The Voice 6 Top 10 perform tonight for your votes!
Hey guys, it’s Adam and it’s time for another episode of The Voice! Join me here at 8 for the show. Also, if you think I’m funny or cool, you can always follow me @adamhsamuel.
Here we go! The Voice starts now!
After a quick introduction, Rixton performs Me and My Broken Heart. I love their energy. This was an upbeat and enjoyable performance. The lead singer has a great voice and this song is super catchy! One question though: why is the drummer wearing a backpack?
The other Adam brought in Graham Nash from Crosby Stills and Nash to help with the coaching. Side note: I love CSN!
Kat Perkins from Team Adam is singing Landslide by Fleetwood Mac and I’m not sure about this song, its kinda overdone at this point, but Nash still helps her connect with the lyrics. Wait, is that Casey James playing guitar next to her!? I love the setting of this performance. She starts a little wobbly, but gives me exactly what I wanted from her. Kat has shown she is a rocker and this tender moment was a welcome change from her. The song lacked a moment or hook, but I don’t think Kat really needed it to pull off a solid performance. Awwww she is crying because she loves the song. I am worried though that she will be lost in the shuffle of the night. Blake said she is making him cry. Usher loved her vocals and described the performance as a winding road. Adam thought she pulled it off and is glad she is on his team. – Sprint Text 1 to 8642- 1-855-864-2301 – Download from iTunes
Shakira brought in Busbee to help coaching. Who is he again?
Tess Boyer from Team Shakira singing Aint It Fun, by Paramore. Oh no! Tess going second is not looking good for her! Busbee actually wrote Dark Side, the song that saved her last week. Shakira advises her to show more sass. Tess tears up when she talks about being in the bottom 3 again. Good luck Tess! She sounds fine during the opening, but then the music takes over and I actually lost her in the loud music. I’m losing her in this one, the loud music just is overpowering her. She sounds fine but this performance didn’t show an iota of what she is capable of. I think she could be in danger tomorrow sadly. Blake compliments her perfect pitch. Usher loves how she seems comfortable in her own skin. Shakira thinks she killed it and everything was perfect. – Sprint Text 2 to 8642- 1-855-864-2302 – Download from iTunes
Oh god, Blake just tweeted Adam’s phone number. Adam also brought in Scott Hendricks to help coach this week.
Audra McLaughlin from Team Blake singing You Lie, by Reba– Blake is worried she will have trouble standing out, so he gives her an emotional Reba ballad. I love this song for her! It lets her voice soar and she hits all the notes with ease. This was a pretty incredible performance. I think she should be safe again this week, but I worry about her in the long run of the competition. I don’t think she can win, but she could make the top 6. Shakira is surprised by the cry in her voice. Adam thinks this was her best performance and Blake thought she had a moment. – Sprint Text 3 to 8642- 1-855-864-2303 – Download from iTunes
Usher brought in Natural to help coach. Who are these people!?
Josh Kaufman from Team Usher singing This Is It, by Kenny Logins. Why this song? Josh is worried about having a moment this week. He has a wife and daughter who are counting on him back home. This song starts off weirdly low. His notes are a little hard to hear and I can’t tell if he is straining or he is trying to sound that way. This was not nearly as good as last week was for me. His tone is interesting enough, but this song lacked any moments and was a little boring for me. I was expecting more from Josh and I feel he phoned it in a little. I blame Usher though for the wacky song choice. I know I’m being hard on him, but I will eat my shoes if he is in the bottom 3 tomorrow. Adam regrets losing him in the knockouts. Blake thinks Adam is stupid for losing Josh. – Sprint Text 4 to 8642- 1-855-864-2304 – Download from iTunes
Christina Grimmie from Team Adam singing Hold On We’re Going Home, by Drake. WOW. Smart idea doing it on piano. This is gonna be a moment I’m betting. What a smart decision though Christina! I’m in awe at this performance. She sounds amazing. When she gets up from the piano she handles the song and stage with a swagger no other contestants here posses. Girl is a star. HOLY CRAP THAT HIGH NOTE though! I’m predicting this will sell on itunes like hotcakes. Usher loved the acoustic version and says she will be in the finals. Shakira thinks this was her best performance so far and thinks she is unbelievable. Adam thought her artistic decisions were brilliant and he is incredibly proud of her. I think she might be this season’s winner. – Sprint Text 5 to 8642- 1-855-864-2305 – – Sprint Text 5 to 8642- 1-855-864-2305 – Download from iTunes
Jake Worthington from Team Blake singing Run, by George Strait. Jake is an anomaly to me. America loves him, but I think his performances all are similar and he never takes any risks. Lets see how he does tonight. America is gonna love Jake’s take on this song. I actually kinda liked this performance! I feel like this pushed Jake out of his comfort zone and I think it worked for him. Losing the guitar and singing amongst the sway bots seems to have pulled out something from him. What a nice surprise from Jake tonight! Usher loves his spirit. Blake thought he gave a solid performance and thinks he did George Strait proud. – Sprint Text 6 to 8642- 1-855-864-2306 – Download from iTunes
Bria Kelly from Team Usher singing I’m With You, by Avril Lavigne. This song has been performed great in the past on The Voice’s stage and I worry for how Bria’s version will stack up to it. Bria has some major pipes! There are some major pitch issues in this performance. I noticed something about Bria: rather then sing runs, she goes for the growls instead. On the big note in this song, I think she took the easy route out. The rest of the song was pitchy, but this is a very difficult song to perform. Bria could be in trouble tomorrow. Adam is going critical! Is this a first on The Voice live shows? They have never criticized a contestant on the live shows if I remember correctly. Adam thought it was rough and she needs to show more than she did. Blake didn’t hear anything that Adam was talking about. Usher supports Bria and says she was trying to do something new. – Sprint Text 7 to 8642- 1-855-864-2307 – Download from iTunes
Delvin Choice from Team Adam singing Bright Lights, by Gary Clark Jr. I’m not familiar with this song. Adam stresses to Delvin the importance of connecting with the lyrics. The beginning of this song was brilliant! The runs on this song are perfectly on point and pretty remarkable. I’m loving this performance! Wow at dat ending! Delvin starts scatting in the middle and handles this like a pro. This is my favorite Delvin performance so far! I know remember why I liked Delvin. Adam loved how he used the audience to bring the energy up in the room. – Sprint Text 8 to 8642- 1-855-864-2308 – – Download from iTunes
Kristen Merlin from Team Shakira singing Let Her Go, by Passenger. Kristen’s family was going crazy when her mic went out. I am continuously amazed by Kristen. Every time I think she will crash and burn, she soars. She just keeps getting better every week! This was another great performance and I think she will be here for a while. Kristen is this season’s underdog and I’ll be damned if i don’t admit I’m starting to root for her. Adam is glad the mic stayed on the same time. Shakira compares her to an onion: once we got part the hard outer part, we see new layers underneath. – Sprint Text 9 to 8642- 1-855-864-2309 – Download from iTunes
Sisaundra Lewis from Team Blake singing Oh Sherrie, by Journey. What a strange song choice. Sisaundra stresses how she is not just a singer, but a mom who is always talking to her kids. Blake suggest the Journey song and she sounds fantastic in rehearsals. HOT DAMN! The acapella opening was brilliant! This is epic! This was crazy good! I didn’t know Sisaundra had that in her but she is a little rockstar also! Her interactions with the band were amazing and I think this is the best of the night! Adam thinks she blew the roof off the place. Blake says Sisaundra makes her look smart. – Sprint Text 10 to 8642- 1-855-864-2310 – Download from iTunes
And that is it! Have a good night and thank you for joining me tonight!
My Top 3 of the night-
2- Christina
3- Delvin/Kristen
Letter Grade Per Performance-
Who SHOULD Be The Bottom 3- Tess, Bria, Kat (Saved)
Who Will Be The Bottom 3- Bria (Saved), Tess, Audra