The Voice season 18 Blind Auditions begin with returning coaches Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson and John Legend. New coach Nick Jonas joins the panel. Carson Daly returns as host. The season premieres tonight (Feb 24). We’ll be live blogging all the Blind Audition performances right here.
The Voice 18 Premiere Spoilers: Contestants Plus Song and Team Choices
The Voice Season 18 Contestant List Spoilers: Blinds, Battles, Knockouts
Nick makes his big entrance, in a parachute. A new season means a new coach intro. Kelly is VERY BLOND. It’s a good look. And probably a wig.
Todd Tilghman – We Got Tonight by Bob Seger – 41 – Meridian, Mississippi – He’s been married for 21 years. He and his wife have eight kids–two are adopted. Wow. The coaches are going crazy over this dude and his super-old fashioned rock stylings. A four chair turn? He’s got a pleasant raspy tone, but there was nothing remotely original in that interpretation. Hm. He’s a pastor. He only sings at church. Hope The Voice is a nice experience for him, before he returns to his Mississippi day job. He seems like a very nice guy, though. Nick and Todd bond over being preacher’s kids. Kelly compares Todd to Chris Stapleton. Blake appreciates that he’s “amped up.” In the end though, Todd picks heathen Blake, and the rest of the panel can’t believe their preacher pandering was for naught. Musically speaking, Blake is a logical choice. He’s the closest thing to rock this show has got.
4 chair turn. Todd Picks Team Blake
Nelson Cade III – Pride and Joy by Stevie Ray Vaughan – 27 – Anaheim. California – Currently, he’s a full time musician. Oh wow. Stevie Wonder just wandered into one of his gigs, and wanted to play with him? Nelson is very well spoken. John immediately blocks Nick. You knew that was gonna happen right off the bat. Otherwise, a 4 chair turn for the vocalist. Nelson sings with a bright raspy tenor. His approach is a bit too showbizzy to pull off the blues. I didn’t really feel that. But maybe, he’ll impress me later. But for now, I find his style a little gib. Nick is writing notes. HE’S LITERALLY WRITING NOTES. He wrote “star” to describe Nelson. Kelly is a little hysterical here, and I’m not sure why. John calls Nelson’s voice “honey dipped.” That’s actually an apt description.
4 chair turn, John blocks Nick. Nelson Picks Team Legend.
Tate Brusa – Perfect by Ed Sheeran – 16 – Salt Lake City, Utah – He’s a junior in high school and plays golf on the varsity team. Writing songs about girls since middle school, Tate produces his own stuff in his bedroom. He played at Sundance last year. He is a very serious dude. It takes a minute, but eventually Nick and Blake turn. Tate’s voice is solid, but nothing out of the ordinary. John advocates for Nick! Kelly thinks he’ll do well with both. Switzerland! Nick wrote down the word FIGHT. He takes the stage to give Tate an instant voice lesson. This competition is over. Nick should also encourage him to develop a distinctive style. Tate doesn’t have that yet. Blake one ups Nick with… AN ADORABLE PUPPY! He threatens to send it back to the animal shelter. That’s disqualifying to be honest. And of course, Tate picks Nick. He’s a fan. Plus…voice lessons.
Nick and Blake turn. Nick Picks Team Nick
Tayler Green – Issues by Julia Michaels – 27 – Los Angeles currently, but she’s originally from New Jersey – The singer works in a shoe store owned by her brother. Carson visits her there. She’s been writing music since 14 years of age. Since moving to LA, she’s been gigging all over the city. She’s singing a gritty rendition of “Issues,” she says. It sounds the same to me? But Tayler has a beautiful, thick tone. It really cuts through, Kelly is the first to turn. Nick is next. John notes that her last name and hair color are coordinated. Heh. Nick is also from New Jersey. He thinks she can win the competition. Nick is actually pretty good at pitching contestants. But Kelly is the queen. She explains in detail how she can help her vocally. Tayler picks Kelly. Good choice.
Kelly and Nick turn. Tayler picks Team Kelly
Ashley Plath – Baby It’s You by Smith – 20 – Middletown NJ – She performs in a duo called Nick & Ashley and is an electric meter reader. She considers herself a bluesy singer. She says the song has never been sung on The Voice before. Really? She has a big voice, but seems really nervous. There are pitch issues here and there. Nobody turns. Kelly was waiting for more consistency. She suggests that Ashley return. Nick and Ashley have a nice chat about New Jersey malls. He suggests that she comes back next season with a song that really shows her range.
No Turns
Darius Lyles – How Do You Sleep by Sam Smith – 30 – Chicago IL – He comes from a church background, his father was a pastor. His mom was his cheerleader. In highschool, he began songwriting and talking to producers. But then at 18, out of the blue, his birth mom called him. He had NO idea he was adopted. But since then, he has reconnected with her. Sadly, in the last four years, his adopted parents have passed away. Darius has a very pretty and soulful voice. John and Kelly hit their buttons pretty quickly. Blake didn’t hit his button, because he figures he belongs somewhere else. John noted pitch problems, but loves his lower range. Kelly compares the way Darius employs runs to Whitney Houston. Still, Darius picks Team Legend. He breaks down afterward, because the two people he REALLY wanted to turn hit their buttons.
John and Kelly turn. Darius picks Team Legend
Megan Danielle – Remedy by Adele – 17 – Georgia – She works in a restaurant with her mom, sister and grandmother and sings at open mic nights. That’s all the experience she has. The plane trip to Los Angeles was her first. Her tone is really unique. She’s a little rough around the edges, but I like her sound. Kelly hits her button, and that’s it. Her lack of big notes probably hurt. Her upper register is thin. “You deserve 4 chairs” says Kelly. Megan admits Kelly was her first choice, but tells Blake she’s disappointed he didn’t turn. SASSY! Nick is giving Megan Life! Advice! At 17 he allowed life to overwhelm him. He advises her to enjoy her time in the spotlight.
Only Kelly Turns
Chrissy Joly – Don’t Let Me Down by the Chainsmokers – 32 – Brooklyn NY – Dad plays guitar. Her family is from Haiti. Chrissy is a comedian! But then gets serious about how her father abandoned the family. It’s very emotional for her. Her performance is a little shaky. Her voice breaks on the high note. Dang. Otherwise, she’s a good singer. No turns. Kelly felt she was good, but the pitch problems kept her from turning. John notes her power, and calls her voice special. They urge Chrissy to come back next season and try again.
No Turns
Todd Michael Hall – Jukebox Heroes by Foreigner – 50 – Saginaw MI – Todd has a big rangy 80’s style rock voice. He’s got the hair to match. He’s got a great voice, PERFECT for a tribute band. He’s 50 years old and looks 10 years younger. Kelly is impressed that he gave his all. John wants to choose song selections out of his rock lane. Blake disagrees: “That takes me back to the hair bands…a direct path to the finale.” Hm. Blake brags that his first two albums were Twisted Sister and Ted Nugent. He also bought Ratt. Blake’s taste in rock music is terrible. However, I think Todd’s choice is inevitable. Indeed, he chooses Blake.
Blake and John turn. Todd Picks Team Blake
Emily Bass – Love Yourself by Justin Bieber – 16 – Texas – Emily is a no turn from last season. She gave the coaches portraits that she drew. This year she has a drawing for Nick. Oh noes. Second time is NOT the charm. She did improve compared to last season. There were a couple of pitchy spots, but she deserved a turn, I think. John thinks she still needs more time. AW. She looks SO disappointed. “Please don’t let this discourage your dreams,” Kelly says. Nick draws Emily a little smiley face in return. Sweet.
No Turns.
Joanna Serenko – All My Lovin’ by The Beatles – 18 – St. Louis MO – Joanna comes from a family of nurses. Her parents were never married. She plays a local music club that many famous singers have come through, including John Legend. Joanna sings a super jazzy version of the song backed by acoustic guitar. She’s the most original singer on the show so far. Her style is very mature for an 18 year old. Unsurprisingly all four coaches turn. Blake calls her “effortless” and figures she’ll pick John. Everyone expects she’ll pick John. Kelly says that in all of her years on the show, she has never heard anyone sing like that. Joanna is just about to pick…when Nick declares that he’s going to FIGHT FOR JOANNA. And it works. Joanna picks Team Nick. Joanna explains that Nick is doing incredible things in the music industry. “We just vibed.” It sounds like she planned to choose him all along.
4 chair turn. Joanna Picks Team Nick.