The ABC comedy American Housewife aired a musical crossover with American Idol last night. (3/19).
In the episode the teenage daughter Taylor Otto (Meg Donnelly) comes up with a scheme to ditch college and pursue her dreams of musical stardom. Part of her plans involve auditioning for American Idol. In this clip, Taylor sings the Miley Cyrus hit “The Climb” in front of the judges Lionel Richie, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan. Each judge gives Taylor an enthusiastic YES and she’s off to Hollywood.
The only problem is…it’s all a dream. A disappointed Taylor wakes up in her own bed.
Taylor is frustrated, thanks to her parents, played by Katy Mixon and Diedrich Bader, who urge the teen to stick with college plans. She wants to audition for Idol, but the parents refuse to facilitate the young singer’s scheme. In the end, they compromise. Taylor will go to college to study music.
Check out Meg Donnelly singing in front of the American Idol judges below.