Read today’s twitter responses to today’s tragic events in Newton Connecticut from Glee stars and alums from American Idol, X Factor and The Voice
I’m going to start off with The Voice, because Blake Shelton is getting his butt kicked for his pro-gun reaction: The “stand guard and defend” tweet has since been deleted. Oh Blake.
Blake Shelton: The killing of defenseless people and innocent children. I’m sad and sickened. This is why we all should be prepared to defend and guard. Stand strong and stand united everyone… We are Americans and we are better than this. What a sad sad disgusting day this is…My heart is so heavy right now… I can’t shake it off.
Javier Colon: My heart is heavy w/the news of the Newtown school shooting in my home state. So senseless! Sending prayers to all those families. WTF is wrong w/people!? Why on earth would someone harm innocent kids! Makes me fucking FURIOUS as a father. Heart goes out to those parents.
Nakia: Much love and many prayers to Newtown, CT Media should NOT be interviewing the children at that school today. They should be with their families and talking with counselors.
Dia Frampton: woke up to a pretty day in LA & then heard about the Newtown shooting. I feel sick. 27 dead, 18 children…more wounded. I don’t understand
American Idol alum
Danny Gokey: I think its time we reinstate God & Prayer back into our schools and in our country.
Alex Trugman responds to Danny: @dannygokey Lack of prayer in school is not what leads to this sort of thing. People can have morality without institutionalized religion
And Adam Lambert’s brother, Neil Lambert, weighs in!: yes yes, .@dannygokey no one has ever killed in the name of God you fucking moron.
Jessica Sanchez: My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by the tragedy in Newtown!! :(
Phillip Phillips: My prayers and thoughts go out to the families who lost their loved ones today. Such a heart breaking event. Need more love and peace
Heejun Han: 5am here in korea..prayers goes out to victims of tragedy…
Erika Van Pelt: We will never rid the world of cruel and evil human beings, but our power will always come from pulling together when the skies are dark.
Hollie Cavanagh: My heart is broken for all the victims and their families of the Connecticut shooting, you will be in my prayers through this horrific time
Kris Allen: It’s really sad to see what happened in CT today. My prayers go out for you.
Kevin Covais: So we have reached the point where kids can’t be safe at school? What the hell is wrong with people? Just so sickening.
Anthony Fedorov: Praying for all those involved with this horrible shooting in CT…
Jason Castro: Sometimes, words are not enough… Praying for the families in CT.
Blake Lewis: Today is a sad day. My heart goes out to all victims families in The Connecticut shooting. I can’t believe this has happened again.
Todrick Hall: Let us all stop thinking about how cute we look in our instagram pics for one moment, & pray for the families who lost their children today
Katharine McPhee: I’m so saddened over the shootings in CT. In light of such an evil act, #PrayForNewton.
Constantine Maroulis: I’m jus gettin the news about this horrible tragedy.. Malena will be starting school in a couple of years. Makes me cringe. #guncontrol
Chris Richardson: My heart pours out to the families who lost their children today too such a senseless and selfish act of violence. I’m truly saddened
Diana DeGarmo: Seeing the devastating news about Newton, CT. It’s so hard to comprehend. I cannot pray enough for those children & families.
Justin Guarini: #guncontrol
Tim Urban: Unbelievably heartbroken for the people in Newtown Connecticut. 26 people killed in a horrible tragedy. #PrayForNewtown
Matt Giraud: So so sad for these kids and staff at this school shooting in Connecticut. An elementary school?!?! So angry. It’s a new low. Wow…
Brandon Rogers: My heart goes out to all the families in CT. People can truly be horrible to each other. So many young lives cut short.
Stefano Langone: Wow, just heard about the school shootings… God be with everyone involved and their families. A true tragedy..
Jordin Sparks: Those precious children…I will never understand the evil in this world. On my knees praying for those families. I am in tears.
Brooke White: There’re days that you want to lock the door and hide under the bed with your family. This world is as broken as it is beautiful.
RJ Helton: Sending a prayer to the families and victims of the elementary shooting this morning in Connecticut. Devastating.
Katie Stevens: Im devastated to hear of the shooting at a Newtown Elementary this morning. Praying for the poor children and families affected by this evil. Nothing justifies this. Nothing. No mental imbalance… This is just pure evil. Love each other people, take care of one another. #prayforCT…We need to start at home. End the violence. Require people to get help if they have violent tendencies or have lost hold of reality.
Taylor Hicks: Praying for the families and victims in Connecticut.
Anthony Fedorov: Another school shooting?! What the f**k is going on with our country???!!!!!!! This is ridiculous!!!!!!! People are fu****g crazy man!!!
Alex Trugman: When it’s easier to get a gun than it is to vote, something is extremely fucked up. This should not be a controversial stance.
Kimberley Locke: OMG another school shooting?! This time in CT! What is wrong with people?! #horrified #cnn
Mandisa: Got off the bus & saw about the #CTshooting. Praying Is. 66:12 over CT. “God’s message: As a mother comforts her child,so I’ll comfort you.”
Bucky Covington: Thoughts and prayers to the victims and survivors in the CT tragedy… such horrible news.
Lee DeWyze: I’m sick to my stomach over the shooting.The victims, the children, their families.. I can’t even imagine what they’re going through… My prayers, and all of our thoughts and prayers should be with them, and to what the families will have to go through, and for the lives..That were lost. Senseless, and horrible. My heart goes out to all those families. Talk to you later guys.
Alexis Grace: ‘m so disturbed by what’s happened today in CT. My daughter is the same age as those children. I wish there was something I could do.
Pia Toscano: Children are so innocent & loving.. How could anyone hurt them, let alone take away their lives.. So disappointed in the world we live in.
Carrie Underwood: All my thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathies go out to the families in CT dealing with this tragedy. There are no words…
Jennifer Hudson: Yal, we need to pray! This can’t keep happening . My mama always said ” if u think you’ve seen it all just keep on living”.
Melinda Doolittle: Sitting here in shock, disbelief and tears as I read about those babies in Connecticut. I just don’t get it. Praying for everyone affected.
Michael Sarver: Lost my breath today hearing of the school shooting and those babies lives cut so short. Can’t wait to hug my babies! I feel angry inside to be honest! Not that I can do anything but geez! I wish the news wouldn’t even say the shooters name. Who cares what his name is. What about the names of those babies instead!?!
Lauren Alaina: Sending out lots of prayers to the families involved in the Newton Elementary School tragedy. My heart goes out to you. #trustinGod
David Cook: Just now seeing the news out of CT. Absolutely gut-wrenching. My thoughts and sympathies go out to all those impacted.
Phil Stacey: Just heard about the shooting in CT. This is the single most horrible tragedy of our time. God help us. Why children? Worse than terrorism.
Clay Aiken: Prayers for those affected by today’s horrific events. My heart hurts for the parents! Heaven is too crowded with new angels today. Let’s encourage the media to not speak the name of the demon involved in today’s CT shooting. He deserves no recognition!
Michael Lynche: Inconceivable what happened in Conn. today. Praying for those sweet innocent souls and their families tonight.
Chris Daughtry: I can’t believe what I’m seeing on the news. I’m devastated. Truly devastated. My heart is broken and goes out to the families and children involved.
Ace Young: My heart goes out to the families that are hurt directly from the events that took place today. #SandyHookElementary
Adam Lambert: Sending energy to the families who are suffering this horrible tragedy…
Elliott Yamin: #SandyHookElementary how many more kids in schools need 2 die b4 the lawmakers in the U.S wake up?…this is beyond tragic…no words!
Naima Adedapo: My heart truly hurts 4 the children & families that fell prey 2 1 of the most vicious acts of crime 1 could think of ????. #Praying #Newtown
Bo Bice: I’m stunned to hear of the tragedy in CT. My prayers are with all the families. God Bless you all.
Lacey Brown: I’m so saddened to hear about the Elementary School shooting just now. Praying for the families of this terrible event. My heart is so heavy.
Crystal Bowersox tweets: Had a bit of an emotional meltdown today. So sad about the madness.. I can’t even wrap my brain around it….If only mental health services were easier to get than guns….
Andrew Garcia: #PrayforNewton
Aaron Kelly: My deepest sympathy and prayers to the families and those lost in Connecticut
Didi Benami: Just heard about school shootings in Connecticut :*( all my love and prayers to everyone affected by this awful tragedy… Bless your souls
Jacob Lusk: Kiss your family and hold them tight. It could have been you. #prayfornewtown
James Durbin: What happened today is horrific & heartbreaking..I’m as shocked as anyone. My heart goes out to everyone affected #PrayForNewtown
Glee stars
Harry Shum Jr.: Praying for Sandy Hook, Newtown CT. There is no reason for this to ever happen. So sad and angry… Stop interviewing children for ratings.
Chris Colfer: It’s one of those days you wake up from a nightmare to an even scarier reality. When will prevention outweigh politics?
Damian McGinty: Sickening news about Connecticut. So sad. How it happened can’t be justified and something has to be done. The world is a scary place.
Diana Agron: Just hearing news of the Sandy Hook shooting. This is tragic & needs to stop. My heart goes out to all of those involved. #guncontrol
Amber Riley: Sitting here dumbfounded. Really an elementary school? Innocent children with no way to defend or protect themselves. What breed of scum…
Lea Michele: There are no words to express the sadness of this unthinkable tragedy. Sending my prayers to the families in Newton CT.
Kevin McHale: No words, this is a horrific tragedy. Thoughts are with all the children, parents & teachers.
Jenna Ushkowitz: My heart goes out to all the Families and children affected by the CT shooting. When will the violence end?
Samuel Larsen: It kills me to hear of the tragedy in CT. My prayers are with all of you.
Blake Jenner: All of my heart and prayers go out to all of the families of this involved in the shooting in Connecticut. So terrible. So sad.
Jacob Artist: Completely speechless. My heart goes out to all the people affected by this horrific tragedy. #PrayForNewton
Naya Rivera: This school shooting is making me sick to my stomach. My heart goes out to all of the families who lost precious little angels.
X Factor Alums
Demi Lovato: My heart is absolutely broken after hearing about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school.. Wow.. So terrible. Just in shock. WHAT is wrong with this world sometimes? Right before Christmas? My thoughts and prayers go out to Newton, CT
Melanie Amaro: Church ?? School ?? Next it will be our homes ! The enemy is stepping out and trying our faith ! How can someone be soo evil ??? The enemy is out to do one thing steal, destroy and KILL!!! I pray for this nation again today !! Our father who art in heaven ! I ask that you comfort the hearts of the parents and families of this terrible tragedy! If the enemy could be soo bold and attack the innocent…. Our children !! Oh God, I cry out and beg and plead to you for this nation
Rachel Crow: #PrayForNewton
Britney Spears: My heart is with the children and families of Connecticut today… #PrayForNewton