Halloween weekend!
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The X Factor airs tonight at 8:00pm BST (9:00pm CEST, 3:00pm EDT, 12:00am PDT) on ITV 1 (110min).
Song Spoilers for Fright Night
It’s the weekend before Halloween and X Factor’s Jukebox Wheel conveniently stopped on “Fright Night”. It should be a fun night of campy performances, so join us!
From the intro it looks like everyone is taking the theme seriously. Dermot enters the stage with dancers dressed up as vampires. Simon is wearing vampire teeth, too. Four minutes after the start of the show, the main voting is now open!
Ghosts of Bratavio are haunting the stage!
Gifty Louise – I’m in Love With the Monster (Fifth Harmony)
Gifty is singing Fifth Harmony for the second time since the start of the live shows. Gifty reflects on her pre-X Factor life with her friends.
Gifty is elegantly styled for this performance. She gets 6 doors that are hiding 6 dancers. It’s clear Brian Friedman took a lot of inspiration from Fifth Harmony’s music video.
Louis says he is a big fan of Gifty, but is unfamiliar with the song and thinks it’s risky. Sharon calls her “sassy”, she liked the song. Nicole also loved the song and says Gifty made it her own. Simon says doing an unknown song is “doing something different”. He says it was a great performance and great vocal.
Dermot wants to know which judge is the scariest. Vote via the X Factor app!
Matt Terry – I Put A Spell on You (Nina Simone)
Matt says the emotions took him over last week … I guess he watched his performance and saw he was way off. Nicole took him and Ryan to a scary house.
He starts the performance sitting on a chair. The lightning department is bringing a strong game and Matt’s vocals seem to be on point! Flawless. Matt just delivered the performance of a winner. He basically proved us all why he is this year’s CHOSEN ONE. Incredible.
Louis calls him “scary” and a “class act” and “great recording artist”. Sharon compliments the song choice and calls the performance brilliant. Simon says this was Matt’s best performance in the competition. Nicole points out his conviction.
We are back from the break and Dermot reveals Simon is the scariest judge with 46%.
5 after Midnight – Thriller (Michael Jackson)
Bad comments and Relley’s departure really shook them last week. One of them is expecting a baby with his girlfriend. They decide to scare Louis in his dressing room.
The boys poison themselves at the start of the performance and turn into bloody zombies. Big dancing number.
Nicole calls the performance “thrilling”. Sharon hoped the boys would do this song this week. She says the performance was not cheesy and smooth. Simon says the showed personality. He loved the choreography. Louis says this is one of the best performance ever on the X Factor.
Honey G – Men in Black (Will Smith)
Honey G is enjoying her fame and the X Factor process. Before the performance, we get a fake news report that UFOs were sighted above the Wembley Arena.
She wore white last week, but tonight, she is wearing black, because she is singing “Men in Black”, a song from the movie with the same title. There are many men in black on stage. How long before the time of this joke act comes to a close?
Louis says she is “killing it”. Nicole calls the performance “scary” in a good way. She gives her some advice. Simon says she started with everyone hating her, but now the performances feel like a Honey G concert. Sharon says Honey G makes people happy.
Haha, the show is really playing with all scary visual and audio effects!
Rylan Clark comes behind Nicole and scares her right when she wants to introduce Ryan.
Ryan Lawrie – Everybody (Backstreet Boys)
He played football in school, but figured out music was his true passion. We see him out with Matt and Nicole. He really wants to get out of the bottom 3.
He is doing a boyband song. And this particular one is a clear sign TPTB want him gone. At least he is giving it his all. This actually isn’t that bad.
Louis says he made a complete transformation from last week and calls the performance his best performance yet. Sharon says he was like a wet noodle before, but this was much better. Simon says he had some rough weeks recently, but this week his performance was a million times better. Nicole says she would like “Fright Night” for Ryan every week.
Sam Lavery – Total Eclipse of the Heart (Bonnie Tyler)
She went home this week and visited her mother at work in the supermarket. She goes to a football match in Newcastle.
Simon is keeping Sam in the pop/rock ballad line. This song choice seems a bit too in the middle of the road for me. Once again the arrangement sounds questionable to me.
Louis says everyone in the Newcastle should be proud of her. He says she made the song modern. Sharon says the VT made her emotional. She says there is a gap in the marketplace for her. Nicole says this was her favorite Sam’s performance ever. Simon says he didn’t do a good enough job for Sam this week. He takes the blame for the backing track. He says her talent deserves better.
Saara Aalto – Bad Romance (Lady Gaga)
They don’t celebrate Halloween in Finland. Sam shows her what “apple bobbing is” and 5 after Midnight dress her up like a mummy with toilet paper.
This performance… She is basically doing a scary impersonation of Lady Gaga. Considering how Gaga’s weirdness got old a few years ago, I don’t think bringing that back is a good idea. This song won’t please most of the shows’ audience. Musically the song was turned into dated europop. Eeek. Saara could be in trouble tomorrow again.
Louis says he did not want that performance to end. Nicole compliments her vocals and the performance level. She says the coffin piano was a bit pantomime. Simon says it’s okay to be different and says her voice is “dynamite”. Sharon says she is hitting her stride after rough first two weeks.
Judges get carved pumpkins with their likeness. And Dermot found a Louis voodoo doll.
4 of Diamonds – Ghost (Ella Henderson)
Louis sent them to a luxury spa with their mothers. Mother reflect on their childhoods. In rehearsal Simon asks the girls to do the opposite of what Louis tells them.
The girls are styled terribly and this re-imagined “Ghost” is not really working for me. I think the girlband will be in the bottom tomorrow night again.
Nicole says the girls have rich voices like Ella Henderson. Sharon says this theme helped everyone to progress. She says the girls came a long way. Simon says we are seeing for the first time who they are. Louis says the girls are nice people and amazing to work with.
Emily Middlemas – Creep (Radiohead)
She scares everyone in the house and in the studio, including Simon.
Tonight, Emily is a cracked porcelain doll. A single light is bathing her and three musicians behind her. The song is slowed down and stripped down again.
Louis says the performance made him speechless. He calls the performance brilliant and compliments Brian Friedman. Sharon also compliments Brian Freiedman. Nicole says Emily sunk her teeth into the song. Simon says this was her moment and says this will define her career.
Dermot welcomes all the finalists back on stage.
Tomorrow night: Bruno Mars and Louisa Johnson are performing on the X Factor. Louisa’s new single “So Good” is out now!