Ratings are in from TVByTheNumbers, and the X Factor is hanging in there. It will be interesting to watch the ratings once the live shows begin. If Simon wants to see the ratings rise, he’s got to cast contestants who have the ability to capture the viewers imaginations. He must realize by now, that he’s NOT the star of X Factor.
Fox’s The X Factor was basically steady versus last week with a 3.8 adults 18-49 rating. That’s down 3% from last week, if the typical trend holds, it will gain that back in the final numbers.
An average of 11 million viewers tuned into the X Factor last night.
CBS The Big Bang Theory 4.4/13 13.63
FOX The X Factor 3.5/10 10.59
NBC Community 1.5/5 3.37
ABC Charlie’s Angels 1.2/4 5.93
CW Vampire Diaries 1.2/3 2.55
8:30 CBS How To Be A Gentleman 2.5/7 7.82
NBC Parks & Recreation 1.9/5 4.13
FOX The X Factor 4.1/10 11.82
NBC The Office 3.1/8 5.71
ABC Grey’s Anatomy 3.0/8 8.50
CBS Person Of Interest 2.5/6 11.46
CW The Secret Circle 0.8/