The Masked Singer Episode 4 Recap and Live Blog (VIDEOS)

THE MASKED SINGER: Poodle in the “Another Mask Bites the Dust” airing Wednesday, Jan. 23 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. © 2019 FOX Broadcasting. Cr: Michael Becker / FOX.

Tonight the wacky singing competition, The Masked Singer continues on FOX. We’ll be live blogging all of the performances here.

Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke sit on the panel, while Nick Cannon is host and executive producer.

Based on an international hit which produced the No. 1 top-trending video of 2017 on YouTube, The Masked Singer features celebrities facing off against one another with one major twist: each singer is shrouded from head to toe in an elaborate costume, complete with full face mask to conceal his or her identity.

The Masked Singer Season 1 Episode 4 Clues and Guesses (PHOTOS + VIDEOS)

The weakest performance of the night is ELIMINATED and REVEALED.

Tonight, The Alien, The Bee, The Poodle, The Rabbit and The Raven return to the stage.

Joel McHale is back as guest judge. Nick is wearing one of his world famous turbans! 

The RabbitCLUES – “I am The Rabbit. During my last performance I bounced to new heights. I knew I would thrive behind this mask and I knocked it out of the amusement park. Welcome my friends to my playground where I work as a little bunny. As a young cottontail I sought fame and everyone wanted a piece of me. But life isn’t always carrots and cream. I found safety in a group. But sometimes not getting to be yourself can leave you feeling boxed in. Now I’m finding it exhilarating to be on my own. Every week I get to cook up something new for you all. Tonight I’m going to wake you all up and show you I can be the main attraction. Oh yeah.” Video clues: Shots of Rabbit in an amusement park. 

Performance: Wake Me Up by Avicii. The singing is better this week! The panel is zeroing on Rabbit being a boy band member. Robin noted a bit of a twang. Jenny thought he was putting it on. Jenny thinks he might be a chef, doubting the boy band theory. Nicole asks if they ever toured together (Eden’s Crush). Rabbit coyly answers that he’s been on too many tours to remember. The panel guesses Gary LeVox, JC Chavez or Joey Fatone. “I like to rhyme in rap,” Rabbit says. My guess is Joey Fatone. The amusement park clues refer to Orlando where N’Sync got its start.

AlienCLUES – “Last time performing in the mask was much harder than I expected. I could barely see. And it hurt to hear some of the comments from the panel.” (The panel didn’t believe she was a professional singer). “But that feeling of experiencing total anonymity reminded me of being a young child before the whole world knew me and my family’s name. You may think I’m out of fashion, but I’m here to rise above all that. Tonight I’m going to push myself to the limit and show you all what I’m capable of.” Video clues: As she talks about her childhood, she sits in a room full of toys and levitates off of her bed.

Performance “Lovefool” by the Cardigans –  The singing is very poor.  The panel wonders if it’s Paula Abdul. Although she choreographed all the iconic Janet Jackson videos in which Alien’s costume pays homage, Paula is not from a famous family. Nicole got “Jackson vibes” from her tone. Robin is stuck on it being a  model, which shows where his mind is at.  “I’m a quadruple threat,” Alien says. And “I’ve recorded many things.” Robin thinks Paris Hilton and the rest disagree. Also, the Fifth Harmony guess comes up again. All those girls sing better than Alien. My money is on a Jackson behind the mask.

RavenCLUES: “This journey has taken me to places I would have the courage to revisit. I confronted the loss of my beloved with my last performance. It was like a cloud started to part and a long awaited transformation began. I was once the loneliest bird among all others. And no one recognized my beauty. Until years ago when a man came to town. He saw me in a new light and took me away from my flock. I cried tears of love into the Hudson river. I couldn’t believe somebody finally saw my gifts. Now my wings are un-clipped. Tonight my performance is all about my new found freedom and just being me.” Video clues: Shots of the Hudson River valley, a wall full of staticy TVs, one containing the year 1968. 

Performance: Bad Romance by Gaga –  Singing is not Raven’s forte. Ken calls it “fierce.” and “therapy for you.” Nicole commends her courage, but has no idea who she is. Jenny thinks she knows who she is but isn’t saying. The panel has settled on Raven being a talk show host.  OMG Jenny thinks it’s Sherri Shepherd. Ha ha. My guess is Ricki Lake. The man who took her away is director John Waters. He discovered her at 18. 1968 refers to Hairspray. The other two guesses were Kelly Ripa and Sally Jessy Raphael (?!?)

The Poodle: CLUES – “Being on stage last time was so cathartic. I love being anonymous. I could be someone you’ve known for years and you’d have no idea. I’m excited to be here another week. But I have to be flawless to do this role of the Poodle justice. Whenever I want to practice new material I turn to my best friends. Tonight in my new persona I’ll be soaring to new heights despite it being my biggest fear. But please, catch me if I fall.” 

Performance: Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper – She descends to the stage on a swing as she sings. A half naked guy pushes her from behind. Hm. The guesses from the judges continue to be totally off the wall. Jillian Michaels? Nicole thought it was an interesting song choice. They noticed “justice” and “verdict.” Poodle says “I have been fired multiple times.” Jenny guesses Kathy Griffin. Omarosa and Kellyanne Conway are two incredibly stupid guesses. However, backstage, Poodle confesses that the panel came perilously close to guessing, and it freaked her out. Kathy Griffin probably hit close to the truth. Poodle is Margaret Cho perhaps. She’s been fired from stuff too.

The BeeCLUES: “Being part of a show like this, I’m really having lots of fun. It gives me a challenge because I usually watch faces and they lift me up. But actually doing the mask part? I can’t see people! It’s kind of scary. Cause I’m singing the music of today. I’m not always on what’s happening in the world today musically. But it doesn’t matter how many awards you have. You have to be willing to flip the script. I’m singing another modern song tonight. I’m hoping the panel won’t recognize my voice because I want to keep them guessing.” Video clues: A peach breaks in half in the background, along with a cascade of honey.  Bee cuts up with two of her bodyguards–they could be background singers!

Performance: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars – She’s trying to disguise her voice, but there’s no mistaking the Empress of Soul. Nicole calls the performance “beautiful.” Oh. Kelly comes right out and guesses Gladys Knight. Robin says agrees, saying that vibrato is unmistakable.  “Take me to court,” says The Bee. Other guesses include Dionne Warwick and Patti Labelle. The “Take me to court” clue has Ken guessing one of the Supremes fighting over the right to tour with the name. I think “Take me to court” is shorthand for “you’ll have to force me to say.”

RESULTS: The VOTES ARE IN. The Masked Singer who must take it off is The Poodle! Robin guesses Judge Judy. WHAT Nicole and Joel think the Poodle is Jillian Michaels. Jenny says Kathy Griffin. Ken takes a stab: Melissa Rivers.

THE POODLE IS Margaret Cho

Margaret played Ken’s sister on his NBC comedy Dr. Ken and he didn’t recognize her voice? Really? Or was he just playing along. He bows down to Margaret calling her a pioneer for Asian American comics. He wouldn’t be a comic if she hadn’t come first, he says. 

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!