Song Spoiler Update
No song spoilers yet. I’m serious. Thank you. Happy Sunday!
Kellie’s Big Reunion
Kellie Pickler had her big homecoming in Albermarle, NC yesterday. Both grandads were on hand for the festivities. So was her father Clyde “Bo” Pickler who was just released from prison last week after serving 3 years in a Florida state facility for stabbing a man and trying to run down police. Kellie reunited with her Dad late last week. Prior to the reunion, she hadn’t seen him since he’d been sent away to prison. They kept in touch through letters.
“‘Throughout my 19 years, I’ve had my ups and downs, ‘ Pickler admitted onstage when she turned her focus to her father.
‘I know a lot of people would think I’d have a lot of resentment toward this person, and I don’t. I feel blessed to have him back into my life.’
And then, addressing the crowd, she said, “I’ve been prayerful when this person came back to Albemarle, he’d be given a second chance. We all make mistakes and we all learn from them.”
With her voice cracking, she turned to her father and said, ‘I love you. And am so glad to have you back in my life.’
Bo Pickler stood and hugged his daughter, lifting her off the floor for 30 seconds, then dried his eyes when he sat back down.”
When the crowd started chanting for a song, Kellie made the spontaneous decision to sing the National Anthem, despite the fact that the Idol producers expressly forbid it. Uh, oh.
“American Idol producers, who keep contestants in close check during and immediately after their show appearances, don’t want the singers to perform outside the “Idol” matrix. Producers ruled out Pickler singing even the national anthem at Saturday’s ceremony.
Pickler weighed the pros and cons for a minute, then made up her mind.
‘I’m going to get in so much trouble for this, ‘ she said, ‘but what are they going to do — kick me off the show?’
With that, she cleared her throat and belted out “The Star-Spangled Banner” so powerfully, it was audible for blocks.”
thanks to Donna for posting that article in comments
Click the story link for a video and more photos. Check out the video. Listen as Kellie screeches her way through the National Anthem. Her enunciation and phrasing are as weird as ever. thanks to luisa and luziangal and carol for pointing out the video.
More on Graceland
Here’s an article from a local Memphis paper on the Idols visit to Graceland this weekend.
“Twenty-something contestants Chris Daughtry, Taylor Hicks, Katharine McPhee and Elliott Yamin waved and took pictures of the yelling crowd as their sport utility vehicle inched through the mansion’s gate at about 1:15 p.m. Mother and daughter Presley had arrived about an hour earlier.
‘Oh my gosh! I’ve been a fan of the show since … its invention. It’s fun for Lisa and I to watch it, ‘ Priscilla Presley told The Commercial Appeal Saturday afternoon.
She and her daughter had lunch with the contestants earlier in the day.
‘I think it’s a great thing. I love the fact that these are people from all over the United States who probably would never have had the opportunity to be in this position, ‘ she said.
‘They are very talented kids. And their attitudes are just great. Even though it’s such a huge competition, the camaraderie between all of them is really inspiring. They root for each other.’
Calling Elvis ‘the first Idol, ‘ she said the show’s presence at rock legend’s home was quite appropriate.
‘But Elvis, too, had to audition, ‘ she said. ‘He was laughed at. He was basically booed off stage. He had to struggle with the fact that he came from very humble beginnings and didn’t have opportunities to have others experience his talent.'”
Thanks to for that article
ETA: Make sure not to miss the pictures at