I will be liveblogging the second night of Judgement Week on America’s Got Talent, assuming my power stays on (a thunderstorm is rolling through my area as I type this). Tonight, we find out who will be performing at Radio City Music Hall starting next week. Tonight’s show starts at 8 PM EST, please join me in the comments!
We hear Howie Mandel and the other judges in booming echoey voiceover form talking about how much talent America has and how the acts are going to be cut in half.
First category tonight is kids variety.
First up is Adrian Romoff, the 9 year old piano player/prodigy/mini me. He is five grades ahead of where he should be. Let’s see if I hate him less today. So he can play piano really well. Nothing special about this act other than the fact that he is so young. And frankly that’s the most irritating part of the act. He should be allowed to have a childhood. Howie agrees with me. Howard doesn’t.
Byamba’s Contortion Girls are making patterns with their bodies. So they are flexible. Nothing really special about this act either.]
Kacey and Gabe live three hours away from each other and don’t have much rehearsal time. They dance to…oh god, Selfie. And they are a little bit off time I think, but with their rehearsal time lacking that’s ok.
Carter and Anita are also kid dancers but they aren’t as good. And they’ve been rehearsing six+ hours a day. Wow, Adrian was critiquing them and wasn’t very nice. I officially HATE. THIS. KID’S. PARENTS. He’s too young to be blamed.
And we go to a commercial break so I can calm down and stop myself from throwing stuff at the TV.
Next category is Music Groups. The Willis Clan, which is the family with 12 kids, are up first. They sing Owl City’s crapfest song Fireflies. They are good I guess but nothing too special. Heidi thinks that they are not strong enough vocally.
Beach Avenue are next, they were really great in their audition. We see 20 seconds of them before Howie complains about their song. I liked it.
Kieran and Finian Makepeace are next, doing another original. I liked Beach Avenue better.
Jonah Smith is 38 and sells insurance for a living. He wants to play with his band for a living. His drummer is not coming apparently. Let’s see what happens after the commercial break.
Sons of Serendip are next, Jonah will attempt to find a drummer while everyone else goes. They were great in their audition. They are performing “I Can’t Make You Love Me.” I LOVE their lead singer.
Livy, Matt, and Sammy sing Hey Ya, but it’s really not good. Maybe because the song sucks, maybe because they aren’t so great.
Jonah is up now, and let’s see if it works out. I think he’s pretty great. He has a nice tone, and the band was really great for a last minute arrangement.
Howie keeps complaining about original songs. I don’t get the complaint, AGT needs to differentiate their singers from other shows. Let this show have originals, let the other shows have covers.
The variety category is next. Wow, Emanuel and Phillip Hudson are arrogant.
Dustin’s Dojo are first, and they are polarizing. I like them, they are really funny. Howard might become an attacker-LOL. They are goners sadly because the female judges suck.
Bob Markworth and Mayana screw up several tricks with the crossbow. They are goners.
Mudslinger is back and he screws up a trick, picks the wrong answer to a question. Goners.
The Hudson Brothers are back and I’m so excited for them to hopefully go home. And they are goners-none of the judges liked them.
Flight Crew Jump Rope are doing tricks with jump rope and none of them are tripping so I’m impressed.
The judges were disappointed with this category, say they got caught up with the audience sometimes. Praying that the lack of impressive acts means Dustin’s Dojo have a chance.
Male singers is the next category.
Frank Dimitri is the jazzy singer in his 70s. He’s good, but nothing too special as far as I can see.
Jaycob Curlee was the singer who was abandoned by his parents as a child. He sings Free Falling by Tom Petty to thank his mom, tell her how much he loves her. He’s not very good. Howard didn’t think it went well, thought he was really nervous.
Justin Rhodes is next up, he was the singer whose father didn’t want him to play for a career. He sings Human, and at least he is singing a song on which he sounds different than the original. The last note was a little iffy, but the rest was pretty good.
Sal Gonzales was the Iraq veteran who lost his leg. He has a nice tone, again not too special but I liked him better than every other male singer so far. The judges didn’t like it at all really.
Miguel Dakota is the Harry Styles lookalike who sang “Too Close” for his audition. He sings Kris Allen’s version of Heartless but without as good of a voice. I mean, he’s better than the others so far but it’s not mind blowing. The judges, who I expected to crown him then and there, were lukewarm in their praise.
Paul Ieti is the soldier who has a very high pitched voice. He sings God Bless The Broken Road, and he’s great. I don’t love the song but I liked him. They play up his confidence issues, but I didn’t see them in that performance.
Paul Ieti is put through immediately to live shows.
Next category is Dance Crews.
Bad Boys of Ballet are six men and a woman, doing fast dance moves. They were good, but I agree with Howard in not liking that routine.
Baila Conmigo was the salsa dance group which brought out the younger dancers halfway through. One dancer screws up a little bit, but I think they still deserve to go through. They were unique and on point overall. I love the idea of the act.
Tic & Tac Entertianment are doing awesome tricks, and I see lots of potential with them.
Jasmine Flowers was the group who did the visuals with the paper fans, and they were really impressive again this time.
Baila Conmigo make it through to Radio City, well deserved.
Next category is acrobatic groups.
AcroArmy is an acrobatic group whose choreographer was on the first season of America’s Got Talent. They are really great, combining balancing, flips, and dancing. I hope they make it through.
XPOGO Stunt Team are the pogo stick dancers, now with flaming pogo sticks. The fires went out mid-routine by accident. I still liked them.
Richard and Ashley are ballet dancers turned circus artists. They are planning on getting married in three years when they can afford it. We cut to commercial before they start. Mid-routine he drops her, and they are goners because of it.
Christian Stoinev is a fifth generation hand balancer. He was really impressive last time. He brings out a dog to stand on him/walk on him while he flips this time. The dog’s name is Scooby for those who were wondering. Howard commends him for doing something different. I agree-that was very smart of him to add something to his act.
Time for decisions. These results are confusing so far, I don’t know who is through and who is going home based on how they are showing this. But from what I can tell, nobody is through yet.
Lots of decisions were made really quickly, and I couldn’t get them all down. So I’m going to edit this post in a few when the live show lineup is posted online.
Quick thoughts: Sad about Dustins Dojo. PISSED about Adrian. Happy for Kelli Glover.
I won’t be liveblogging next week because I’m going to California on vacation with my family. I hope to catch up on the show at some point before the second live show starts and add quick thoughts to the start of that liveblog.
Through to live shows today
Acro Army, Sean and Luke, Jasmine Flower, Dragon House, Jaycob Curlee, Miguel Dakota, Adrian Romoff, Sons of Serendip, The Willis Clan, Christian Stoinev, Flight Crew Jump Rope, Loop Rawlins, JD Anderson, Juan Carlos, Julia Goodwin, Kieran and Finian MakePeace, Livy Matt and Sammy, Wendy Liebman, Darik Santos, Mat Franco, Anna Clendening, Emily West, Kelli Glover, Paul Ieti, Baila Conmigo
Announced as safe via Twitter
Smoothini, Bad Boys of Ballet, Aerial Animation, One Voice Children’s Choir, Extreme Dance Company, Mike Super, Mothmen Dance, Nina Burri
Performing Next Week
Miguel Dakota, Flight Crew Jump Rope, Julia Goodwin, Jasmine Flowers, Emily West, Dan Naturman, The Willis Clan, Sean and Luke, Baila Connmigo, J.D. Anderson, Valo & Bobby, David & Leeman