American Idol producers have issued a statement on the Nicki Minaj/Mariah Carey feud
“This is one of the best, most passionate, dynamic and invested judging panels we’ve ever had. We love and support all of the judges and the fantastic work they are doing, and we can’t imagine a better group to find the next AMERICAN IDOL. Despite all the accusations and media speculation — much of which is inaccurate — production is going extremely well today and the judges are focused on finding the best talent here in Baton Rouge.”
I would imagine that The Powers That Be would just like the entire situation to settle down and disappear. See Nigel. That’s what happens when you stir the pot! You’ve got two strong women on your judges panel this year, and they aren’t taking orders from you!
I just hope both Mariah and Nicki come to some sort of understanding and stop this silly bitch fight. Just recently on The View, Nicki spoke about wanting to be a strong role model for girls. Airing your catty feud in public? That ain’t it. It’s unsettling to me, personally to see the worst stereotypes about women reinforced through Mariah and Niki’s behavior.
If Nigel and his producers believe controversy is going to save his show, he’s wrong. Has it helped the X Factor any? No it hasn’t. American Idol is the gold standard of competitive singing shows. It earned that by casting GREAT talent worthy of viewers investment.Concentrate your efforts on casting and producing an entertaining show! And whatever PERSONAL drama goes on between judges or staff? WORK IT OUT BEHIND THE SCENES.
And chicas? Keep the passion BUT SHOW SOME RESPECT! Two strong women should be bonding and affirming each other NOT tearing each other down. Blargh.