American Idol 10 – Hollywood Group Rounds

AMERICAN IDOL: Contestants at the Hollywood rounds of AMERICAN IDOL airing Wednesday,  Feb. 16 on FOX.  CR: Michael Becker / FOX.

That was one jam-packed show.  It took me forever to cut the videos–17 performances in all.  Nigel did a good job putting together the show. There was drama, but it was spread around the group, rather than focusing on one or two head cases coughtatianacough.   The dramas were resolved nicely when the singing began, but never got in the way of the music. Pretty entertaining show.

A couple of things: If Clint Gamboa or Jordan Dorsey make the Top 20/24, I can’t imagine how they’ll overcome the villain edit they received tonight.  Clint in particular. Making Jaycee cry? He’s a 15 year old boy who looks about 12.  That’s not going to go over well. Speaking of which–Jaycee is a perfect example of why 15 is TOO YOUNG for these kids to be thrown in to a stressful competition reality show.  If he advances, I wonder about Jaycee being able to handle the stress.

And will somebody please explain the appeal of James Durbin to me?  His screamy vocal runs were PAINFUL to listen to.  Dude does not have volume control. There’s loud and then there’s PAINFULLY SCREAMINGLY LOUD.  Uh. NO.  Oh, and Chris Medina? His audition was his best performance so far. He’s coasting on his backstory.  Hollywood is where it becomes apparent that talent and vocals aren’t necessarily the thing that’s going to advance a hopeful. And that in some cases, the judges’ minds are already made up.  A favorite can sound like ass and pass, while another hopeful can put in a solid performance and get sent home.  That’s Hollywood.

Tomorrow night, the kids sing solo. And we’re back to 1 hour.

UPDATE: I’ll be on the All Digital Radio Idol Show at 11 pm ET. Listen to me HERE.

Drama! Intrigue! Tears! Infighting! It’s the American Idol 10 Hollywood Group rounds. Tonight’s show is so big, it’s gonna take 2 hours to contain it all. I’ll be live blogging the fun, of course.  So stick around!  We begin at 8 pm ET.

Here’s a live internet stream for you non-USA east coasters.

Live blog, Photos Videos after the JUMP…

Groups were forced to mix it up between Day 1 and Day 2 groups. The Day 1 hopefuls who had already formed their groups? SOL.

Snooki wannabe Tiffany Rios is having trouble finding a group. NOOOO. What a surprise. She’s the ONLY choreographer in the place and nobody wants her. Lulz. Tiffany tries to hook up with Scotty McCreery. He asks her to audition. He’s trying not to laugh. “I don’t know, ” he says. In other words. No F*cking Way.

Tiffany poaches a hopeful from another group. Scotty is having nothing to do with singing “Mercy”. Jordan Dorsey says NO to Scotty and his deep voice.

Tiffany and her pal can’t find more members. Scotty McCreery is being scorned by EVERYBODY.

Scotty joins Jacee Badaux’s group, but Clint Gamboa is unsure. Tiffany and her partner will perform as a duo. Hopefuls are practicing everywhere….bathrooms, parking garages etc.

A group made up of 15 year olds bring boundless energy…and their bossy stage moms. James notices the coaching stage moms and is a little bit peeved. James Durbin is scaring teenagers with his screechy voice.

Ex-couple Rob and Chelsee are no longer on speaking terms. He’s also a terrible dancer. Really. Nut-bar Ashley Sullivan is falling apart SURPRISE. She quits.

Producer Patrick Lynn tries to get her to think about her decision for a minute. POOR SCOTTY. His group is having second thoughts. Ooh. The group ditched Jaycee. “I’m a stickler for people hitting their notes, ” says Clint. MEAN.

Jordan Dorsey is considering leaving his group. He does, and joins another group. Ashley decides to say. The group takes her back, happily.

Brett Loewnstern’s group still can’t find a Day 2 member. They take in Jaycee. Unfortunately he doesn’t know the song “Mercy”. Rob is tired and cranky. HE’S A MUSICIAN DAMMIT. He doesn’t dance and perform with people.

39 groups! After the break…SINGING!

Steven Tyler “Use your illusion, let’s have at it baby!” Jlo tells the crowd not to worry if a group member sucks–they will be judged individually. Randy, channeling Simon says, “Whatever you do….DON’T FORGET THE WORDS.”

Pia Toscano, Alessandro Guercio, Brielle Von Hugel, “Grenade” – Perfect choreo, Decent singing. “You guys slammed it, ” says Steven “You guys were all amazing.” says Randy They’re all through. – VIDEO

4 + 1 – Jordan Dorsey, Robbie Rosen, (and others) – “I Want You Back” – All go through to the next round. – VIDEO

440 – Adrian Michael, Lauren Turner, (and others) – “Forget You” –   This is the group Jordan ditched to join 4 + 1. The loss of Jordan didn’t hurt them. They’re also all through to the next round. – VIDEO

Are these guys ever going to say no?

Rebel Star – Tiffany Rios and Jessica Yantz – “Irreplaceable” – Jlo says she’s scared of this group. OMG. Oh the humanity. OFF KEY. Randy tells them to stop. “It was really bad, ” he says. He sends them home. Tiffany begins begging. It does not work. – VIDEO

While Kevin Campos hustles to get ready after sleeping in, Steven hits the drums to entertain.

Spanglish is finally ready. Jovanny Barreto, Kevin Campos, Jorge Gabriele, Karen Rodriquez. “Just The Way You Are, ” – They all suck. Steven wants some coffee. Jorge and Kevin are sent home, very confusingly. OMG. TRAINWRECK. AWESOME. – VIDEO

Noodle nose is gross.

The next group sings to Steven! – “Some Kind of Wonderful”. – Lauren Alaina is the only one of the group to go through. Really? I thought the other girls were as good as Lauren. Not getting that at all. – VIDEO

Nashville Stars – Colton Dixon, Matt Dillard – “Just the Way You Are” – Uhm, Steven. Colton was terrible. Colton advances. The rest of the group is sent home. – VIDEO

Shannon Livewell, Briana Tyson, Janelle Arthur, Alyson Jados, Caitlin Koch, All suck and are sent home. Paris Tassin disappoints the judges. They send her home. Emily Ann Read, Adrienne Beasley and Courtney PenryAaron Gutierrez is sent home, while his brother Mark gets to stay.

The Hits – Keeira Lynn Ford, Ashley Sullivan, Ashton Jones – “Hit em Up Style” – Randy says despite Ashley being a little pitchy, the group–the best harmonized of all–are through. – VIDEO


Stage moms are back.

Deep Vs – James Durbin, Emma Henry, Danny Pate, Caleb Johnson, John Jordan – “Somebody To Love” – This is really BAD. THEY SHOULD ALL BE SENT HOME. “Like a bad Glee audition, ” says Jlo. Caleb Johnson and James Durbin are staying. The rest are sent home. I don’t get the love for James Durbin. HE IS NOT GOOD. – VIDEO

Keona Evans, Jalen Harris, Sarni-joi Crowe, Felix Ramsey, Deandre Brackensick – “Somebody to Love” –  This group is made up of teenagers. They were pretty good. Of course, they had their pushy stage moms on hand to coach them.  “That was as good as it gets, ” says Steven. They are all through.  This segment was all about pimping the teens. – VIDEO

Steve Clawson, Corey Levoy, Hollie Cavanaugh –  “Grenade” – Wow, that was so bad, I barely recognized the song. Only Hollie and Corey are put through. – VIDEO

Night Owls – Dan Noguchi, Lara Johnston, Julie Zorrilla, Melissa Lucas, Casey Abrams, “Get Ready” – Julie and Casey make it, the rest are sent home. – VIDEO

Ebony, Ivory… – Da’Quela Payne, Matthew Nuss, Naima Adedapo, Jacob Lusk – “Get Ready” –  “Every little bit of it was beautiful, ” says Steven.  Everyone is through. – VIDEO

4 non Blondes and that Guy – Caleb Hawley, Devyn Rush, Chris Medina, Carson Higgins, Eryn Kelly – “Forget You” – Devyn is sent home. She does not think she deserves it. – VIDEO

Sugar Mama’s and the Babies – Denise Jackson, Stevie Cain, Natalie Hanson, Brett Loewenstern, Jacee Badeaux, “Mercy” – Jacee makes up words ’cause he doesn’t know the song. – The whole group is put through. Jaycee starts to cry. FIFTEEN IS TOO YOUNG. Jaycee described how Clint’s group kicked him out. They feel bad. – VIDEO

Clint Gamboa, Scott McCreery, Monique De Los Santos, Frances Coontz, The 3 of you plus Clint are through says Steven. They gave him a scare as a payback for scorning Jaycee. Scotty is crying with remorse for Jaycee.  He feels he should have stepped in to protect him. Aw. – VIDEO

Three’s Company – Chelsee Oaks, Jacqueline Dunford, Rob Bolin – They don’t know the words. Jaqueline slips up and says f*ck. Rob is sent home. The rest are in. Chelsee says Rob will always be a part of her life. He rolls his eyes. – VIDEO

Tomorrow….Solo performances! The final 100 enter the spotlight. Only half will survive? Actually, 60 survive.

About mj santilli 35048 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!