American Idol 9 Top 20 Girls – Recap Roundup

Blake Lewis: Siobhan Magnus ‘is a ninja’

The ladies held it down Wednesday on American Idol. The night started off with the return of Crystal Bowersox singing Creedence Clearwater Revival’s Long As I Can See the Light. Still don’t know what happened while she was sick, but she came out on top with her performance. At the end of the night, the judges gave her a lot of props.

USA Today

‘American Idol’ Recap: Crystal Bowersox Returns To Save The Day

Call of the search party! Blow out the candles! Crystal Bowersox (aka The Savior of Season Nine aka The Best Idol Contestant Who Ever Graced The Stage aka The Reason God Created Harmonicas) is still on “American Idol!”

I don’t intend for my hyperbole to make light of Crystal’s serious hospitalization. But in hindsight, knowing that our girl is a tough cookie who’s here to stay, our collective overreaction is kind of hilarious, don’t you think?


More Idol Recaps after the jump…Keep checking back for more…

‘American Idol’: Crystal Bowersox Leads Tough Girls’ Night

Tonight’s ‘American Idol‘ was tense right until the show started thanks to the questionable status of Crystal Bowersox, who got taken to the hospital yesterday and whose illness forced the producers to flip-flop the gender lineup for last night’s and tonight’s shows. Would she be able to perform? Would she be disqualified if she didn’t? Nerves abounded online, and it’s not hard to suspect that the producers were on edge as well since Crystal is clearly one of their favorites. (If Michelle Delamor had been sent to the hospital, would there have been a similar flip-flop? I’m going to guess not.)


Ann Powers: The ‘Idol’ girls try to go universal, but mostly miss

“[T]here are not two genders, ” wrote the late feminist scholar Monique Wittig in one of her groundbreaking essays. “There is only one: the feminine, the ‘masculine’ not being a gender. For the masculine is not the masculine but the general.”

What could this heady quote possibly have to do with “American Idol”? It may not be obvious. But Wednesday, as this year’s women tried to recover from last week’s horror (as a few of the men had the previous night), that fundamental tenet of feminist thinking — that a woman’s voice is rarely thought to speak for everyone, the way a man’s can — kept popping into my mind.

LA Times

‘American Idol’ Ladies Night: Crystal Bowersox Makes Triumphant Return

“American Idol” needed a shakeup, and on Wednesday night (March 3), Crystal Bowersox provided just the kick season nine has been missing. The Ohio native spent Tuesday night in the hospital, forcing a last-minute switch that had the guys performing a night early.


Crystal Bowersox Performs, Wows Judges On ‘American Idol’

A day after she was hospitalized with what “American Idol” producers would only describe as “medical issues” and after a full day of drama about whether she’d even show up for Wednesday night’s (March 3) “Idol” telecast, Crystal Bowersox not only performed, she brought the house down. And, in the process, she may have established herself as the girl to beat in season nine.


‘American Idol’ Top 20 Night, Part 2: Crystal In The Clear On Ladies’ Night

This week “American Idol” producers made an unprecedented decision to alter the show’s performance schedule to accommodate the illness of one contestant. Frontrunning female Crystal Bowersox suffered a “medical emergency” this week and was unable to perform on Tuesday’s girls night as planned, so the male contestants sang on Tuesday instead, giving Crystal an extra day to recuperate.


10 Girls Compete

This was a bad night for me to watch Idol late because while I was fighting the remains of jetlag, most of the girls picked the sleepiest, most boring songs, which, as the episode wore on, made me feel a strange combination of sleepiness and anger. Can we come up with a name for that emotion? If I were on the show, especially early on, when you’re more likely to slip away into oblivion without having the chance to make your mark, why wouldn’t you pick something you at least have fun singing? So many of the choices were so blah it made Randy’s head explode: it clearly pained him to be the downer tonight but secretly I like the dawg more when he’s pained.

AV Club

‘American Idol’ Recap: Lilly Scott Changes The Game

I cannot even tell you how much I was creeping on Twitter this afternoon trying to find out if Crystal Bowersox had been given the medical OK to perform. With about 10 minutes before showtime, Ryan Seacrest said she had been given the thumb’s up – and there was much rejoicing. And she was up first!


American Idol recap, top 10 girls, with rankings

It was Crystal Bowersox tonight and everybody else.

There were some train-wreck song choices, some bold choices and one perfect choice, courtesy of Crystal.

Who will go home? Tough to know for sure. I think Lacey Brown is in major trouble. She’s quirky but less talented than, say, Siobhan Magnus. Michelle Delomar also went way off the mark with Creed and simply lacks a distinct personality. If not them, ever smiling Haeley Vaughn could be a goner (but Vote for the Worst has her on their speed dial!). Ditto with Didi Benami.

Top 20 Girls Sing: I was Mildly Amused

Tonight’s performance was an approximation of a real episode of American Idol and not a horror show like the Boys’ Night.

Crystal Bowersox- “As Long as I See The Light” by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
I’m glad Crystal is feeling better because she gives the first great performance in the Finals this season. Her “gospel” version of the song was contemporary and interesting, and it sounded like it could be playing on the radio right now.

Vote For The Wost

I guess this is better than last week? AI9 Top 20 (Girls)

After much drama and rumors of a possible disqualification, right before showtime, it was announced Crystal Bowersox (love her) would perform on tonight’s American Idol.

Because its so unlike American Idol to drag something out. While I would rather see Crystal Bowersox singing on life support than oh, say, 80% of this season’s contestants do anything, I still think Idol took this will she or won’t she game just a wee bit too far over the last 24 hours.

Top Idol

‘American Idol’ recap: Women on the Verge

We live in troubling times. Lauren Conrad is an ”author.” Human carving board Heidi Montag is a ”singer.” And something called a ”JWoww” is now marketing herself as a ”fashion designer.” Alas, in an era where shameless attention-mongering is valued over actual talent, where doltish and reprehensible behavior can serve as an express ticket to fame, fortune, and widespread acclaim, it’s enough to make you want to impose a total pop-culture blackout for the nation’s youth — at least until there are laws on the books that prevent Noah Cyrus’ parents from dressing her like this for public outings.

Entertainment Weekly

American Idol Recap: Now We’re Getting Somewhere

Golden oldies reinvented for a new generation! A creative spirit triumphing over illness! Teenage girls revealing their LOL-sooo-random habits! Vera Wang in the audience! Okay, maybe the fashion-mogul cameo was senseless (especially because you could never really see her), but overall it was the first episode of this season in which we saw hopeful contestants grow into competitors and talented front-runners morph into burgeoning artists. Which is to say, season nine of American Idol is finally fun to watch. Instead of cringing while likable contestants miss high notes or indulge in tired imitations of ubiquitous singers, Wednesday’s episode found at least half of the top ten girls using Idol to showcase their talents instead of gathering pity votes. Hey, at this point, we’ll gladly take .500.

NY Magazine

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!