The Voice 8 Battle Round #2 Live Blog and VIDEOS

The Voice - Season 8

The Voice 8 Battle Rounds CONTINUE tonight! We’re live blogging right here. Tonight, twelve more artists will step into the ring! That means, six battles. Get ready. Christina notes how Pharrell lets some of his good talent go. NO KIDDING.

No big surprises in tonight’s battles, except that I was REALLY surprised that Pharrell let Meghan Lindsey go. He’s still making head scratching decisions when it comes to his team. It’s a blessing for Meghan, she’s better off being coached by her buddy, Blake Shelton, who stole her.  The celebrity advisors, Lionel Richie, Meghan Trainor and Ellie Goulding are doing a good job so far. We saw Christina’s advisor, Nick Jonas work for the first time tonight, and I was impressed. He’s a very musical guy.

Anthony Riley vs Travis Ewing – “Get Ready” – Team Pharrell Battle – Lionel Richie mentors.

Mentor session: Anthony LOVES Lionel. He’s covered his songs during his street performances. Pharrell paired them together because they are both soulful. Travis has never sung this song before. He’s hoping that Anthony will get a little overconfident. Anthony boasts that there is no song he can’t do. Lionel reminds him that it’s important to be coachable. Anthony takes in the humility check. Travis is having trouble with the high notes. Pharrell reminds Anthony not to turn down his energy. “He nailed it,” Lionel says of Travis. “I think we have a brawl.” “We’re battling for Chrisina’s heart,” says Anthony! Ha already preparing for a steal!

Performance: They are both really good. Anthony is a natural performer, but Travis has such a rich tone! I love his little adlibs too. This is a pretty even battle. It’s really too close to call. I would be surprised if there wasn’t a steal after that. A VERY HOT performance. I like them both! Adam goes with Anthony, but he thinks Travis gave him a great fight. Blake thinks he could step right into the Temps. Travis made it a true battle. Maybe Travis deserves to be rewarded, Blake thinks. Christina would vote for Anthony, but she thinks it really comes down to personal preference. And of course, Anthony wins the Battle. And Blake Steals Travis! YAY. It would have been a shame to lose him.

Ameera Delandro & Sonic – Masterpiece by Jessie J – Team Christina Battle – Nick Jonas mentors

Mentor session:-  Christina picked the song because Ameera can connect emotionally, while Sonic could add intricate ad libs, similar to Jesse J. Nick notes that the harmonies can’t seem jumpy. Ameera is very nervous. “I’m in your corner,” says Christina. Sonic is deaf in one ear, and it’s impacting her ability to hear Ameera over the band. Nick says they both have to push toward the performance dynamic. The song is about empowerment.  They have to rise to the occasion and do the “tough girl thing,” says Christina.

There’s some pitchy stuff from Ameera and she’s obviously nervous. Sonic has some real swag going here. She’s owning the song in a way Ameera is not. Her vocals are precise and on point. I think she’s the clear winner. Pharrell felt Ameera was a little pitchy at times, but he admired the way she clawed through the performance. Adam felt the song choice was perfect. He thinks the choice is impossible, but if he had to choose, it would be Sonic. Blake loves the duo’s “singer hair.” Blake loves Ameera’s tone. Sonic’s pocket is awesome though. He’d pick her. Christina felt Ameera controlled her nerves, and Sonic nailed it. Her tone was a little more accurate so Sonic wins the Battle Ameera is tearful through her speech.  Christina gets up to comfort her. Poor thing has no self-confidence at all. Ameera is eliminated.

Montages coming your way: Christina paired Gabrielle Woolfchild against  Joe Tolo to sing “For the First Time,” Adam Levine paired Nicolette Mare against Deanna Johnson to sing “Love Me Like You Do,”  Adam also paired Josh Bastone against Nathan Hermida to sing “Thinking Out Loud.  Results: Joe Tolo,  Nathan Hermida and Deanna Johnson win their battles.

Sarah Potenza vs Hannah Kirby – Gimme Shelter by Rolling Stones – Team Blake Shelton – Meghan Trainor mentors

Mentoring session: Sarah claims she’s all about the bass! Both singers are excited when the learn of the song choice. Sarah is a more experienced singer, Hannah realizes she has her work cut out for her. Meghan loves Hannah’s range. Meghan warns Sarah not to yell at her. Hannah is working to step up her performance style.

Performance: I still maintain that Hannah’s phrasing is really weird. She’s also trying too hard to outsing Sarah. She’s lurching around the stage uncomfortably. Sarah is growly, but oddly subdued. I’m not feeling this performance either way. “Blew my socks off!” says Christina about Sarah. She felt Hannah came out and blew it out of the water, too. Pharrell calls it a straight up duel. He thought Hannah was INCREDIBLE. She really held her own. “You are afraid of no one,” says Pharrell. Adam is also really impressed with how Hannah held her own. “You were swinging your purse like a southern church lady,” says Pharrell. The tide seems to be turning toward Hannah, just because she fought hard. Still Sarah Wins the Battle. I think Hannah was meant to be cannon fodder. Even Adam said they expected a slaughter, but Hannah came out with a solid performance instead. Adam and Pharrell steal Hannah. They both pitch Hannah, but in the end Hannah chooses Pharrell. When Pharrell was speaking to her, she felt a “spiritual connection” she says.

Blaze Johnson vs Michael Leier – “Rude” – Team Adam Levine – Ellie Goulding mentors

Mentoring session: Andy asks Blaze to dial back the “island flair” and to make sure he’s being himself. Ellie notes that Michael looks really scared. Also, he was rushing. He’s not feeling that reggae beat. The tones are beautiful. though. Adam advises them to relax and have fun. They are behaving like it’s still an audition.

Performance: I wasn’t terribly impressed with either of these guys to begin with, particularly Michael. Blaze is having breath control problems, and Michael seriously has no rhythm. It doesn’t help that this song is really boring. Both of them settle into the song a little towards the end. I think I’d give Michael the edge. But. Eh. Blake is impressed that they stepped up to sing a song they would not have chosen on their own. Christina felt the angst–maybe they should have relaxed a little. Pharrell felt like he didn’t meet Michael as person in the performance. Adam is happy. He thinks they both took his notes. Blaze wins the Battle. Michael is Eliminated.

Cody Wickline vs Matt Snook – “How Country Feels” – Team Blake Shelton – Meghan Trainor mentors

Mentoring session: There’s a big difference in age and experience between Cody and Matt. Blake thinks Matt has improved since his blind audition. Blake doesn’t care how they work out their parts, they just need equal leads so he can judge there vocals.  Meghan asks  Cody what he’s looking at when he sings, because he’s not directing his performance at her or Blake. While Cody needs to come out of his shell, Matt needs to dial it back a bit. Matt is also having trouble hitting the high harmonies. Meghan suggests they put their guitars down.

Performance: Both singers are solid, but there’s something about Cody. Even if he is staring off into space (he’s not here!) there’s something very distinctive about his voice. He’s got a rich, soulful tone. Matt is enjoyable, but generic. Christina likes the way country feels! Adam thinks they were both hitting on Christina. Pharrell likes the rebellious side to his personality. He feels his presence. Matt sings his story, he says. Adam felt the vibe was there, but he thinks Matt gave the better vocal. Hm. He’s not as interesting, though. Adam thought Cody did a great job coming out his shell. Matt’s energy is infectious. Cody wins the Battle. Cody has an authentic and rare sound, says Blake. To be honest, I think Matt’s age had something to do with his elimination as well. It’s probably why he was not stolen.  Matt is Eliminated.

Paul Pfau vs Meghan Linsey – “Don’t Let Me Down” – Team Pharrell Battle – Lionel Richie mentors.

Mentoring session: Pharrell put the two together because they are both soulful and play with genres. Paul is rooted to the stage, concentrating more on his singing than telling a story. Struggling with his range, Paul asks to bring the key down a half step. It helps a lot. Meghen was in a successful duo, Steel Magnolia. She dated the guy, and he broke her heart. She’s coming at the performance by drawing from that experience. She feels funny singing in a duo with someone she doesn’t know. She has to get over her fears and engage, says Lionel. If she doesn’t make eye contact, it’s over, he says.

Performance: Paul kisses Meghan’s hand before they begin. Nice touch. Paul has an interesting voice, but I can’t get over his nasally tone. Meghan is pushing the vocal harder than needed. She’s so emotional though! It’s the quality I loved about her when she performed on “Can You Duet.” Paul is flat in some spots. Meghan is outsinging him pretty handily. Adam feels the power in her voice is impactful. But he likes them both. Blake thinks Meghan sounds better than she ever has. Christina would go with Meghan, she’s a powerhouse. Pharrell feels Meghan has grown. They both have proven they deserve to stay. Paul wins the Battle. Pharrell is an idiot. Blake, Adam and Christina Steel Meghan. Blake reminds Adam of his Season 7 failure. Adam mentions that Blake didn’t turn around the first time. But, Meghan chooses Blake. Not a surprise, because they have known each other for years. She opened for him once!

The Voice 8 Top 48

Team Adam

  • Tonya Boyd-Cannon
  • Blaze Johnson
  • Deanna Johnson
  • Michael Leier
  • James McNeice
  • Bren’nae DeBarge
  • Nicolette Mare
  • Barry Minniefield
  • Lexi Davila
  • Josh Bastone
  • Jack Gregori
  • Nathan Hermida
  • Joshua Davis – Stolen from Team Blake

Team Pharrell

  • Lowell Oakley
  • Meghan Linsey
  • Sawyer Fredericks
  • Anthony Riley
  • Mia Z
  • Kimberly Nichole
  • Travis Ewing
  • Noelle Bybee
  • Ashley Morgan
  • Briar Jonnee
  • Paul Pfau
  • Caitlin Caporale
  • Hannah Kirby – Stolen from Team Blake

Team Christina

  • Rob Taylor
  • Treeva Gibson
  • Gabrielle Wolfchild
  • Joe Tolo
  • Sonic
  • Clinton Washington
  • India Carney
  • Koryn Hawthorne
  • Katelyn Read
  • Ameera Delandro
  • Jeremy Gaynor
  • Vance Smith
  • Ashley Morgan – Stolen from Team Pharrell

Team Blake

  • Sarah Potenza
  • Cody Wickline
  • Joshua Davis
  • Brooke Adee
  • Kelsie May
  • Jacob Rummell
  • Matt Snook
  • Bay Brooks
  • Brenna Yaeger
  • Brian Johnson
  • Corey Kent White
  • Hannah Kirby
  • Travis Ewing – Stolen from Team Pharrell
  • Meghan Linsey – Stolen from Team Pharrell

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!