Big buzz on the message boards tonight. Has Katharine McPhee left American Idol? According to one of the hosts of the TV Guide Channel show, Watercooler Talk, which aired last night, there is a RUMOR that Katharine HAS left the show. I’m not sure exactly what was said–I didn’t see the show myself. I only watch the TV Guide Channel if an Idol I really like is appearing on Kimberly Caldwell’s craptacular “Idol Chat” (GAH! Is she annoying, or what). Other than that? Errrrm, no….
This rumor–that Katharine McPhee has either quit, left, been DQ’d or whatever, from American Idol–hasn’t appeared in any of the usual places prior to tonight. When Mario Vazquez quit the Top 12 last year, word had gotten around the internets at least a day in advance of the official announcement. So far? Not a word, not a peep, not a sound. My inbox? Empty, except for your questions. The news outlets? Can’t find a thing. My opinion? If this rumor were true, there would be more buzz, more rumor, more innuendo than some passing reference by some “host” on the TV Guide channel.
The girls taped their performance show tonight. If Katharine were NOT in attendance, news would have leaked by now. I’d venture to say this rumor is a big, fat dud. And maybe an attempt by the “hosts” of “Watercooler Talk” to manufacture some of their own. In the meantime, if I hear anything, I’ll post it here…
Oh look. Taylor Hicks has actually performed “Easy” by the Commodores with his band. If this is truly his song pick, I think he’s gonna do a fabulous job…
Speaking of the girls. Like I said, the girls taped their performance show tonight. I wonder how they did? Please, drop me a line if you were there, or have some news. I’d appreciate it, I really would. Thank Yeewww.