UDPATE: Looks like the tip I recieved that Miley Cyrus would be performing on Wednesday’s results show is true! The tipster said that Joe Jonas would also be appearing. Adam Shankman just tweeted: “miley and I humbly ask you to watch idol this week, and see the last song, opening march 31. thx” Miley is out on the interview circuit pimping her new movie “Last Song”, directed by Shankman….
As I reported Saturday night, the theme for this week’s Top 11 has been changed from Teen Idols to the rather prosaic and less challenging theme, Billboard #1 hits. I would love to know what prompted the change (yes, Teen Idols was the official theme, announced in a FOX press release)
After calling the Teen Idol theme “stupid” at first, I’m now kinda disappointed the theme has been switched to something safer. It would have been fun to see the kids try to tackle such a crazy theme. Oh well. Maybe next year.
Via Wikipedia (Where else?) Here’s an exhaustive list of Billboard #1 hits throughout the years: HERE.
By the way, there’s LOTS of speculation that Christina Aguilera is the “secret mentor” the Idols tweeted about meeting on Saturday. She’s got a big-ass countdown clock on her website that ends tomorrow, and she is about to release a new album.
The kids tweeted yesterday about meeting the “secret” mentor. Aaron Kelly in particular, tweeted, “the mentor was incredible :) what an honor to meet someone with so much experience.” To a 16 year old, Christina could be somebody with “so much experience.”
Usher is set to mentor next week’s Top 10 according to his website.
One other thing: I’m looking for somebody who plans to/wants to attend tomorrow night’s dress rehearsal at CBS studios in LA, and would be willing to feed me song spoilers. Please contact me at mjsbigblog at gmail dot com if you are available! Thank you!
So, what do you think the Idols should sing? Who are you hoping this week’s mentor will be?