Adam Lambert to Sing Mad World on American Idol Tour

Adam Lambert just finished up a live chat with   Yes to “Mad World”. No to “Ring of Fire” on tour. Sniff. He kinda lays a little smackdown to Gene Simmons which is awesome.

Here are a few tidbits:

Adam, are you going to be singing Mad World on tour?
I am performing “Mad World.” I am not performing Ring of Fire.

Do you feel disappointed on the comments that the lead singer of Kiss made about you talking too much about your sexuality?
I disagree with him. I think that by him saying people don’t care in America, I think he’s grossly misinformed, because that’s what everybody was talking about incessently. That’s why I chose to talk about it, because it was all anybody was talking about. I also find it very hypocritical, considering that he talks about his sex life constantly.

Hey Adam! If you could do a duet with any singer, who would it be and why?
We do not have plans — yet. But that’s not to say it’s not going to happen. it’s all in discussion. Basically, we have to acquire a bunch of songs, then decide which songs make the album. So as we collect songs, we’ll see where a duet would fit in. As far as performing with any other singers, I have a huge list, but I think Lady Gaga would be a blast to perform with. She’s innovative and brave and really, really fresh.

What are the tour colors for your fans?
Blue and silver… and definitely a lot of black. And bring your black nail polish and your eyeliner, people! And just sprinkle glitter all over everything!

Adam, in several interviews you said you want to make music with an “electronic” sound. How will you keep that from overpowering your beautiful vocals?
The electronic element is mainly for the instrumentation, it has very little to do with the vocals. You can play an acoustic bass, an electric bass or a synth bass. It’s all bass. It just has to do with the sonic aesthetic. The vocals will remain very true to the kind of vocals you heard on Idol, with added layers and harmonies. There’ll be a lot more depth.

About mj santilli 35078 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!