Welcome, Desiree Fans!
Tonight we get the PENULTIMATE episode. Have you been sitting on pins and needles waiting to found out WTH happens?? Going crazy with theories and ideas, going back and forth on who’s F1, who leaves, who’s de-rosed, and if Des even gets engaged?
Here are some promos & previews with new footage of tonight’s Finale Part Uno…
“NO Rose Ceremony!” from ABC via Dreamer on tvtymes’ YouTube channel
“NOT In Love!” from ABC via Dreamer on tvtymes’ YouTube channel
“#HeLovesHerNot” from ABC via Dreamer on tvtymes’ YouTube channel
The Rose Forecast: The Finale, Part 1 via ABC’s The Bachelorette channel on Hulu.com
Extended Preview, including footage of Chris’s & Drew’s daytime dates via TVGrapevine’s The Bachelorette channel
Click HERE for video if it does not appear below…
Click here for: TVGrapevine’s Extended-Preview Writeup via TVGrapevine’s The Bachelorette channel
Bachelorette 2013 Spoiler: Us Weekly Confirms…
Interesting what they opine about the Bette Ali-Frank romance in this article…
via WetPaint.com’s The Bachelorette channel
Have we further confused your mind? DISCUSS!!