number one. Paul does nothing for me, I think his voice is kinda forgettable and he has only succeeded so much on this show based on his back story. However, with the producers backing him, I don’t see how he doesn’t advance.
1 – Anna Clendening (Singer)- The week before last week it was Emily, last week was Darik and this week my favorite going into the show is Anna. Anna has a lot going for her into this live show: she has the whole sob story, a pretty strong voice and a certain marketability that Emily doesn’t have. I hope Anna can pull off a good performance this week because I think we need someone in this competition who is current. I do worry for her and her stage fright, but I feel like if she gives a halfway decent performance she will advance. In my opinion, with all the camera time the producers have been giving her, she is the closest thing to a lock.
Who Should Advance: Anna Clendening, Blue Journey, Sons of Serendip, Christian Stoinev and Dragon House “The Agents.”
Who Will Advance: Paul Ieti, Cornell Bhangra, Anna Clendening, Christian Stoinev and Adrian Romoff.
So those are my thoughts, what are yours? Sound off in the comments below! And as always, if you think I’m cool, you can follow me @adamhsamuel on Twitter.