American Idol 11 – Hollywood Pt 3 – Recap and Videos

HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD! Here’s your American Idol 11 Hollywood Round Part 3 recap post. I’ll be live blogging tonight at Entertainment Weekly. Do join me there if you’d like! I’ll be back here as soon as the episode ends on the East Coast to post videos, polls and a full recap!

Entertainment Weekly Live Blog


Part 2 of Hollywood Groups night will feature some….get ready for it…SINGING! Wow. It’s a two hour extravaganza people! I’ll be back with videos and a recap.

On Thursday, we follow the remaining 60 or so hopefuls to Las Vegas for another Group Round. The kids will sing songs from the late 50’s early 60s. Peggi Blue the vocal coach from hell is back! Hooray.

We pick up where we left off on Thursday, with the morning of Group Day.

The Bettys – “Hit Me Up Style” – Jennifer Malsh, Cherie Tucker, Cari Quoyeser, Gabrielle Cavassa, Brianna Bell, This group had major issues, arguing, barfing, and fighting! The performance—both the harmonies and lead voices–are woefully off key. Yikes. The reactions from the audience are pretty amusing. “That was really bleak” says Randy. Jennifer and Cari survive, the rest are eliminated. Cherie Tucker is very sick and feels really cheated. She makes all kinds of yakking noises and it’s icky.

Groovesauce – “Hold On, I’m Coming” – Reed Grimm, Nick Boddington, Creighton Fraker,  Aaron Marcellus, Jen Hirsh, The group managed to avoid the drama and even got a decent night’s sleep, and it shows. A very tight, professionally arranged performance—the entire room is standing! Terrific. Randy is WHOO WHOOing. “That’s how you do it,” says Randy. “Unreal,” says Steven.  “I love a good breakdown…the way they kept the background so strong allowed everyone to shine,” says Jennifer.

679Kyle Crews, Brielle Von Hugel, Joshua Ledet, Shannon Magrane,  Stage mom alert! Brielle’s mom is bitching about Kyle, who she says is the weakest voice. Mom is in the audience rolling her eyes at Kyle. Yeah, he kind of sucks, but how would you feel if that were YOUR kid? And it turns out, Brielle kind of sucks too. Joshua Ledet got a nice soulful rasp. Shannon ends with a big note. “Showoff!” yells Jennifer. Shannon, Brielle, Amber and Joshua are through to the next round. Kyle is out. Kyle says the song was in the wrong key.  “We love Kyle,” says Brielle’s mom. Yeah, sure you do.

Make You Believers – “More than a Feeling” – Dustin Cundiff, Amy Brumfield, Mathanee Treco, Jacquie Cera, This group includes “patient zero” Amy Brumfield. Jackie, who stupidly hugged Amy, faints just as she was ready to take the stage. “We’ve been battling illness because of THIS ONE HERE,” says a group member as he points to Amy. Oops. There was tons of forgotten lyrics and lots of oversinging.  “Ya’ll were singing sharp,” says Steven. Ya think? The only one to make it through is Mathanee, who was the best of the group, but that’s not saying much.  Amy aka Tent Girl, aka Patient Zero will have to head home.

A montage of forgotten lyrics from Crystal Duffield, Jasmine Antoine. Jennifer tells the contestants that they can’t let nerves take over, they have to tell themselves, “I deserve this.”  And now, for the annual montage of garbled lyrics! Some mumbled, others oh ohed and yay yahed or made up their own words.

Those Girls and That Guy – “Stuck Like Glue” – Christian Lopez, Alisha Bernhardt, Samantha Novacek, are convinced they are not getting cut.  This is the group Alisha, the cop, finally found to take her. No “Joy to the World” but they do sing her other song choice, “Stuck Like Glue”.   The camera cuts to bored audience members and really bored judges as they sing off-key and  does not bode well.  Hey, y’all promised to bring the fun! Fail.  Everyone in the group is cut. Alisha offers her services as personal security to the judges. Sure, they’ll be calling. “Our lives are going to change from just coming this far,” says Samantha. Uh. No they aren’t.

Hollywood 5Ariel 5prague, Eben Franckewitz, Gabi Carruba, David Leathers, Jr. Jeremy Rosado – This group of talented teens avoided group drama with the help of their parents waiting in the wings. For younguns, they’re all really good and all are through to the next round.

Area 451 – “Broken Strings” – Bryce Garcia, Johnny Keyser, Kristi Krause, Imani Handy – Although Imani fainted in the hallway, she’s going to try her darnedest to perform. Bryce completely botches the lyrics,  Johnny and Kristi pretty much kill it. Imani takes the stage and seems OK at first, but then she collapses. Ryan and some crew members rush out of the control room to help her. Hilariously, Johnny just keeps on singing (WELL JLO TOLD HIM TO!) as his group mate is passed out on the floor.  Randy stops him. Mom helps her get back up. “They’re going to hate me!” cries Imani. Johnny is the only one to advance to the next round. Imani begs to be given a second chance. “Baby, I’m sorry, you’re going home,” says Jennifer.

Heading home: Symone Black (the girl who fainted last week) and WT, the dude who gave up his job to go to Hollywood. He’s got a baby on the way…time to find a job!

MIT – “Broken Strings” – Heejun Han, Phillip Phillips, Richie Law, Jairon Jackson,    –  It’s Heejun vs the Cowboy! “Just tell them he sucks,” says Heejun as Jairon tries to be diplomatic when describing Richie Law, aka Cowboy to the camera. Everyone rolls their eyes as “Cowboy”, in the group confessional, describes the group as a democracy.  Richie decides to hold back and talk some smack to the cameras about his group mates. “One person in our group is probably going down, and it’s not going to be me,” says Richie.  Jairon says Richie is not on the same page as the rest of the group.  “His problem is that he has a mouth, but he doesn’t have an ear,” says Heejun.  The group sings. Heejun has a beautiful tone, but he’s got to work on that diction. Jairon is solid. Richie is the weakest in the group.  I’m still not warming up to Phillip.  Randy says there were some pitch problems and forgotten words, but everyone advances anyway. Heejun apologizes for talking trash about Richie to the cameras.  “I talk a lot of craps about Richie,” admits Heejun (smirking the whole time, Heejun hopes  Richie’s parents won’t be upset.)  I LOVE YOU HEEJUN.

Also advancing: Erika Van Pelt, Adam Brock, Hallie Day and Elise Testone.

The group rounds are over! It’s on to the solos!

Solo day begins with a big jam that includes the Idol band, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson.  The kids are on stage singing and dancing along.

Joshua Ledet – “Jar of Hearts” – Joshua was so anxious, his sister had to talk him into getting on the plane to Hollywood.  He performs with a passionate soulful rasp. Impressive. “Amazing baby, amazing,” says Randy. “Ridiculous,” says Jennifer. Joshua gets a standing O from the crowd.

Colton Dixon – “What About Now” – Colton accompanies himself on the electric keyboard. On this performance, I think I finally get him. Interesting arrangement of the Daughtry tune.  Colton sure loves covering the Idols!

Phillip Phillips – “Wicked Games” – Gets his guitar back! I’m still not digging is voice. He sings like he’s gargling rocks. An unusual arrangement of this Chris Isaak tune—it sounds like Thriller.

Jen Hirsh – “Georgia” – Wow. Other than being a little shouty on the big notes, this chick is fantastic. She killed it. Soulful and jazzy all at once. I’m keeping my eye on this one. Standing O.

Creighton Fraker – “What a Wonderful World” – I can’t get on board with Creighton’s nasally over-singing.

A montage of fail–that Ryan blames on the rain–is next. Oh those Californians!

Shannon Magrane – “What A Wonderful World” – Shannon sings with a great big voice, but she still seems a little green. Stylistically, she’s a cipher. She needs a few years to mature, but she’s got a wonderful instrument. “What the hell was that,” says Jennifer. Shannon just turned 16.

Reed Grimm – “Georgia” –   Reed was planning on singing a capella, so he didn’t’ rehearse with the band. But at the last minute, Nigel told him he couldn’t.  Do I smell a set up?  With only 30 minutes to rehearse, Reed huddles with vocal coach Peisha McPhee (Katharine’s mom!). Michael Orland steps in with only 14 minutes to go. Phillip doesn’t feel right about the arrangement. He goes back to his room to talk to his mom. She tells him she loves him, and he starts to cry. Then he comes up with an idea…he’ll play drums on the number! Uhm. OK. “He’s making me nervous,” says Michael.  Randy compares him to Casey Abrams.  Maybe a little… Not sure why the drums made it special….maybe it made him comfortable? The singing is solid.  “Real music, I like it,” says Randy.

Skyler Laine – “Lie“ – Skyler has also come down with the Idol flue. She had 3 liters of fluids at the hospital, and is back to perform.  She’s only 17, but she’s got a full throated, authentic country twang. She’s good. “One of the best performances I’ve seen all day,” says Steven, “Top to bottom…beautiful.”

Rachelle Lamb – “House That Built Me“   – She pulls a Brooke White, stopping after she lost some lyrics. She finishes the song, She’s got a beautiful tone, but I’m not feeling the emotion behind the words.

Adam Brock – “Georgia” – “I think it’s time for American Idol to have some white chocolate up in here.” TOO LATE. Guess Adam never heard of Matt Giraud. This dude has a great voice, but everything is at the same emotional pitch. He needs to sing with a little more finesse. Adam has a hanky hanging out of his back pocket. It was his grandfather’s. And Steven Tyler wiped his brow on it. Ew.

It’s time for the rooms! Ninety-Eight contestants wait to see who will move on to the Las Vegas round. The contestants are split into 4 rooms.

Room #1 – Creighton Fraker, Jen Hirsh, Erika Van Pelt and Hallie Day, Adam Brock, Joshua Ledet, Johnny Keyser, David Leathers, Jr., Jermaine Jones, Lauren Gray, Colton Dixon, Erika Van Pelt –   The judges attempt a lame fake out, but the group is THROUGH TO THE NEXT ROUND.

Room #2 – Phillip Phillips, Eben Franckewitz, Skyler Laine and Shannon Magrane. Reed Grimm, Jessica Phillips. The group is THROUGH TO THE NEXT ROUND.

Room #3 – Rachelle Lamb, Brittany Kerr, Jennifer Malsh, Jarrod Gibson, Sarah Phillips.  Things are tense in room 3 as one hopeful tells some giggling, burping contestants to have some respect for those who are nervous. Unfortunately this room is CUT FROM THE COMPETITION. Lots of tears. Steven gives them a nice pep talk about hanging in there.

Room #4 – Stephanie Rene, Baylie Brown, Brittany Kellogg, Angie Zeiderman, Heejun Han, Richie Law, Gabi CarrubbaTHROUGH TO THE NEXT ROUND

Judges Decision Part 1

Judges Decision Part 2

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!