I’m going to be live-blogging the third night of semifinals tonight on America’s Got Talent. Last week was bittersweet for me, as some of the acts (cough cough Jaycob cough) didn’t deserve to make it through but did anyway. Meanwhile, other acts who did deserve to make it through (John and Andrew) didn’t. Tonight’s show has several acts I am looking forward to seeing again (Anna Clendening, Blue Journey, Sons of Serendip, Christian Stoinev) as well as one act I’m really looking forward to hopefully not seeing again for several years minimum after tomorrow (#freeAdrianRomoff). This is sure to be an interesting night full of cheering and clenched fists for me. But I digress. The show starts at 9 EST, please join me in the comments!
Here we go! The talent is so hot we might get burned. Ok then. Nick Cannon comes out without a hat but wearing all purple. Ok then. 12 acts are fighting for 5 spots-it’s intense. Oh, Howie is wearing the hat instead of Nick. Howie is looking to be entertained. Howie mentions Robin Williams, hopes that someone talented tonight will fill at least a tiny part of the huge void he left behind.
First up is Dragon House “The Agents”. They met a few years ago, their goal is to look like animation in real life. One guy’s hair looks really weird. They are going all in on dance. I mean, it’s sorta cool but not nearly as cool as I thought they would be. They do sorta look like they are a web video stuttering-its neat, but how many times would I need to see it? Lots of laser lights. Mel B says it was a great way to open the show, calls them current, hip, etc. Howie calls it exciting, starts to do an ad for something (I didn’t catch what), but then just calls them great. Howard says it is getting a bit similar each time. Exactly my problem. Heidi agrees with Howard calling it a bit repetitive. Howard is giving them constructive criticism, while saying he likes them. Some light shade=throwing under the bus when only 5/12 acts can make it through. Goodbye agents. I wish you really did “more than enough” like weird hair guy said.
After our first commercial break, we return with our next act. Anna Clendening is the 21 year old singer with severe anxiety. Let’s hope she does great tonight-I’m sure she can. We see her entire backstory again to hammer it in. She is certainly inspiring, but let’s let the focus be on her talent. She sings Human by Christina Perri. And she is pretty good. She is not the best singer on this show this year, but she is probably good enough to make it through tonight. Howie rambles about her story before simply saying “thank you.” Heidi gives her props and hopes she will keep going. Howard comments on her hair looking nice, then says that it wasn’t as passionate as her previous two performances, then closes by saying “I liked it”. Mel B loved it. Anna says there are no words to describe how she feels. I think next time she needs to dramatically change up the song to stay in-that’s how she can differentiate herself.
Tomorrow night, last year’s winner and runner up return. But first, our next act. Cornell Bhangra won the Today’s Got Talent vote. They are nerdy. This is certainly cool looking and I’ve never seen this type of dance before. A dancer in the audience comes up on stage halfway through. Yep they are definitely making it through. I’d be shocked otherwise. Heidi was surprised by the guy who came up halfway through. Howard enjoyed the act, was impressed when they didn’t fall off the stage. Mel B was terrified by random guy, says it was “off the chain”. Howie loved that they mixed it up, asks how they say “Harry Styles” in “whatever language you speak.” Oh Howie, that was borderline racist. They say thank you for the opportunity.
Keiran and Finian Makepeace are up next. Their dad has been a huge supporter of them. Four years ago, their dad was diagnosed with cancer. They want his last years to be amazing. Wow, was this sob story shown before? I sorta relate, but I don’t think that a sob story is necessary at this stage in the competition, or ever really. They sing Lights by Ellie Goulding but it sounds totally different-stripped back. This is pretty good. They then switch instruments and speed it up a bit. Wow, that was really short. Hard to form an opinion. Heidi thought they took all the fun out of it. Mel B loved it, thought they took us somewhere with it, made it their own. Mel B can’t resist calling them attractive. Howie calls them adorable jokingly. He says they were good but low energy. Howard thought it lacked something, but loves that they take risks. But he doesn’t think America will vote them through.
Next up is Mike Super, who is as normal as they get. He drives his kids around at night. Desmond is his spirit energy. Even his daughter says “Desmond is daddy’s imaginary friend.” Mike brings Mel B on stage. It doesn’t matter if we believe in Desmond, it matters that we are entertained. Mel B does not believe in Desmond. Mike brought his scary spice doll. Wow that was crazy-Mel B felt everything that happened to the voodoo doll including being burned and tazered. Mel B screams and curses, and exclaims she isn’t paid enough. Howard doesn’t think that Desmond is necessary, thought his children were traumatized. Howie thought he was amazing. Mel B keeps saying how it really hurt. Damn. That was certainly a cool trick but I don’t know who would volunteer at any of his shows after seeing this. Having said that, I was entertained, or at least intrigued. I totally agree with Howard on the fact that Desmond is an unnecessary part of the act.
UGH. Here’s Adrian Romoff. We see all of his awards. He describes his day, and fun isn’t mentioned. Olga, you are a horrible parent. He wouldn’t be here without his mother. Oh god. Unnecessary explosion. Then its just Adrian playing piano. That’s it. If I weren’t so angry, I’d be bored out of my mind. Heidi stands up for no reason. Howie calls him a phenom, boytoven. Howard reminds us he is a nine year old. Exactly. That’s the problem. Howard jokes about him being a strip club owner or Steve Jobs. Heidi loves watching him. God, I’m fuming. Mel B says he is entertaining. He says he realizes how entertaining he is. What an arrogant kid. He says he had fun up there. Great. I’m praying he goes home but now I know that’s not happening for me. If he wins I eat my TV-to quote my fellow blogger Adam. #FreeAdrianRomoff – please tweet it, spread the word. I can’t sit through him another week.
Acro Army are up next. 17 acrobats from all over the country. 12-27. Their leader was on America’s Got Talent in season 1, and he is filling in for one of them tonight. This is cool to watch, and the tricks are pretty intense. Lots of flips, and high drops. Three judges stand up-all but Howard. Howard does say that he love love loves them. Heidi says they are exactly what she wants to see on this show. Mel B says it was amazing, they had her on the edge of her seat. Howie says they draw people to watch the show, he was glad the mics were off because it is a family show.
Comedian Wendy Leibman is up next. I need a laugh after Adrian. She does laundry all day. She wants to pursue her dream because her sons are older now. She jokes about perfume, finding money in the tip jar at starbucks, bikinis, twitter accounts, and lying about her age. All four judges stand up. She was funny, but not standing-o worthy. Heidi loves the rambling style of delivery. Mel B is happy that someone made her laugh from start to finish. Howard was happy that she owned the stage, came out like a rock star. Howie makes another joke about her age, then says her job was the hardest. I think she might make it through but I’m not entirely sure.
And we’re back. Sons of Serendip are up next. They talk about each other. They want the group to work out. They perform Wicked Game, and the lead singer is by far the best male singer on the show this year. They almost have an angelic quality to their sound. Three judges stand up, Howard stays seated. Mel B says they seem like they have been performing together. Howie says their sound is soothing, they make him feel good. Howard says we have tough decisions to make, they knocked it out of the park, like a massage. Heidi says they made the song better. I hope they make it through, they are my favorites of tonight so far.
Without a commercial break, we go into the next act, Blue Journey. They have only had days to put this together due to living far apart. The floor disappears under them. I will say, David Middendorp is a really phenomenal choreographer. The visuals are so beyond cool and (rightfully so), all four judges stand up. Heidi called it sophisticated, and inventive, but thinks that it was hard for the audience in the room to see. Mel B wants them to win. I wouldn’t mind that-they are supremely talented and the act is inventive. Howie says we were Middendorped. Howie says it was the best dance he has ever seen on this show. Howard agrees, says we see so many dancers, but this is something special. Well they are through. I don’t know if I like them or Aerial Animation better, but they are the two best dance acts this year.
Christian Stoinev is next. The video package focuses on his dog Scooby. And with good reason. The dog was the smartest addition to any act I’ve ever seen. And the dog is extremely well trained, even doing hand balancing itself at the end of the act. And Christian is incredibly strong. And all four judges stand up. This was amazing. Heidi loved it, thought it was one of the best things she’s seen in a long time. Howard calls it his favorite act of the night, and it’s certainly up there for me. Howie loved it too. They really messed up by putting so many great acts on this show tonight. It’s unbalanced. I could have let 7 acts through this week and only 3 through the first or second weeks. Christian calls being on the stage surreal, he’s getting emotional.
Soldier/singer Paul Ieti closes the show tonight. He was deployed into Afghanistan. His love for music comforted him. He sings You and I by 1D. And I like Harry and Liam better. His voice just isn’t as good as the other acts we have seen tonight. This was off. At several points his voice cracked. And it just wasn’t enough. Wrong order of acts tonight. Heidi is nice, likes it. Mel B says it was the perfect way to end the night, loves his tone. Howie says he gave us a difficult decision, he was amazing. Howard thinks he played it a little safe, isn’t sure he will go through.
My predictions? I think Christian Stoinev and Blue Journey are the only two acts sure to go through. I hope Sons of Serendip make it, and I hope that Wendy makes it. As long as Adrian doesn’t make it, I’m good. Regardless, I’ll be back to liveblog the results tomorrow night.