American Idol 10 Hollywood Week Behind the Scenes Report

USA Today’s Bill Keveney spent the last day of the American Idol 10 Hollywood rounds sitting in the audience watching the contestants audition.

“From what I’ve seen so far, I’d go, ‘Click, ‘ ” Ken Warwick told the 100 or so remaining singers, imitating the sound of a remote control. “It’s nerve-racking, I know. But get over it.”

But later he tells Keveney, “There were a couple of singers who actually came into their own that day.”

He can’t name names, so the author posts a few anonymous tidbits from the day, reflecting the nerves and enormous pressure the hopefuls must have been feeling. Check out a few after the jump. Read the rest HERE.

In another report, Warwick tells USA Today, that the judges need to “assemble a strong, diverse field”

Last year’s show was criticized for fielding finalists too similar in performing style and not big enough in personality. “It really got on my nerves last year when all of a sudden, everybody came out and hid behind a guitar, ” Warwick says.

“It’s important we get the mixture right. We need the country singer, the rock singer, the middle-of-the-road ballad singer, the little-off-the-wall kid and a couple of stars. That’s the judges’ job, not to look at who they’re putting through but how that person relates in the (finalists’) balance.”

Oh Ken. You were the guy in charge last year. Take a little responsibility, will you?

  • The supplicant. “Whoo! I’m sorry, ” a singer says after messing up Lee Ann Womack’s I Hope You Dance. “Can I please start over? I’m begging you.”
  • The apple polishers. “I told you my absolute biggest idol was (Lopez’s husband) Marc Anthony, ” a performer says. “I hoped to get the opportunity to sing one of his songs. Last night, the song list was revised … and I saw a Marc Anthony song (You Sang to Me). God answered my prayers.”
  • Another sings Lopez’s If You Had My Love, and Lopez likes the arrangement. More than one tries Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing. “I really hope I can do it as good as you, Mr. Tyler, ” a raspy-voiced young woman says before breaking into one of his songs. “Nice, ” Tyler says after her performance.
  • The stellar. The judges can’t maintain their poker faces after one deep-voiced singer performs. Lopez bangs the table, Jackson has his hand up, and all three stand and clap at the end. “Unbelievable, ” Jackson says. “Really great.”
About mj santilli 35189 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!