SONG SPOILERS! We are down to 11 acts and this week’s theme is Motown/RnB uh no … Heroes uh … Rock. Yeah, they switched the theme two times this week.
The show starts at 8pm BST/3pm EDT on ITV1.
Marcus Collins – Are You Gonna Go My Way
The Risk – Crazy
Frankie Cocozza – Get Your Rocks Off
Johnny Robinson – I Believe In A Thing Called Love
Kitty Brucknell – Live And Let Die
Sophie Habibis – Living On A Prayer
Misha B – Purple Rain
Craig Colton – Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Janet Devlin – Sweet Child Of Mine
Rhythmix – Tik Tok into Push It
Sami Brookes – Turn Back Time
Get ready to ROCK! LMAO.
Marcus Collins – Are You Gonna Go My Way – WATCH
Marcus loves his mother… She raised him on her own and wants to pay her back … Gary thinks Marcus is versatile … well, let’s see.
Wow. Marcus really kicked it up a notch. Uh, who is this guy? What a difference a week makes! Marcus actually has stage presence, can dance and can be very confident.
Louis : 10/10
Tulisa and Kelly were worried about this performance, but he killed it. Gary is happy.
Janet Devlin – Sweet Child Of Mine – WATCH
Harp… Omg, her hair. Well, she is doing it her way, in her usual style. Uhm, yeah, it’s not that far away from what she did in the previous two weeks.
Tulisa missed rocky edge. Yeah, me too. The judges would like her to do something more uptempo.
Sami Brookes – Turn Back Time – WATCH
She’s not sure about this song choice. She doesn’t want to be a cruise ship singer, but Gary says Louis did it again.
Well, Gary was right. This is karaoke. Good karaoke, but still karaoke.
Louis gives her a standing ovation. Tulisa thinks it was karaoke, but great karaoke, Kelly agrees. Gary thinks it was totally boring. Also, Louis takes bad acts and makes them even worse. Ouch.
Rhythmix – Tik Tok into Push It – WATCH
Ke$ha is ROCK??? Tulisa says because the song has rock guitar riffs. Yep, thanks to Dr Luke. Anyway, the girls sound okay.
Louis: Brilliant song choice, but not really rocky. Brilliant.
Kelly says the look still needs work, but is supportive.
Gary also thinks this is not a rock song.
Sophie Habibis – Living On A Prayer – WATCH
Ouch, Sophie struggles with low notes. Eek. This is boring.
All 4 judges loved it, no one mentioned her shaky performance.
Craig Colton – Stop Crying Your Heart Out – WATCH
This week, Craig is singing a song, originally sung by a male… actually a band, Oasis. Oh and he is pretty much doing Leona Lewis’ version. But obviously, Craig is no Leona.
Louis mentions Noel Gallagher, a big “fan” of the show. Haha.
Kitty Brucknell – Live And Let Die – WATCH
Kitty is playing the piano. A ballad that turns into dramatic rock number. Flaming piano. Overall, this was pretty good, but a bit predictable.
Frankie Cocozza – Get Your Rocks Off – WATCH
Frankie went out this week. Got laid. Gary sort of gave up on him.
Rockstar entrance…. And the guy still sounds awful and looks like a mess. Ugh, this dancing makes me feel dirty. The song is dull and Frankie’s singing is nothing to write home about.
Louis is glad he saved Frankie last week. Oh really? Tulisa thinks Frankie lost his innocence. LOL. Kelly thinks he needs to sing better. Gary admits he lied last week when he praised Frankie’s performance. Wow. Says this was a comeback, but not a great comeback.
The Risk – Crazy – WATCH
They are not singing Aerosmith. It’s Gnarls Barkley. ROCK?
And they sound great.
Johnny Robinson – I Believe In A Thing Called Love – WATCH
LOL, I don’t even know how to describe this. Johnny sounds funny as always. But I miss the circus a bit.
Gary really enjoyed that… Hehe.
Misha B – Purple Rain – WATCH
She definitely has the pipes. Misha is a frontrunner for a reason. That said, this performance was nothing new, I remember TreyC singing this last year and another female singing this in season 5. The production pretty much rehashed this song.
Gary: Amazing vocals, great vision, artist that will sell records. Tulisa and Louis claim Misha bullies the other contestants backstage.
Is it just me or is this cast full of one-trick ponies? Janet, Sophie, Sami, Craig. They pretty much sound the same every week. Every song is rearranged so they don’t have to step out of their comfort zones. It looks like they will keep repeating the same type of performance every week with slight changes here and there.
Kitty Brucknell and Johnny Robinson both can sing, but I see both as performers and entertainers, not recording artists.
Marcus Collins was a pleasant surprise tonight. After two performances that were slightly uncomfortable to watch, tonight everything clicked.
Girlband Rhythmix is definitely progressing, but probably not fast enough to make it to the end. Also, the girls need a makeover. I’m afraid they are no really connecting with the audience.
Misha B and The Risk are the last two acts and IMO, these two deserve recording contracts for Christmas. The Risk sound amazing for a boyband from the X Factor and Misha is ready to record now. I think both acts are commercially viable.
Sleazy Frankie Cocozza has to go ASAP.