The Voice 8 Top 8 Power Rankings


Rob Taylor and Deanna Johnson left The Voice last week. Here, I rank the remaining 8 singers going into tonight’s episode.

Read More: The Voice 8 Spoilers – The Top 8 Behind The Scenes (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

How would YOU rank the Top 8? Leave your thoughts in comments, and join us tonight for our The Voice live blog at 8/7c pm NBC.

The Voice 7 runner-up, Matt McAndrew is set to perform his new single, “Counting On Love!  CeeLo Green, Gwen Stefani and Usher return to help the coaches advise the contestants.  Don’t miss it.

Read More: The Voice 8 Spring Break Photos and Videos

1. Sawyer Fredericks – Team Pharrell Williams – Sawyer slipped on song choice last week. “Iris” just wasn’t his joint, but he ended up in the Top 10 nevertheless.  Sawyer wins week after week. For that reason, he holds on to the #1 spot.

2. Koryn Hawthorne – Team Pharrell Williams – Koryn came on strong last week with an amazing performance of “Make it Rain.” She’s singing an Alicia Keys song this week, one that she’s sung many times before. I expect her trajectory to continue upward. I’m not sure she can unseat Sawyer from the top spot, though.

3. Meghan Linsey – Team Blake Shelton – Blake has figured out what to do with Meghan. Soulful country songs are what work for her. If she keeps mining that vein, she could end up in the finals.

4. Hannah Kirby – Team Blake Shelton – Viewers seem to love Hannah. One thing she’s got in her favor: There really is nobody else like her in the competition. The rock/blues throwback vibe puts the singer in her own lane.

5. India Carney – Team Christina Aguilera – Here’s where it gets a little tricky. India got the pimp spot with a Whitney Houston song, and her iTunes sales were still middling. She’s one bad song choice from ending up in the bottom 3.

6. Kimberly Nichole – Team Christina Aguilera – The Tina Turner thing Kimberly has going on is pretty great. She’s not only a good singer, but she owns the stage. Last week’s song choice was a little too old fashioned and obscure. If Christina can hook Kim up with great classic/contemporary material, she’ll stay out of the bottom 3 and live to sing another week.

7. Corey Kent White – Team Blake Shelton – Corey is in his own lane too, but he messed up the words on a George Strait song last week (which Blake made sure to point out).  Sawyer may be siphoning off the cute boy country votes Corey normally would get. This week, he’s singing a tune from Bad English, that Corey admits he’d never heard before. Sounds like bad news to me.

8. Joshua Davis – Team Adam Levine – Joshua’s performance last week failed on so many levels, he sang “Budapest” instead at last week’s Spring Break concert (the rest of the Top 8 sang songs from that week). A good performance could save Joshua. A great performance could keep him out of the bottom 3.

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!