The Voice 8 Battle Round #1 Live Blog and VIDEOS

Tonight on The Voice, five more contestants joined coaches teams to round out the Top 48. In the second hour, the Battle Rounds began as 3 sets of contestants faced off. TWO of the losers were stolen. Only James McNeiece from Team Adam was sent packing. The rest move onto The Knockouts.  Ashley Morgan was stolen by Christina Aguilera from Pharrell Williams. Adam Levine stole Joshua Davis from Blake Shelton. Mia Z, Tonya Boyd-Cannon and Brian Johnson found spots on Team Pharrell, Team Adam and Team Blake respectively.

Once again Pharrell begins the Battle Rounds with the strongest team. Will all of his best singers be stolen by other team members? Will Pharrell pick terrible songs and give terrible advice to his charges? Did he learn anything from last year’s missteps? Already, he has given a powerful singer, Ashley Morgan, to Christina Aguilera, so we shall see.


Tonight, the Blind Auditions end and the Battles Begin! We’re live blogging The Voice. After coaches Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Pharrell Williams and Blake Shelton complete their teams, it’s off to prepare the members for BATTLE!

Christina teams up with Nick Jonas, Blake with Meghan Trainor, Adam joins forces with Ellie Goulding and Pharrell with Lionel Richie to work with their respective teams.

Pharrell has TWO open spots on his team. Christina, Blake and Adam have one. Immediately following the end of the Blind Auditions…The Battles begin!

The Blind Auditions

Nathan Hermida – 17 – “Sure Thing” – His parents are from the Philippines. He’s a nerdy Asian guy who LOVES R&B. He also loves Biology and is inspired to be a teacher. His parents expect him to go to college. “I don’t want a boomerang child,” mom says, frankly. Nathan’s voice is smooth and soulful. He accompanies himself ably on electric guitar. He does NOT look like his voice, which is actually kinda sexy. The coaches are going to be surprised when they turn around! Adam pushes his button immediately. Christina is next. Adam calls it “the voice of a seasoned professional.” Christina asks him why he has a sexy voice. Flirting might work, Christina. She loved the blend of his guitar playing and vocals. Adam says he has gift. Pharrell asks him to play some more. Adam wants to make him the centerpiece of his team (liar). Nathan Picks Team Adam Levine. I’d say that was the right choice, even as Adam oversold himself.

Paul Pfau – “Fly Me To the Moon” – He began playing guitar when he was 14. He was a musician before he was a singer. He majored in economics in college, but music was really his focus. He’s a BIG MAROON 5 FAN! He was going to hand Adam Levine a demo backstage when he met him 10 years ago, but he chickened out. This singer intrigues me. I didn’t expect him to come out and sing a standard. He’s got an odd kind of nasally voice that I’m not sure I like. But I’m intrigued by the fact he’s so well versed in different genres. Blake turns immediately. Sads. Adam’s team is full. He pushes his button, frustratedly. Pharrell is next. Christina calls him “Pharrell’s dream,” because he doesn’t look the way he sounds. Paul is finally able to hand Adam his demo CD. Aw. Pharrell says he Paul has a blues background, but he’s been singing pop rock lately. Pharrell loves that his background is so varied. “It’s scary, and I like scary,” says Pharrell. “There is nobody on my team like you,” says Blake for the billionth time. Paul was born in Oklahoma, just like Blake! Not enough, though. Paul Picks Pharrell Williams.

Gaia Golden – 26 – “Red” – She grew up in Hawaii and began taking vocal lessons at a young age. She’s kind of a tomboy. She writes fun pop songs! She’s got a red mohawk tied up in a gold bow. Ew. She’s very pitchy. This performance is unpleasant. Nobody is turning around. Nope. No chairs. Pharrell liked her tone, but wanted more range. Christina wanted more dynamics. Blake noticed the “tiny pitch things.” They actually weren’t “tiny,” but OK.  No Chairs.

Vance Smith – 22 – “Reach Out I’ll Be There” – He grew up in a tough Detroit neighborhood. He saw shooting, violence, everything. The family finally moved to Georgia. He’s presently a big rig mechanic. His mom recalls her son’s obsession with music. It kept him out of trouble. Mom worked hard to raise her kids right, and is Vance’s superhero. He’s looking for an opportunity to give back to her. This is such an odd song for a young person. I’m hearing some pitch problems. Is somebody actually going to turn for him? At the last minute, Christina and Pharrell push their button. Looking for some cannon fodder, I see. Apparently they were impressed with the last dramatic note! Pharrell says even the pitchy parts didn’t matter because of how he “landed” the trick. Ninety-eight percent of that was dull and pitch impaired. I wasn’t all that impressed with the last note, either. Definitely fodder. Vance Picks Team Christina Aguilera

Caitlin Caporale – 23 – “Impossible” – She’s done a ton of local talent shows. She works customer service for a cable company. Christina is her fav. She really wants to be on her team. Again. SADS. Xtina’s dance card is full. Blake and Pharrell BOTH turn their chairs. And no wonder. This girl sings like a pro! She’s so comfortable on stage. She’s great–effortless ad libs, that are never too much or wasted with a syrupy tone that’s just like honey. I bet this girl has a resume, she’s so good. Christina thanks her for singing her song. Caitlyn is so deflated when she learns Xtina is full. “You have a 700 pound voice,” says Blake “Coming out of an 80 pound body.” About her runs, Pharrell says, “You were graciously directing the notes around.” She wants to be an R&B singer. Blake doesn’t stand a chance. And indeed, Caitlin Picks Team Pharrell Williams. After, Christina invites Caitlin to sing with her. And they pretty much smash a short duet!

First, a montage of singers who did NOT impress Blake!

Hannah Kirby – “The Letter” – This Texan’s mom is a songwriter. She played fiddle is a kid, but she really loves singing. She also loves video games. Shes’ studying psychology at Texas A&M currently, while she pursues music. Hannah has a few annoying vocal affectations, but her voice is strong. Very muscular and bold. She needs some refinement, though. Her singing lacks dynamics. Everything is at at 10. She hits an 11 on the last note. Pharrell compares her to a siren. Blake is impressed with “The absolute raw power” of her voice. The rest of the coaches swear they would have turned too. “You were my last team member, but you could have been my first,” he says. Hanna is on Team Blake Shelton.

The Battle Rounds

Team Pharrell Battle – Lionel Richie mentors

Mia Z vs Ashley Morgan “Put the Gun Down” by ZZ Ward – Mia needs to work on her vibrato, says Pharrell, but her stage presence makes up for her flaws. Ashley has the opposite problem, he feels. She hides her personality behind technique. In the final rehearsal, Pharrell felt she really ramped up her performance. He feels the dilemma. Ashley did everything he asked. Yet, Mia is so naturally talented. Who to choose! Lionel was on hand to give performance pointers.

Ashley is a powerful singer, she really outsings Mia. But Mia’s stylized voice has more personality. Personally, I prefer Ashley, but it’s really a matter of taste. Mia is unique, but Ashley is technically superior. Mia can hit those high notes, though. Adam called the duet perfect and amazing. It’s hard to decide, “Sometimes you want waffles, and sometimes pancakes.” That sounds like a recycled soundbite. It really depends on what you prefer, he says. “You’re screwed buddy,” Blake says to Pharrell. Christina is going to pick a side. She picks Ashley, because of her incredible vocal control. “Pancakes or waffles Pharrell?”, asks Christina. Pharrell chooses Mia Hm. Pharrell already making questionable choices. Adam, Blake and Christina steal Ashley. Adam is obsessed with her. “I think you’re a star, sis,” says Blake. Christina reminds her that she took her side! Adam promises to push her to be the best vocalist she can be. Ashley chooses Team Christina Aguilera

Team Adam Levine Battle – Ellie Goulding mentors

James McNeiece vs Tonya Boyd-Cannon – “PYT” – “James is going to be tough.” says Tonya, while James is intimidated by her big notes. Adam suggests he control her rasp. Ellie suggests they smile more. James is careful not to sound forced. He’s going to do his own thing. In the final rehearsal, Adam thinks she’s singing too much, while James is undersinging, but Adam likes what he’s doing. Adam jumps on the drums during their last run-through.

Tonya is the more powerful singer, but James is soulful and his phrasing more refined and intricate. To be honest, neither is a knockout singer. They’re both foddery. Blake is impressed with the way James stepped up to the plate. Christina felt James had his own tricks, although she would vote for Tonya. Pharrell admired the way that James fought, although there were some tone problems. Adam found no fault with either performance, but Adam chooses Tonya Boyd-Cannon

Team Blake Shelton – Meghan Trainor mentors

Brian Johnson vs Joshua Davis – “Knocking on Heavens Door” – Both singers like the song. Blake loves Josh’s grit, but Brian has power and incredible range. Meghan is really impressed! Blake suggests a stripped down version. In the final rehearsal, they changed some stuff, and Blake tells them to stick with what they were doing. Meghan suggested some harmony stuff. She’s smart! Joshua feels his strength is tapping into the song’s emotion. The guys perform it again, bringing Meghan to tears. She had a friend that recently passed. “It really hit me.” Blake notes that an adviser has never cried in rehearsal.

Both singers are equally good, but I’m not feeling either of them. Brian’s got a big voice, but there’s something lackluster about his delivery. I appreciate Joshua’s emotional delivery, but his sound is really dated. Meh. I don’t really care who wins this battle. Christina loves the tone and personality of both singers. Joshua’s baby begins crying–mom quietly takes him out of the studio. Nobody can pick a winner. Adam assures both the loser will be stolen, much to their relief. Blake chooses Brian Johnson – I knew he would pick Brian. Joshua’s age and old fashioned vibe will work against him. But not with Adam, apparently. Adam steals Joshua Davis.

The Voice 8 Top 48

Team Adam

  • Tonya Boyd-Cannon
  • Blaze Johnson
  • Deanna Johnson
  • Michael Leier
  • James McNeice
  • Bren’nae DeBarge
  • Nicolette Mare
  • Barry Minniefield
  • Lexi Davila
  • John Bastone
  • Jack Gregori
  • Nathan Hermida
  • Joshua Davis – Stolen from Team Blake

Team Pharrell

  • Lowell Oakley
  • Meghan Linsey
  • Sawyer Fredericks
  • Anthony Riley
  • Mia Z
  • Kimberly Nichole
  • Travis Ewing
  • Noelle Bybee
  • Ashley Morgan
  • Briar Jonnee
  • Paul Pfau
  • Caitlin Caporale

Team Christina

  • Rob Taylor
  • Treeva Gibson
  • Gabrielle Wolfchild
  • Joe Tolo
  • Sonic
  • Clinton Washington
  • India Carney
  • Koryn Hawthorne
  • Katelyn Read
  • Ameera Delandro
  • Jeremy Gaynor
  • Vance Smith
  • Ashley Morgan – Stolen from Team Pharrell

Team Blake

  • Sarah Potenza
  • Cody Wickline
  • Joshua Davis
  • Brooke Adee
  • Kelsie May
  • Jacob Rummell
  • Matt Snook
  • Bay Brooks
  • Brenna Yaeger
  • Brian Johnson
  • Corey Kent White
  • Hannah Kirby

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!