Season 6 Hollywood Rounds Audition Update
The Hollywood Round took place at the Orpheum theater in Los Angeles.
Rumor Has It:
- The contestants arrived Monday November 13.
- The girls sang acapella on Tuesday November 14th while the boys toured.
- There were 117 girls. They cut so many the first day, that they had to wake up 10 girls in the middle of the night to ask them to come back.
- There were only 56 guys.
- The guys sang acapella on Wednesday, November 15th.
- Group day was Thursday November 16th.
- On Friday November 17th, the remaining contestants–approximately 31 girls and 25 guys–sang solo with piano and 3 bgvs. They were split up into rooms that night.
- On Saturday November 18th and Sunday November 19th, contestants were interviewed, etc.
- Contestants were sent home on Sunday November 19th and Monday November 20th once the interview process was completed.
I’m also hearing that Simon Cowell had to be back in England by Saturday November 18th. He’s currently a judge on the British TV talent competition X Factor.
Oh, I’m not finished. STAY TUNED KIDS. There’s more coming….
In the meantime, one more HOLLYWOOD contestant from the Idol Forums Season 6 Spoiler Thread:
Sabriena Stone
Audition City: East Rutherford, New Jersey
Audition Song: “Oh Darling”
MySpace Music Page (5th of July)
MySpace Music Page (Seven Eleven Project)
200 miles
Bound to Come
God Fearing Willy
Hot Momma
New York by Sunday
No Surprise
Save You
Shadow Box
Three Quarter Song
Until Then
thanks a bunch Idol Maniac
Correction: It was 31 girls not 36 who sang solo on Friday before they were split into rooms.