The Voice 8 Finale Predictions, Poll Results, ITunes Charts

THE VOICE -- "Live Finals" Episode 818A -- Pictured: Sawyer Fredericks -- (Photo by: Trae Patton/NBC)

Let’s take a look at the iTunes chart and the results of our poll for the Final 4, ahead of predicting which contestant will WIN The Voice 8.

The Voice 8 Polls – The Final 4 – Vote For Your Favs
The Voice 8 Final 4 Live Blog and VIDEOS

The Voice 8 Top 5 iTunes Rankings (as of Noon)

Sawyer holds the #2 and #3 spots on the overall iTunes chart, and if it weren’t for a high profile release of a new Taylor Swift single over the weekend, he would have easily made #1. Even his atrocious duet with Pharrell Williams made the Top 20.  We have a bonafide phenomenon here. Both Meghan Linsey and Joshua Davis entered the Top 10 and will receive an equal bonus.  I wasn’t sure Joshua’s original song would catch, but it did.  I DO NOT UNDERSTAND Koryn’s “It’s A Man’s Man’s Man’s World” charting near the bottom of the list. It was arguably the performance of the night. I blame the performance order.  It should have outpaced Meghan’s screamy “When a Man Loves a Woman.” But again…performance order!

2. Sawyer Fredericks – Please
3. Sawyer Fredericks – Old Man
5. Meghan Linsey – Change My Mind
9. Joshua Davis – The Workingmans’s Hymn
12. Joshua Davis – Hallelujah
14. Meghan Linsey – When a Man Loves a Woman
15. Koryn Hawthorne – Bright Fire
19. Sawyer Fredericks + Pharrell – Summer Breeze
21. Joshua Davis + Adam – Diamonds on the Soles of her Feet
29. Koryn Hawthorne – It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World
91. Meghan Linsey + Blake – Freeway of Love
119. Koryn Hawthorne + Pharrell – We Can Work it Out

The Voice 8 – Final 4 – Favorite Performance

Your favs fell in line with the way I thought they would on iTunes. Koryn belongs near the top! But damn, that original single from Pharrell did her no favors. It’s got to be an advantage to have a solid self-penned tune tucked in your back pocket (Joshua and Meghan). Sawyer the untouchable is a different animal. I’m convinced, at this point, he could fart on stage for 2 minutes and have a hit. Still, he lucked out with an extraordinary song from Ray Lamontagne.

  1. Sawyer Fredericks – Team Pharrell – Please 33.42%
  2. Sawyer Fredericks – Team Pharrell – Old Man 18.11%
  3. Koryn Hawthorne – Team Pharrell – It’s a Man’s World 17.58%
  4. Meghan Linsey – Team Blake – Change My Mind 13.72%
  5. Joshua Davis – Team Adam – The Workingman’s Hymn 6.92%
  6. Joshua Davis – Team Adam – Hallelujah 3.73%
  7. Koryn Hawthorne – Team Pharrell – Bright Fire 3.6%
  8. Meghan Linsey – Team Blake – When a Man Loves a Woman 2.92%

The Voice 8 – Final 4 – Favorite Coaches Duet

The coaches duets were wack. Joshua and Adam’s was the best. Those two seem to be musically on the same page in ways the others aren’t.

  1. Joshua Davis + Adam Levine – Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes 48.54%
  2. Sawyer Fredericks + Pharrell Williams – Summer Breeze 19.71%
  3. Meghan Linsey + Blake Shelton – Freeway of Love 17.7%
  4. Koryn Hawthorne + Pharrell Williams – We Can Work it Out 14.05%

The Voice 8 – Who SHOULD Win

Sawyer is not my favorite this season. Actually, I didn’t have the strong favs like I did in season 6 and 7, despite enjoying the season overall. However, I can’t deny that Sawyer has owned this season with his consistency and artistry. I think he should win.

  1. Sawyer Fredericks 58.11%
  2. Meghan Linsey 17.48%
  3. Koryn Hawthorne 17.06%
  4. Joshua Davis 7.35%

The Voice 8 – Who WILL Win

….and he WILL win. Does anybody believe anybody else in this competition has a chance? He’s dominated iTunes all season, and with the return of the cumulative rule (all itunes sales from the live shows count as finale votes) he’s golden. I hope Republic doesn’t eff him up when they get their hands on him. They should do the P2 thing–market Sawyer’s authenticity while working AAA and HAC radio.

  1. Sawyer Fredericks 85.17%
  2. Meghan Linsey 8.19%
  3. Joshua Davis 3.39%
  4. Koryn Hawthorne 3.25%

Prediction: This is pretty easy.  1. Sawyer Fredericks 2. Meghan Linsey. Although, there’s an outside chance Joshua could jump ahead. She’s had better iTunes sales, though. 3. Joshua Davis 4. Koryn Hawthorne. She’s done poorly by comparison in sales and was nearly eliminated last week. Her single is the weakest of the four, and her very best performance didn’t make much of a dent.

What do you think? Who will win The Voice season 8?

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!