I found some information on potential Top 24 contestant Mandisa Hundley at Television Without Pity <waves> Thanks guys! :). The poster there asked if this site could be her. I say yes, because the very first item that turns up in a Google Search of her name is her home page which says “This site has temporarily been shut down. Please email Mandisa for booking and product information.” Contestants are asked to take down their web pages during their run on the show :). Actually, I planned to do a Google search on her–and once I did I found a ton of stuff!
First of all, as the bio I posted reveals, she’s like, really into Jesus! Ok, that fact alone means that this person is definitely the idol contestant. Cause, ya know, the producers, those heathen limeys, pander to the “American Heartland”. But, even for yer typical Jeebus-loving contestant, she wins the big, fat, honkin, Jeebus-loving award:
Mandisa Hundley is a student of God word, a pursuer of His presence, and a promoter of His goodness. Born and raised in Sacramento, CA, Mandisa moved to Nashville, TN to attend Fisk University where she earned her Bachelors degree in vocal performance. She has performed with such artists as Shania Twain, Trisha Yearwood, Take 6, Larnelle Harris, and Willie Neal Johnson & the Gospel Keynotes. She currently sings and travels regularly with Integrity Music and Don Moen and can be heard on numerous recordings including Don Moen …Thank You Lord and Sandi Patti …Hymns of Faith ¦Songs of Inspiration, and Travis Cottrell …Beloved Disciple and …The Deep.
While she enjoys studio work, worshiping with Travis Cottrell at the Living Proof Live events featuring Beth Moore is what she credits for igniting an ever-increasing passion for the Lord and His Word. While still continuing to be a part of these events, Mandisa has now moved into the arena of leading worship on her own. She was the worship leader for the 2004 LifeWay Christian Women Conventions held in Orlando, San Diego, and San Antonio. She has also been called upon to lead worship for various women conferences, programs, and retreats. Mandisa heart is to see racial and cultural barriers demolished among the body of Christ and unity in worship of the One true God. She believes that …in heaven every people, tribe, language, and nation will worship the Lord as one. I believe the Lord is calling us to do the same down here on earth in preparation for heaven!
Alrighty then….
She has performed with The Fisk University Jubilee Singers, who have quite a storied history as portrayed in this PBS American Experience biography. Mandisa performed with the Jubilee Singers on an album by my home-boy Livingston Taylor. The cut is called “Step by Step.” And, she performed on a CD put out by “Curves, ” the fitness outfit. She sings “I Will Survive”.
She’s appeared at numerous churches to sing and lead worship.