Hey, Austin Re-cap coming up shortly…but in the meantime…here’s an extry added MJ Bonus! Witness the truly compulsive side of my personality!
From the Hollywood Rounds preview that closed the Austin episode: Remember that little montage at the beginning that took all of about 5 seconds to flash by? I went through frame by frame and captured every contestant–all 34 of them! skeery If anybody out there can help identify some of the peeps I couldn’t, leave me a comment please! THANK YOU. For those of you counting, the Brianna Taylor cap came from the Boston preview…
This first batch I can identify:
April Walsh
Ashley Jackson
Bobby Bennett*
Brianna Taylor**
Bucky Covington**
Chris Daughtry**
David Radford**
Heather Cox**
* Rumored to be Top 44 at least
** Rumored to be Top 24
This group of contestants, I’m having trouble identifying.ETA: You guys are awesome… A bunch of you have already posted to help me identify these contestants! I’ll be editing this post as the IDs come in….
ETAA: I’m going to start putting up some of the IDs. I mis-dentified Bucky Covington. Thanks to the folks who set me straight. I have righted my wrong. :).
Super Special Bonus Pic! From the Hollywood Rounds Preview! Leah Barrettsmith gets the Boot while her sister Brooke moves on! OK, I don’t know that for sure, but how much you wanna make a bet….;)