American Idol 9 Top 12 Guys – Recap Roundup

Idol Recaps from Around the Net…(Keep Checking Back for Updates)

‘American Idol’ Has An Awkward Night

For weeks now ‘American Idol‘ viewers have been hearing the propaganda about how this season would be won by a young lady. The judges’ comments in the run-up to the shows always had at least one statement that underscored the females’ primacy. The semifinalist pool was almost 66% women. Even Simon Cowell, Mister Shoot From The Hip, was in on the fix.

Blake Lewis: Top 12 guys didn’t ‘blow it out of the water’

Wednesday night, we got our first real look into all of the dudes of American Idol Season 9. I was hoping they were all going to blow it out of the water, but it didn’t happen. I was really disappointed at all the song choices the ladies brought to the stand on Tuesday. At least last night, the guys made much better choices.

USA Today

‘American Idol’ recap: Man-ick Depression!

Two episodes into American Idol’s season 9 semifinals, and I’m ready to ask my doctor for a Xanax prescription. And once I’ve calmed my own panic attacks caused by the (mostly) subpar performances from the 24 kids competing for the right to star in an adorable 2011 Ford campaign, I’m going to be seriously tempted to administer some pharmaceutical aid to the contestants as well.

Entertainment Weekly

More Recaps after the JUMP…

‘Idol’: Must be the season of the hippie hopeful

Something we noticed as Season 9’s auditions were getting under way? The proliferation of Birkenstock-wearing, dreadlocked, folksy contenders who wouldn’t look out of place at a Phish show. Crystal Bowersox is the most obvious example, what with her whole Dylan vibe and strapped-on guitar-harmonica combo, but favorite Didi Benami, whose real name is Vered (meaning “rose” in Hebrew), also seemed to embrace her inner hippie last night with a sweater vest that looked like it came straight out of the ’60s section of the thrift shop. There was also Siobhan Magnus, sporting the classic flower in her hair. And remember Maddie Curtis from the Boston auditions and repeat customer Rose Flack, also rocking the dreads? On the boys side, Jim Morrison wannabe Tyler Grady fits the bill, and you could make a case for long-haired Casey James.

LA Times

The ‘American Idol’ Top 24, Part 2: The Boys Of Bummer

All season long, the “American Idol” buzz has buzzed loudest regarding the female contestants, with the judges declaring this to be the season when a girl would finally win after two consecutive boy-boy finales. But after Tuesday night’s first top 12 episode, all the hype now appears to be just that: HYPE. Sure, there were a few standout performances, but overall, the girls disappointed this week.

Guys struggle, so ‘Idol’ focuses on other things

Wednesday night was supposed to be the showcase for the 12 men among the “American Idol” semifinalists, and indeed, several did take the opportunity to put up some strong performances. But there was a lot more to check out in the two hours of singing and sniping than just the vocals.


Ann Powers: The Boys take their chances

“Dude, believe in yourself.” That was Randy Jackson, addressing one of the 12 trembling mangenues who took the stage during Wednesday’s overall fiasco of an “American Idol” episode. Dawg should write a book — a self-help book, with plenty of lists and clear directives about generating and then managing confidence — and then pass it out to the singers who filled two hours that would have been better spent watching Olympic ice sports with flubbed notes, horrific over-singing, and deer-in-the-headlights stares.

LA Times

Top 24 Guys Recap – “Ooh, I Wish It Was Riper Cause I’d Like to Eat That Banana Right Now”

I know what Idol is doing. They’re trying to throw off VFTW by making all 24 contestants so bad that we can’t pick just one. Sneaky, sneaky strategy Idol. Unfortunately, the only people that will benefit are Worsters. I mean how many different ways can the judges say, “That was a terrible performance but I like you” before people start tuning out? VFTW is going to rule this season. I hereby dub this “The Year of Vote for the Worst.” If our picks stay or go, we’ve already won, because the winner of this season will be the worst yet.

Vote For the Worst

American Idol top 12 guys – my rankings, predictions, polls

No wonder the judges are pimping the girls. The guys, overall, were dismal. This may be the weakest male pool since season three.

It’s hard to decide who will get booted because half of them could go home and I wouldn’t blink an eye.

My prediction of the bottom two: Todrick Hall (early and way too weird with that Kelly Clarkson song) and Tyler Grady (just grating). If not them, Jermaine Sellers is out for missing 87 notes in 90 seconds.


‘Idol’ judges jeer male semifinalists

LOS ANGELES — Tim Urban tripped up his second shot at “American Idol” fame.

The shaggy-haired 20-year-old singer, who served as a last-minute replacement for 25-year-old shoe salesman Chris Golightly in the top 24 semifinalists, was derided by the Fox singing contest’s judges for his screechy rendition of OneRepublic’s “Apologize” during Wednesday’s episode featuring performances from the top 12 male semifinalists.


‘American Idol’ Top 12 Men Have A Rocky Live Debut

After a number of uneven, forgettable performances by the top 12 ladies Tuesday night, it was starting to feel like Simon Cowell’s prediction that a female would win this year’s “American Idol” was a bit premature. And then the men took the stage Wednesday night (February 24), and for most of the two hours, well, they seemed determined to prove Simon right.


‘American Idol’ Recap: Michael Lynche Can’t Salvage Sub-Par Night

When Simon Cowell said before this week’s performances that he thought a woman was going to win this season, I figured he was just trying to stir the pot. Silly ol’ Simon, creating controversy for controversy’s sake.

I was wrong.

Probably due to the aggressive mist we had in L.A. last night, the signal kept on going in and out for our Fox affiliate. I was apoplectic about it as the show started. Now it just seems like the fates were trying to be merciful.

American Idol Recap: Never Rework a Hit Song, No Matter What the Judges Tell You

The top twelve male finalists took the stage on last night’s American Idol, attempting to disprove the judges’ decree that the ladies shall inherit this season. Overall, the menfolk turned in fair performances, but in true Idol fashion, those savvy hopefuls who actually listened the night before to what the judges had claimed they wanted to hear were roundly chided for their attempts at individuality. Even though the judging panel repeated their “make a familiar song your own” mantra on Tuesday, they seemed flabbergasted and annoyed when Todrick Hall and Andrew Garcia actually did so, offering quirky, unexpected recastings of popular songs. Big mistake, guys: You actually think Randy and Kara remember what they said the night before? And incidentally, when Simon exhorts you to find your voice, he means your ready-to-shrink-wrap-and-sell-at–Best Buy voice.

NY Magazine

American Idol starts the judge shenanigans to compensate for weak singing

If something doesn’t change soon, this is going to be a long two and a half months. The American Idol 9 men’s performances weren’t much better than the weak performances the women gave Tuesday. As with the women, there were a few stand-outs, and perhaps there were a few more attempts at originality, though the always-frustrating judges thought it was too original for, say, Todrick Hall to rework a Kelly Clarkson song.

Reality Blurred

You know I’m not a fan of yours: AI9 Top 24 (Guys)

Tonight is when the dreams of many a frau begin — it’s the Top 24 GUYS NIGHT on American Idol!

The judges’ babble makes me yawn, but really, Simon? If any of these guys lose it tonight, their careers are over? Is this so? Ah yes. I forgot. Because it’s a girl’s year.

(Oh. And what was that I saw? PAY THE FRAK UP! I told you Andrew Garcia would be in the pimp spot tonight. TOLD YOU SO!)

Top Idol

American Idol: The Lost Boys

Here come the men! Well, boys, I suppose. Young men? Whatever they were, they sang last night. And, after the fairly disastrous ladies, hopes were high. Were they satisfied? Ohhh. I don’t know. I don’t think so?

Early this morning I got my favorite kind of recap-related email, egarding yesterday’s writeup of the Fabulous Ladies, who all sing beautifully and have winning personalities.


‘American Idol’: In First Look, the Men Underwhelm

There were no winners — no survivors, even — on “American Idol” on Wednesday, when this season’s top 12 men took to the stage for the first time. It was, politely, a blood bath, certainly the least promising group ever selected by the judges. It was bad enough to raise the question: Simon sabotage?

NY Times

‘American Idol’ Top 12 Men’s Report Card

Call it a case of nervousness on the first day of class, a failure to study hard or a bunch of students in over their heads. Whatever the case on Wednesday’s “American Idol, ” the top 12 men arrived for their first live show test and promptly flunked. At least, most of them did, especially when compared to the top 12 women the previous evening. So, who surprised us, who disappointed us and who’s in danger of going home? Let’s take a look at the top 12 men’s report card. (And don’t miss Jim Cantiello’s review in the Newsroom.)


About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!