Adam Lambert News Roundup

ETA: The first three parts of Michael Slezak’s interview with Adam Lambert   HERE. The AMA/GMA controversy is discussed, plus Adam’s take on this morning’s interview with the CBS Early show– CBS blurred out a photo of the kiss with his keyboard player while leaving a Madonna/Britney kiss photo censor-free…

There’s lots of Adam Lambert news in the wake of the fallout from his controversial American Music Awards appearance and subsequent cancellation of his GMA appearance.

Adam’s hastily scheduled CBS Early Show performance went off without a hitch this morning (interviews and performances HERE)

I   posted a slew of Adam Lambert related newstories in today’s headlines. Here are a few stories that missed the deadline:

Newsweek wonders why Adam’s male on male kiss was such a big deal. A sales analysis of Adam’s promising first week sales numbers (250’ish) in light of AMA bruhaha (controversy sells). NPR’s Linda Holmes’ wonders how a performer forgets he’s on television. The New York Daily News think’s Adam’s performance is a kiss goodbye to American Idol.

After the jump, Adam tells Jim Cantiello of MTV news why he left “Suburban Decay” and “Voodoo” off the album. Plus, scheduling conflicts kept RedOne and Adam from finishing the sessions they started. No hard feelings, though. Make sure to watch the entire 13 part series HERE.

Bonus: Adam has martinis with Michelle Collins of Best Week Ever. Hilarious.

Videos after the JUMP…

Adam tells Jim Cantiello of MTV News why he left “Suburban Decay”, “Voodoo” and the RedOne tunes off the Album.

Best Week Ever’s Michelle Collins interviews Adam

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!