The Voice 11 Live Blog and Recap Knockout Rounds 2 VIDEOS

THE VOICE -- "Knockout Rounds" -- Pictured: Courtney Harrell -- (Photo by: Tyler Golden/NBC)

The Voice 11 Live Blog and Recap Knockout Rounds 2 – VIDEOS

We’re LIVE BLOGGING the second night of The Voice 11 Knockout Rounds. If you’re wondering who is singing what, Click for The Voice Song Spoilers. Key advisers Tim McGraw and Faith Hill will assist the coaches, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Alicia Keys and Miley Cyrus to get their teams ready for the next match ups.

In the Knockout Rounds, team members face off by performing songs of their own choosing. It’s up to their respective coaches to pick which contestant moves on to the Live Playoffs. The eliminated singer is eligible to be stolen by another coach. Each coach has only ONE steal in this round.

Courtney Harrell vs Bindi Liebowitz  – Team Blake

Courtney Harrell – River Deep Mountain High – Blake put the two singers together because they both have soulful bluesy voices. Courtney is a background singer and songwriter stepping out into the spotlight.  It’s why she chose such a big song. Faith is completely blown away by Courtney’s voice. She gives her a few tips on creating tension in her performance. She uses the analogy of unzipping a dress and taking it off. Blake and Tim like that!  Talk about wall of sound. Courtney is a force of nature on stage. Courtney couples big powerful vocals with a striking stage presence. – Download from iTunes

Bindi Liebowitz – Son of a Preacher Man by Dusty Springfield – Bindi took care of her mother after she was diagnosed with cancer for the second time.  Blake stole Bindi from Adam. Bindi has an interesting tone, but lacks range, which is probably why Adam didn’t choose her. Adam had compared her to Rihanna, which was apt.  Faith and Tim feel Bindi isn’t bringing a proper dynamic to her interpretation. “It sounds vanilla. Be rocky road.” Faith says, adding that the song is super swampy. Ouch. Bindi kinda chokes here. She’s flat throughout the performance, and the notes in the bridge, out of her range. Maybe hearing Courtney’s explosive performance first freaked her out? She’s a bundle of nerves and it shows in a shaky vocal.

Coaches comments: Alicia said it was the first time she’d heard Bindi open up and complimented her beautiful growl. But Courtney was like SUPER WOMAN and “grabbed” this one. Miley thought both of them did an amazing job, but Courtney exploded. Adam noted that Bindi had some struggles and needs more confidence, but it will happen. Courtney is a star and one of the best in the competition. Blake thinks there’s something special about Bindi. But, he compares Courtney’s performance to a  volcano.  Oh. Bindi knows she’s toast. Blake Chooses Courtney. Bindi is Eliminated. Courtney gives Bindi a hug, telling her she’s amazing. “Hold on to that,” she says.

Billy Gilman vs Ponceano Seoane – Team Blake

Ponceano Seoane  – I See Fire by Ed Sheeran  –  He sang P2’s “Home” for his blind audition. Faith and Tim are worried he’ll lose the audience. He needs to keep his energy and emotion up, they say. I remember really liking this guy’s tone in the Blinds. Poor thing is up against Billy. He doesn’t stand a chance. His laid back style will seem weak by comparison. Indeed, he doesn’t really connect to the song until the last chorus.

Billy Gilman – Fight Song by Rachel Platten – Obviously, Billy knows Faith and Tim from his childhood country career. They both fully support his shift to pop music. Adam helps to re-arrange the song in a way that would allow Billy to make maximum emotional impact. Billy’s rangy vocal is clear as a bell and effortless. Maybe too effortless? Billy doesn’t bring the conviction and passion an anthem like “Fight Song” requires until the second half. Still, he easily wins the round. He’s going to be hard to beat. Will we have two former child star winners in a row on The Voice?  – Download from iTunes

Coaches comments: Blake thought Ponceano made the song his own, but Billy was amazing. Alicia felt the “lion” came out by the end of Billy’s performance. Miley says she listened to Billy growing up and thinks his voice is amazing. But Ponceano sings the kind of music she listens to now. Oof. Adam chooses Billy. Ponceano is eliminated. Poor Ponceano, sacrificed to the cannon fodder gods.

A steal is coming up!

Belle Jewel vs Christian Cuevas – Team Alicia

Belle Jewel –  Don’t Dream it’s Over by Crowded House – She was raised in Arizona. She moved to NYC at 18 to pursue a musical career. Alicia was the only coach to turn for Belle. She tells the story of how Tim McGraw kissed her hand when she met him at one of his concerts. Tim and Faith are impressed with her. There aren’t many notes for Belle. She brings a jazzy vibe to this 80’s classic. As a stylized singer she runs the risk of lacking substance. Her vocals are pleasantly quirky, but she doesn’t bring much heft to the performance. Her sleepy interpretation doesn’t cut to the heart of the song. – Download from iTunes

Christian Cuevas –  Superstar by Leon Russell – Christian studied music in college. His father passed away not too long ago. Christian admits he used to have Tim’s cologne. That admission was unexpected!. Christian whose blind audition I thought was pretty cornball, is having trouble interpreting the song in rehearsal. “You have a lot of work to do on this song,” says Alicia, not mincing any words with her team member. When Christian hits the stage, he’s like a new man, allowing himself to be vulnerable–using his vocal gifts to tell a story. He’s impressed me for the first time. – Download from iTunes

Coaches comments: Miley loves everything about Belle. She was falling “madly deeply” in love with Christian as he performed. Adam is obsessed with Christian’s voice and would choose him as the winner. But he loves Belle too. Blake would also go with Christian. Alicia felt they both delivered. Alicia Chooses Christian. Miley Steals Belle.  A very predictable outcome. Belle will do OK with Miley, I think. Phrasing and style can only take a singer so far. Hopefully the two work on Belle’s ability to connect emotionally to what she’s singing.

Alicia has the final steal!

Advancing to the Knockouts

Courtney Harrell – Team Blake
Billy Gilman – Team Adam
Belle Jewel – Stolen from Team Alicia by Team Miley
Christian Cuevas – Team Alicia


Bindi Liebowitz – Team Blake
Ponceano Seoane – Team Adam

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!