The Voice UK 2017 Live Knockouts 1 Live Blog (VIDEO)

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The Voice UK airs tonight at 8:30pm GMT (9:30pm CEST, 3:30pm EST, 12:30pm PST) on ITV 1.

Tonight, Team Jennifer Hudson perform for VOTES. Jennifer choses the third contestant.

David Jackson – 29 – Belfast – “A Little Respect” by Erasure – Jennifer felt an instant connection with David’s mother. In rehearsal, Jennifer pushes his chest voice. Right off the bat he has pitch problems. I smell cannon fodder! His falsetto is weak sauce. “That’s the way to start the show” gushes Jennifer “You held on to every note like I said…JHud Productions is very proud.” Gavin says “You delivered 100%.” Will truthfully says, “Some parts were wobbly,” Will added, “you came out of it…you sang like a man diva.” Tom notes it’s not an easy song to sing…you nailed it tonight.”

Jack Bruley – Say You Won’t Let Go by James Arthur changed to You Don’t Know What It’s Like by The Bee Gees – Jack wasn’t feeling the first song. He requested something soulful. When Jennifer coaches, she demonstrates what she’s looking for. It’s a real treat. Jack’s got an interesting tone and nice phrasing. He seems really nervous though. There are some wobbly moments in this performance. These contestants seem so green. Will wasn’t feeling the performance. He wonders if he’s nervous? Jennifer noted his nerves, but felt he brought it back home. Hm. I thought he was better than David. Both of them were pretty nervous. Jack feels it could have gone better. Aw. He looks dejected.

Tim Gallagher – Want to Want Me by Jason Derulo – Jennifer stole Tim from Will. Tim wants to play his guitar. Jennifer says fine, but don’t hide behind it. After rehearsal, Jennifer is cool with it. What’s with the pitch problems tonight? Tim has a nice soulful tone. Beautiful falsetto and phrasing, though. Gavin loved it. He thought he did better when he stopped playing the guitar. “That was FIRE,” says Will. “I was almost up on stage singing with him!’ Says Jennifer. “Like an established artist already,” she says.

Georgie Braggins – 21 – Say a Little Prayer by Aretha Franklin – Georgie is a jazz singer. She’s not feeling well this week. Georgie wants to sing a real jazz song. She and Jennifer work on the arrangement to Georgie’s satisfaction. Nice jazzy, swinger arrangement. Georgie isn’t quite up to it though. Tom gives her a standing ovation. Tom felt her interpretation was “very brave…wonderful performance.” Jennifer agrees. Georgie gives the band their props.

Mo – 21 – Freedom by Beyonce – Mo is thrilled by Jennifer’s song choice. She thinks he has to keep building on his confidence. Bandzilla is drowning Mo out! I’m not sure about this song choice for him. Jennifer is on her feet cheering Mo on. He performs his last line looking menacingly into the camera. “That look he gave the camera!” Jennifer gushes. JHud productions is proud. Gavin wanted Mo on his team. “He’s sensational.” Will loves his style, energy and passion. “He came to win,” says Jennifer. Will thought he gave the camera “A superhero look.”

Jamie Miller – 19 – Shape of You by Ed Sheeran – Jamie gets choked up in rehearsal. He’s a very emotional dude. All the coaches show up for the last rehearsal, which is interesting. Jamie’s not bringing anything new
to the arrangement. But he finishes well, with a nice vocal flourish. The coaches give him a standing ovation. “You are going to become a superstar,” says Tom, “You have the whole package.” Will thinks he took it to the next level. Jennifer is proud and happy. “You are already a superstar!” says Jennifer. Jamie struggles with self confidence. Jennifer says he should be proud too.

Now, it’s time for folks in the UK to vote. THE VOTE IS OPEN. Wow. The Vote only lasted through the break. Too late if you missed it!

While the votes are being tabulated, Tom Jones performs Randy Newman’s “You Can Leave Your Hat On.” OK. It’s official. The damn band is too loud. The sound mix is terrible. Nevertheless, Tom has still got it.

It’s results time! Will calls Jennifer the “best female coach” The Voice UK has ever had. Huh? Why make it a gender thing?

The first singer through to the quarter final is Jamie! The second singer through is Mo. Jennifer chooses the last member of her team and it is…Jack! Wow. I was sure that Jack was toast. Jennifer says he’s been her fav from the beginning, therefore she wants to give him a second chance. I was sure she’d pick Tim, or, to round out her team with a woman–Georgie.

Tomorrow night, it’s Team Tom Jones performs and Jennifer Hudson sings her new single! The show starts at 7:45 GMT.


Jamie Miller
Jack Bruley – Chosen by Jennifer


David Jackson
Tim Gallagher
Georgie Baggins

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!