It’s double your fun (or trainwrecks) tonight as the X Factor Top 6 perform TWO songs. One YOU ALL chose for each finalist, and an unplugged production put together by the team! Stay tuned for more. DOUBLE ELIMINATION TOMORROW.
Damn. I’m a little disappointed! There were some pretty solid performances tonight. I feel totally deprived of snark material! And I was just setting into hate-watching X Factor! Kudos to young Diamond White for stepping it up this week. She may have saved herself. But I don’t know…this week could be really unpredictable. Tate, Carly and Emblem 3 are definitely safe, so that leaves only one slot. I think any two of the three remaining acts–Fifth Harmony, CeCe Frey or Diamond White– could leave tomorrow. CeCe Frey and Fifth Harmony performed with mixed results tonight, but their fanbases are bigger than Diamond’s I suspect. The boybandization of Emblem3 feels very complete at this point. I wonder if the boys will continue to bitch backstage about not being allowed to be themselves? Tate and Carly both had two very good performances tonight, but they are becoming a little predictable.
The Demi/Simon banter has officially become irritating. Everybody on the panel needs to take a lesson from The Voice on how to rib each other without slinging insults. Well, leave Christina out of that lesson. But still. The dynamic can be downright uncomfortable to watch. Also, Demi…calling an act “boring” is really not very descriptive. And Britney? If you are only able to use a few words, can you change it up a little? Specifically, please ban the phrase “I’m so proud of you” from your vocabulary. Ok. Thanks.
“Now we’re going to find out about America’s taste,” says LA about tonight’s Pepsi Challenge. I’ll bet my house it’s better than yours LA!
Here comes Khloe and Mario. Khloe congratulates Mario on his recent wedding. Which YOU will be able to watch on a reality show near you. Hooray E!
First, the Top 6 will sing unplugged songs chosen by their mentors. Next, the Pepsi Challenge songs chose by fans will be performed. Mario reviews the leaderboard. Yada Yada.
Simon emphasizes that it’s crucial for fans to vote. BECAUSE NOBODY IS SAFE.
CeCe Frey – Demi Lovato – Young Adults – “Edge Of Glory” by Lady Gaga – CeCe is the last of the young adults. Ha ha at the vocal coach barking orders at CeCe as she rehearses, off key. CeCe, sitting on top of a grand piano as she trills a decent performance. That could have been a whole lot worse, but Ms Frey has her vocal limitations, especially in her upper register. But does it really matter? She’s no worse than Cher Lloyd was in competition. She’s got potential as a pop singer. In the meantime, her trainwrecky-ness is uber entertaining. LA says, “Sometimes we get it wrong. I’m starting to become a fan.” Britney says, “At this point in the competition it should be great, it was just good.” OMG at Britney criticizing CeCe’s vocals. She sings better than you! Simon says, “I don’t think you are worth the 5 million dollar contract. It was a little too cabaret for me.” Demi gives Simon the stank eye as she says, “I think this was one of your best performances.” – Text Vote to 9301 – 1-855-843-9301
Emblem3– Simon Cowell – Groups – “Just the Way You Are” by Bruno Mars 0 They go skateboard shopping while they bitch about Demi, who keeps beating the “unpredictable” drum. One of the dudes play guitar. This is very One Direction a la the Ed Sheeran’s “Little Things.” Oh gosh. Their vocal limitations are so exposed here. I don’t think they are comfortable with this tune AT ALL. Their harmonies are wretched. In order to give a good performance, they need to be able to do their thing. LA says, “That was pretty good. At least one of Simon’s groups can sing harmony.” Uhm. No they can’t. Britney says, “This has been your best performance in the competition.” Demi says, “You guys did great, it wasn’t the best. I feel like it’s a downgraded version of the Jonas bros 5 years ago.” OHHH BURN.Simon calls Demi “dumb”. Simon says, “The pressure to deliver what they just did, you did amazingly well.” Simon pats himself on the back for allowing the one dude to strum a guitar. Eesh. Mario wants to hear them sing Sublime. He gets it! – Text Vote to 9302 – 1-855-843-9302
Carly Rose Sonenclar – Britney Spears – Teens – “As Long As You Love Me” by Justin Bieber – Carly calls it “unexpected.” She is completely ignorant of the fact that ANY song can be re-arranged to sound very different. I keep forgetting she’s only 13. Her preternatural ability to phrase and express emotion in a song never fails to freak me out. That was pretty amazing. LA says, “I love you so much! You showed some restraint. That was maybe your best for my taste.” Demi says, “You sang it better than Justin did. You remind me so much of Jo Jo.” Simon says, “This is why I love working in this country. I’m seeing a star emerge week after week. You’re actually very cool, you really are. One of my favorite performances.” Britney says, “I’m so proud of you. Each week, you make the song your own. – Text Vote to 9303 – 1-855-843-9303
Fifth Harmony – Simon Cowell – Groups – “Set Fire to the Rain” by Adele – Ally is away to attend her grandfather’s funeral, she’s back just before the competition. To be fair to the girls, I don’t know how they are expected to be a polished group in such a short time. They are way better than One Direction was at this point in the competition. Their performances are sloppy, but they’ve got a tough path. I agree with Demi. A couple of those girls should have been allowed to compete as solos. LA says, “I still didn’t hear any harmony. You should be named Fifth Unison” Britney says, “I’m trying to figure out what separates you from the other girl groups.” Demi says, “I feel like there’s a couple of you that should just be solo artists.” Simon says, “That was really unfair criticism, LA. They have worked on their harmonies. I think they deserve a shot in the semi-final next week.” – Text Vote to 9304 – 1-855-843-9304
Diamond White – Britney Spears – Teens – “It’s a Man’s World” – Diamond is fighting for her life this week! OK. I’m trying to figure out what’s unplugged here? Nevertheless, this is actually pretty good for Diamond who seems to always have pitch problems. She was pretty much on point this week. Nice phrasing and musicality too. But she’s sung this song before. We’ll see how she does on the next tune. LA says, “That was really different for you. This week, you brought attitude. You sang your butt off.” Demi says, “It was risky singing a song you’ve done before, but it paid off.” Simon says, “It was a little bit screechy in parts, you made up for it in the end. I wish you had chosen a different song.” Britney says, “I’m so proud of you. You not only nailed it, you destroyed it.” – Text Vote to 9305 – 1-855-843-9305
Tate Stevens – LA Reid – Over 25s – Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi- AHH! I guessed this correctly from his clue photo. Yay me. Tate has an advantage, because, like Carly, he can sing his butt off. An acoustic performance is to his advantage, for that reason. It’s going to be interesting to see whether he or Carly take 1st place this week. Very nice. Britney says, “I feel like you’re getting away from what you do best, down the middle country.” Demi says, “I’m a fan of you. I will be buying your album one day. This performance was a little boring and you skipped out on the high note.” Simon says, “It’s like taking a goldfish for a walk. You have to choose the material. I like it when you choose the material. Not a great song choice.” Are you KIDDING Simon? He sang it like a country song. So trying to throw Tate under the bus. LA says, “I love the song. You did a really good job with the song. You’re finally doing something for yourself. Your family stands behind you, and I stand behind you.” – Text Vote to 9306 – 1-855-843-9306
It’s time for the Pepsi Challenge! Ya’ll have chosen some odd elements for the finalists. The WTF faces from the contestants as they’re read the tweets is pretty hilarious.
Ce Ce Frey – Demi Lovato – Young Adult – “Part of Me” by Katy Perry – The leopard spots are back! She’s slightly underpitch through the whole song. Her outfit, consisting of silver daisy duies and a sperkly bra top is pretty hilarious. That was pretty bad, actually. The atonal shouts in between verses did not help. LA says, “Not loving it. That was karaoke. Britney says, “I found it very entertaining. I loved it.” Simon says, “I liked the way you were defiant all the way through the performance. If you do go, I’m going to miss you.” HERE COMES THE FAINT PRAISE. SEE YA CEECEE. Demi says, “if the princess of pop says you were good, then I’ll take it from her,” says Demi, annoyed.
Emblem3 – Simon Cowell – Groups – “Forever Young” by Bob Dylan – WAY better than their first performance. The reverb may be helping their harmonies sound on key, nevertheless, the song and the arrangement suits them. The unplugged deal did them no favors. Still kiddie-bland though. LA says, “Tonight you nailed it.” Britney says, “I thought it was a superstar performance.” Demi says, “I am a fan. I just want to see you coomand the stage more. Much better than your first performance.” Simon is irritated with Demi, “That is a silly criticism. I think you’ve been really good tonight. Emblem 3 has landed.” OH SIMON. Demi has a point. Simon is totally cheesing them up. The boys thank their fans for voting for them.
Carly Rose Sonenclar – Britney Spears – Teens – “If I Were A Boy” by Beyonce – Another flawless performance from Carly. The shortened live season is going to work in her favor. If we were only half way through the finals, she would have peaked early. I think Britney is going to have to shake it up for her in the next few weeks to keep her on top. LA says, “You never let me down.” Demi says, “That’s a phenomenal vocal. I do want to hear something uptempo.” Simon says, “Don’t listen to a single word this one has said.” OMG Simon has NO IDEA THAT BEYONCE SANG THAT SONG. He thinks it’s a boy song! What? Demi has a point. She is incredible, but she pretty much gives the same fantastic performance every week. Lucky for Carly, her main competition, Tate, isn’t exactly full of surprises either.
Fifth Harmony – Simon Cowell – Groups – “Give Your Heart a Break” by Demi Lovato – This is actually pretty solid. The girls sound good, and the harmonies are nice. One of their best performances to date. LA said, I actually hear harmonies. That was your very very best performance” Britney says, “A friend of mine sings this song good, and so do you.” Demi says, “I think this song should have been your song. You sing it better than the original. It was energetic, fun. Simon did a good job this week.” LOL Simon didn’t pick the song. Simon thanks America for picking a good song. “The show would not be the same without you,” he says.
Diamond White – Britney Spears – Teens – Diamonds by Rihanna – Diamond is really stepping it up this week. This is kind of a crappy song to begin with, so I’m not crazy about it in any case. But she’s doing a great job–she looks confident and is staying on key. I don’t think she has mega star power, but then again–she’s only 13. LA says, “I really like you, I really like that song, unfortunately I didn’t love your rendition of it.” Demi says, “I feel like you definitely did it justice.” Simon says, “Everybody is being really strong tonight. The second half was better than the first. Overall, I think you’ve had a good night.” Britney says, “I feel like this song was made for you.”
Simon really liked the choices from the viewers. He might do it again next week. Hm. The judges say America makes better choices than they do. They said it!
Tate Stevens – LA Reid – Over 25s – “If Tomorrow Never Comes” by Garth Brooks – The most boring song on the planet, but it’s right in Tate’s wheelhouse. His fans will like this very much, probably. It’s the kind of big ballad he could sell to radio audiences. Still. Zzzz. Britney says, “That felt like a Tate Stevens performance.” Demi says, “I got a little sleep on that performance, but you have a huge future ahead of you.” “Welcome back to the competition. YOu remind me of Garth Brooks. I’m happy you’ve come this far. You don’t put an age cap on talent. We are going to see you next week 100%” “If there is any truth that you were straying away from your roots, America brought you back. That was great.”