It’s The Voice 3 semi-finals, and I’ll be recapping right here! The Voice is only 1 hour tonight! Whee.
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Terry McDermott, Cassadee Pope, Trevin Hunte and Nicholas David will compete for a spot in next week’s final.
Next week, there will be a 3 person final!
Trevin Hunte was embarrassingly bad tonight and SHOULD be heading home tomorrow. Cee Lo chose lame, overplayed songs for both of his remaining team members. Either Nicholas David wasn’t feeling well, or he wasn’t feeling “You Are So Beautiful”. Either way, not one of his best performances tonight.
Terry McDermott closed the show, and while his rendition of “Let It Be” was remarkable for the Scottish singer’s pure, sweet, voice, it lacked passion and resonance. I couldn’t get into it. Cassadee Pope was the best of the night, pretty much smashing Keith Urban’s “Stupid Boy”. It was a fantastic vocal that brimmed with emotion. Although, I believe Nicholas has been consistently stellar over the course of the competition, Cassadee would be the most relevant winner of the four remaining finalists.
I wonder if the sudden switch to a 3 person final is an attempt to split votes in Cassadee’s favor? Because she could have a hard time prevailing going head to head with ANY of the men.
Michael Buble takes the stage to sing “Christmas Baby Please Come Home”
Christina mentions that her fellow coaches look REALLY CUTE this week. Blake would love to be a part of his team’s career as long as they’ll have them.
Jenni Rivera, the singer who was killed in a plane crash over the weekend, was a coach on The Voice, Mexico. I did not know that. Thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family from The Voice.
The video packages will feature the semi-finalists visiting their home towns. GOSH THAT’S AN ORIGINAL IDEA.
Trevin Hunte – Team Cee Lo – “Wind Beneath My Wings” – Trevin comes back to his high school, whee his teachers told him he was a loser. Gah. REALLY TREVIN? THIS SONG REALLY? I hate this song so much, that I automatically block it out when anybody sings it. I am not moved. I wonder whose idea this was. He’s pretty pitchy and bringing nothing new to this song. Oh wow. That last note was not good. I don’t know if people will just respond to the sentimental claptrap while ignoring the bad singing. I’m not sure if the performance will help or hurt him. Adam had suggested this song choice for Trevin. Seriously? Christina sang this song at every wedding she performed at as a kid. That tells you something about that song. Cee Lo “I’ve seen you grow, I’ve seen you progress.” 1-855-864-2301 or Sprint text 1 to 8642
Howie Mandel pimps his horrible-looking show, “Take it All.”
Nicholas David – Team Cee Lo – “You Are So Beautiful” – Nicholas goes home to see his family and his new house. Oh. His wife is pregnant. They’re at the doctors, and he listens to his baby’s heartbeat. There’s a big rally at the local mall. YAWN. Could these song choices so far be any more predictable? The stylists got a hold of him–he looks so much better trimmed up. A very smooth, mellow soulful version from David. Adam says, ” You’re just one of the most soulful people that I’ve every met.” Cee Lo notices that Nicholas looks handsome. Oh. It sounds like Nicholas didn’t want to sing the song. I don’t blame him. Cee Lo hopes that he sees that the song choice was the right decision. Hm. Is Nicholas not feeling well? He was sweating and sat through the coaches critiques. 1-855-864-2302 or Sprint text 2 to 8642
Now, a video preview of Howie Mandel’s horrible looking show. Howie’s horrible show looks horrible.
Christina Millian interviews Michael Buble who got Blake a snuggie and vodka for Christmas.
The next video package featurs all 16 of Blake’s team members in the studio with him recording backups on his Christmas album.
And, Team Blake is hear live to sing “White Christmas”.
Cassadee Pope – Team Blake – “Stupid Boy” by Keith Urban – After a reunion with her family, Cassadee heads to a radio station she listened to as a kid. This is a really good song choice for Cassadee, and so far the best performance of the night. It’s a very emotional, pop reading of the original song. Christina says, “Sometimes your voice sounds so right on, it sounds auto-tuned.” LOL Can you say backhanded compliment? Though she does compliment on the passion she evokes. Blake chooses country songs for her, because she connects so well to a heartfelt story. 1-855-864-2303 or Sprint text 3 to 8642
Terry McDermott – “Let it Be” – Terry surprises his son at home. Aw. Terry heads over to the Hard Rock Cafe to dedicate some memorabilia. His parents are in from Scotland. They totally surprise him. Double aw. Terry performs this Beatles’ classic in a pure, crystalline voice. It lacks the soul and emotional heft of Paul McCartney’s original, but its very nicely done. Another good song choice from Blake. Adam says, “Thank God for you, Terry. You’re so wonderful. You did an incredible job.” Blake said, “That’s song is sacred song. Only a handful of singers should attempt that song, and you’re one of them. I believe that was musical perfection.” 1-855-864-2304 or Sprint text 4 to 8642