American Idol Top 8 Get ZOMBIFIED!

The American Idol Top 8 get zombified for this week’s Ford Music video.

Paul McDonald tweets, “Fun day at the Ford video shoot. This should be a good one. The zombies looked legit!

Unfortunately, Paul doesn’t get to play dress up, “No zombie get up for me! Today I play a super chill dude in a hoodie that throws the frisbee!”

See more photos after the jump.

More photos after the jump…

@AmericanIdol: “What happened at our #Idol party last night? Some of these guys are lookin’ a li’l rough. Haha!”

Paul McDonald tweets, “No zombie get up for me! Today I play a super chill dude in a hoodie that throws the frisbee!”

@American Idol: “How @JDurbinAI10 really got his crazy rocker register…hehe”

@American Idol: “Cuz this is Thriller – Triller Nite! Our @Ford music video is ZOMBIED OUT! Hope we find a cure by Wed!”

About mj santilli 35172 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!