Ratings are in from TV By The Numbers. X Factor numbers continue to hold steady.
The X Factor was even with last week’s 3.8 adults 19-49 rating, and that was enough to put Fox on top of the night’s adults 18-49 ratings.
I don’t think Simon and co. are going to hit that 20 million viewer goal Season 1. Keeping the ratings up as the holiday season approaches will be enough of a challenge. I just can’t see the ratings climbing much for a finale that’s scheduled to air 3 days before Christmas.
FOX The X Factor (8-10p) 3.8 10 11.180
CBS Survivor: South Pacific 3.3 9 11.520
ABC The Middle 2.9 9 9.139
NBC Up All Night 1.9 5 4.821
CW America’s Next Top Model -R 0.4 1 1.188
ABC Suburgatory 2.8 8 8.127
NBC Up All Night -R 1.4 4 3.864
ABC Modern Family 5.5 14 12.883
CBS Criminal Minds 3.7 9 12.544
NBC Harry’s Law 1.1 3 7.151
CW America’s Next Top Model 0.8 2 1.861
ABC Happy Endings 3.2 8 7.105
CBS CSI 2.6 7 10.506
ABC Revenge 2.6 7 7.954
NBC Law & Order: SVU