Alec Baldwin Returns to SNL: Pee Jokes and Trump’s Press Conference (VIDEO)

Saturday Night Live 1/14/17 - Alec Baldwin Donald Trump

It’s been a crazy week in politics. A week ahead of president-elect Donald Trump being sworn into office, a secret unconfirmed dossier compiled by a former British spy leaked (SNERK). The document contained explosive details involving Trump, Russian hookers and possible Putin-inspired blackmail.

Afterward came Trump’s first press conference in six months, which quickly devolved into a trainwreck. Highlights: The president-elect calling Buzzfeed, the outfit that leaked the dossier, a “pile of garbage” and his nemesis CNN “fake news.”

With the upcoming administration pitching so many comedic softballs, Alec Baldwin HAD to return to Saturday Night Live this week to mock it all. This week’s cold open, satirizing said press conference, contained pee pee jokes galore, and an appearance by Trump’s new BFF (NATCH). Watch it here:

During the Weekend Update segment, Pete Davidson offers his “first impressions” of Trump cabinet picks:

Bonus Video: SNL mocks the Bachelor aka “BEARD HUNK.” Hmmm…I like this!

UPDATE: Like Pavlov’s dog, Trump responds, ensuring SNL will continue trolling him:

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Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!