X Factor Judges Houses Part 2 – Recap Roundup

What did the critics think of last night’s special Sunday edition of X Factor? Read on to find out. Check out my live blog with videos HERE.

‘The X Factor’ recap: Back to the judges’ homes – The remainder of the final 32 contestants performed at the judges’ homes — perched on the edges of swimming pools, set atop sweeping vistas and tucked under weeping waterfalls — Sunday night. And as host Steve Jones (whose pronunciation of Maryland we can now add to the ever-growing list of words he says funny) repeatedly informed us, the “girls” were with Simon Cowell (but not Mariah Carey) somewhere in France, the “boys” were with L.A. Reid (and Rihanna) in East Hampton, N.Y., the “over 30s” were with Nicole Scherzinger (and Enrique Iglesias) in Malibu, and the “groups” were with Paula Abdul (and Pharrell) in Santa Barbara. – LA Times

The X Factor Recap: Open House Party – Things I never anticipated seeing on The X Factor‘s second set of “Judges’ Houses” episodes: A microphone stand crashing against elegant pool tiles without making the slightest sound. A ragtag group of 10 children gleefully laying waste to the legacy of beloved music duo Hall & Oates. And a scene set in an elaborately staged junk yard featuring a quaint, handpainted sign with the word “Garbage” leaning against a dumpster. – TV Line

‘The X Factor’ recap: Cheers to Their Wealth – “Welcome back. To The X Factor. And to Frahhhnce!” announced Steve Jones. Time to turn the lights down low at the judges’ “homes” — same day, new two-hour episode. Well, different day. Did everyone enjoy FACING THE MUSIC on a Sunday night for a change? All the votive candles at the end — teasing Tuesday’s two-hour (?!) episode of the judges’ deliberations — made for a really romantic start to my week. – Entertainment Weekly

‘X Factor’ Judges’ Home Round Ends – The judges were joined by celebrity consultants for this round. Rihanna partnered with L.A. Reid at his home in the Hamptons to evaluate the boys; Pharrell Williams helped Paula Abdul critique the groups in Santa Barbara, California; and Enrique Iglesias assisted Nicole Scherzinger while she evaluated the over-30s at her home in Malibu, California. Over in France, Simon Cowell was joined by a team of industry professionals to assess the girls after his original co-judging choice, Mariah Carey, was detained due to a hurricane. – MTV

‘X Factor’: Home visits continue – First up: Simon at Chateau Les Girls, judging Jazzlyn Little, the stage-frightened 16-year-old who blew the judges away at her audition. Update on Jazzlyn: Still nervous. “I can already feel my throat going like this, ” she says, making a “closing up” gesture with her hands. She perform an interesting slow version of the disco classic “I Will Survive, ” but this time nerves are not her friend—seems like late in the song until she warms up. But with a very loud backing track, it’s a little hard to judge what’s her. Simon nods slightly when she’s done. His Three Yes Men come out from the bushes to sit at his feet. “Maybe she just put herself back into the frame, ” Simon says. One of the Three Yes Men suggests she might be a little “high school talent show.” Simon stares at the guy incredulously. – Washington Post

‘X-Factor, ’ Season 1, Episode 8: TV Recap – On Sunday evening, “The X-Factor” completed the first “judges’ homes” cycle of the competition as the remaining 16 hopefuls performed songs for their future mentors. Simon Cowell was assigned The Girls (under 30), L.A. Reid The Boys (under 30), Paula Abdul The Groups, and Nicole Scherzinger The Over 30s. – Wall Street Journal

‘X Factor’ Judges’ House Recap, Pt. 2: Simon’s Taking Back Sunday – “The X Factor” took over the airwaves in a special Sunday-night slot this week, and while it remains to be seen how the show’s many recent scheduling switchups due to Fox’s baseball broadcasts will affect the show’s ratings and Simon Cowell’s lofty dreams of executive-producing the biggest hit show on TV, I do think he’s got some potential hit singers on his hands, regardless. Some of the series’ biggest early frontrunners–Marcus Canty, Melanie Amaro, Chris Rene, Jazzlyn Little, Tiah Tolliver, Josh Krajcik–put on their poolside performances this Sunday at the Judges’ Houses, and I think quite a few of them are sure to advance to the top 16. – Yahoo

X Factor Part 2 Judges House- InTENsity! – After being screwed over by baseball, the second part of Judges House is on three days late. But three decades wouldn’t be enough to fix the dreadful audio and voice tracks this show uses. First up is Jazzlyn Little, who right about now is having a nervous breakdown on National TV. She’s singing a semi-modern version of I Will Survive but she will not survive long if this big baby doesn’t grow up fast. – Vote for the Worst

The X Factor – The first time I filled in for Emily in this space, I felt a little sheepish and uncertain of my opinions about the show, being an X Factor virgin and all. But tonight, filling in for Emily for the second and final time, I felt assured and certain, as if I’d watched The X Factor a thousand times. Maybe this is a tribute to the quickly the show makes you feel at home with its TV family of zany characters and its Bizarro World values. Maybe it has a lot to do with the swell job being done by the voice-over narrator, who’s forever briefing you on who’s who and what’s already happened and what’s going to happen and what’s happening right before your eyes. Tonight, it almost certainly had something to do with the number of exceptionally terrible, self-parodying performances, none of which were likely to make anyone think, “Maybe it’s just me.” After a while, I had to go back to look at the opening credits to make sure that Christopher Guest wasn’t the special guest director. – AV Club

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!