TIP has an updated list of hopefuls who have made it to Hollywood. Click on this link to see the full list of auditioners that include those eliminated and of unknown status.
One again, this year, there are a few returnees on the Hollywood list! There are two unidentified contestants TIP is trying to identify. If you know who they are, they are requesting that you contact them with the info.
Hollywood Contestants
Alexa Gilomen
Baylee Goley
Brianna Marie Bell [AI11 HW]
Candice “Candi” Rickelle Glover [AI9 HW & AI11 LVR]
Chad Allen Rice
David Leathers, Jr. [AI11 SFYL/GM]
Devin Velez
Gabe Brown
Jay McNeil
Johnny Keyser [AI11 LVR]
Kiara Lanier
Schyler Dixon [AI10 HW & AI11 LVR]
Shelby Lynn Tweten [AI11 SFYL/GM]
Unidentified Female Contestant (Click To View)
Unidentified Male Contestant (Click To View)
Teena Torres (Vegas Round S11)
Alisabeth Von Presley