THE most reliable spoiler out there right now, Joesplace, just posted song spoilers for the Top 10 Girls on her blog. The girls taped their performance show tonight. Check out what the girls sang and in what order…
After the jump…
1. Carly Smithson ‘ …Crazy On You by Heart
2. Syesha Mercado ‘ …Me And Mr. Jones (changed from Mrs. to Mr.) by Billy Paul
3. Brooke White ‘ …Youre So Vain by Carly Simon
4. Ramiele Malubay ‘ …Dont Leave Me This Way by Thelma Houston
5. Kristy Lee Cook ‘ …Youre No Good by Linda Ronstadt
6. Amanda Overmyer ‘ …Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas
7. Alaina Whitaker ‘ …Hopelessly Devoted To You by Olivia Newton-John
8. Alexandrea Lushington ‘ …If You Leave Me Now by Chicago
9. Kady Malloy ‘ …Magic Man by Heart
10. Asiah Epperson ‘ All By Myself by Celine Dion
ETA: According to Joesplace, “In general the judges hated the songs and the performances. While there were a few positives with individuals (Simon loved a performance and Paula and Randy didn’t for instance), the judges didn’t like the girls tonight.”
Getty photos here. Brooke White plays guitar…
ETAA: Also from Joesplace, “Also, another tidbit: There is a list of 50 songs to choose from. The contestants pick 3 and the judges pick the one they will sing. Strange, I know, but it is accurate none the less.”
NOT fair. It gives the judges leverage they shouldn’t have–they can hand out the best songs to the favored contestants and screw with the others.