It’s the wildcard show. Each of the judges gets to bring back 4 acts previously looked over by the judges and the viewers.
Tonight’s show was a big improvement over last week. But is that really saying much? Howard had to keep reminding us that it was the best show EVER. It was as if repeating it enough would make it true. The acts I think are going to advance to the semi-finals are: Ben Blacque, Andre De Leon, Spencer Horsman and Todd Oliver.
Spencer Horsman – Escape artist brought back by Howard – If his escape doesn’t work, he’ll be engulfed by wet cement. Oh my. Well, he was engulfed in wet cement, and appeared to barely escape. That was actually kind of exciting. This was much better than his last act. The judges really loved it. Gave him a standing ovation. “You definitely delivered tonight,” says Sharon. “the last person who tried out this trick it didn’t work out for was Jimmy Huffa,” quips Howie – 1-866-602-4801
All That – All male clogging group brought back by Sharon – OMG. Sharon told them to go shirtless and oil up. Well. That didn’t really happen. Only one of them was stripped at the very end by his bros. Sharon wasn’t disappointed, however. They upped the production values, with back screen projection of their performance and pyrotechnics. The music they used was “Nuttin’ But Strings.” Howie doesn’t think it was exciting enough to move on. Howard agrees and thinks one guy needed to be singled out. They are pretty talented, but I agree with Howard and Howie. Ho hum. – 1-866-602-4802
Jarrett and Raja – Howie brought back the piano player and the magician. WHY? Their act is pointless. The magician made the piano player disappear and the reappear out in the audience, but I still have to wonder how they can top themselves. I still think the piano player is superfluous. Howie thought it was spectacular. Howard felt they redeemed themselves. Sharon thought it was spectacular. – 1-866-602-4803
Jake Wesley Rogers – Sharon brought back a fifteen year old – He sings “Edge of Glory” in a natty bow tie. When he’s old enough, he should audition for Glee. He’s not a great singer, but he does have style and personality and some stage presence. Not good enough to advance, I don’t think. Sharon is proud of him. Howie liked his singing, but he doesn’t think it’s the year of the singer. Aw. The look on his face when Howie said he wouldn’t move on. Howard doesn’t think he makes “that connection.” – 1-866-602-4804
Cristin Sandu – Howie brought back a balancing act – He fell last time, so Howie gave him a second chance.. But still, I think this dude is a one trick pony. Balancing on a pike of metal drums is interesting…maybe once. He’s surrounded by a ring of fire. OH NO HE FELL AGAIN. TOTAL FAIL. He kicks one of his barrels. He’s close to tears. Poor guy. Howie feels bad. Howard still thinks he’s exciting even if he can’t make it work. Sharon calls him Mr. Dangerous. Cristin promises us that it worked every time in rehearsal. – 1-866-602-4805
Todd Oliver – Howard brought back the ventriloquist with the live dog. The act was clever, but the writing was awful. Irving the dog is running for president. This is better than last week. But still really corny. I can see these jokes coming from a mile away. Howard thanks him for taking his advice to do a topical monologue. “Great material,” says Sharon. “America is going to have a tough time deciding,” says Howie. – 1-866-602-4806
Banbaz Brothers – Sharon brought back an acrobatic act. They got cut in Las Vegas. Somebody in their family got killed trying to do this trick. Eep. They each have a piece of pipe in their mouths and balance on top of each other for a few seconds. Uhm. So? Sharon calls it “breathtaking.” Howard knows how difficult it was, and feels they pulled it off. One of the brothers is 59 years old and is in amazing shape. – 1-866-602-4807
Sebastien – Howie brought back a 10 year old Mariachi singer – He’s singing a song with a little Mariachi and a little Frank Sinatra. And indeed, he sings “New York New York” Mariachi style. Hm. Not a big fan of the little kid acts. His vocal skills did not match the difficulty of the song. Howie calls him an entertainer and a star. Sharon thinks Howie is on a roll. Sharon thought it was superb. Howard noted that singing in English revealed his vocal weaknesses (YEP). – 1-866-602-4808
Horse – Howard brings back the guy who gets hit in the nuts. NO SURPRISE THERE. He’s stripped down to his underwear, and hit in the nuts with a variety of implements. He’s also jumping on stuff. Howard obviously loves it. Howie never shuts up about what a great night it’s been. He thinks Horse is hysterical. “You are nuts,” says Howie. “I don’t think there’s one man in America that doesn’t have his nuts in his hands saying OWWW,” says Sharon. Horse invites Howard to hit him in the nuts, and he does THREE TIMES with a tennis ball bazooka.- 1-866-602-4809
Lindsey Norton – Sharon brings back a teen dancer – She’s a good, but she performs like a competition dancer. There’s no artistry in her routines. She incorporates showy tricks–it’s really not dancing. Sharon liked the way she used the stage. Howard thinks there is too much competition tonight for her to advance. Howie agrees with Howard. Gosh she’s perky! – 1-866-602-4810
Andre De Leon – Howie brings back the goth boy soprano – Cut in Las Vegas, he swears he never sang in front of an audience before. He sticks to straight opera this time, and he acquits himself nicely. The crowd went nuts for that. “You redeemed yourself,” says Howie. Howard says, “You were terrific. A beautiful night for you.” Sharon thought it was a winning performance. – 1-866-602-4811
Ben Blacque – Howard brings back a cross bow act – That went on longer than it needed to, but his very last trick, shooting an apple off of his own head while blindfolded, was pretty spectacular. Howard says, “I’m sick of singers. You brought the danger.” “You guys ended the night on a spectacular note,” says Howie. I thought the act would go through last time. They deserve to make the semi-finals. – 1-866-602-4812