Desiree Speaks..
Desiree Hartsock ?@DesHartsock now
Thank you to everyone for watching my journey to find love this season on @TheBachelorette! I appreciate the love & support.
Congratulations to Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried on your engagement!
Congratulations to Juan Pablo Galavis – best of luck as the next Bachelor!
His season should start filming in October and premiere in January 2014.
That was the sweetest proposal. Honestly, I’ve never actually cried during an FRC until this one. They are just so meek and sweet, and their love is hard-fought and heart-felt. The gratitude they felt for finding each other was palpable. Who knows if the couple will last, but with Des moving to Seattle THIS WEEKEND to join Chris in their own new place (apartment?), it looks like this couple is committed to making their relationship work.
Juan Pablo represents a departure for the TB franchise in many ways. He only made it half way into the season – usually the kiss of death for any TB prospect. His ethnicity is white-Hispanic. And his mother tongue is Spanish – he was born in the US but raised in Venezuela, only returning to the USA in the past decade. The only other foreign nationals to have lead the TB franchises have been Prince Lorenzo Borghese (Italy) and Jillian Harris (Canada).
TPTB really pushed him hard during the MTA as a hit with the ladies. He’s an open canvas, though – he hardly got any screen time during Des’ season, so we aren’t really familiar with his personality.
Congrats from Brooks!
Brooks Forester ?@brooksforester 7m
Much love for the #bachelorette Nation and a BIG congratulations to both @DesHartsock and @ChrisRSiegfried
Congrats from TB producers
elan gale ?@theyearofelan 4m
Much love to @DesHartsock and @chrisrsiegfried – here’s a picture of you two from moments after your engagement
Live from LA, it’s the Final Episode of The Bachelorette 9, Desiree Hartsock’s Journey To Find Love (TM). Two-hour Finale Part 2 followed by one-hour After the Final Rose (ATFR). Live blogging East & West coast broadcasts. Let’s Go!
Live-blogging from my East coast internet feed.
Then lather, rinse, repeat off my West coast broadcast.
Dana Weiss ?@Possessionista 2m
Spoiler alert: Brad Womack comes back tonight for a third try as the Bachelor #Bachelorette
Edward Swiderski ?@eswiderski 2m
Apparently wearing blonde extensions will NOT get you the rose? #gettherose #Bachelorette @herbalessences
Robert Mills ?@Millsy11374 4m
Alright #Bachelornation let’s finish the journey #TheBacheloretteFinale
Michelle Money ?@MoneyMichelle 2m
HERE WE GOOOOOOO!! #Bachelorette #GetTheRose @herbalessences
RealitySteve ?@RealitySteve 51s
If you’re a dude, and you’re part of the live audience, I suggest you re-prioritize things in your life. Embarrassing.
“Will Desiree be the first Bachelorette in history to return home alone?”, asks Chris Harrison as he opens up the episode in front of the live studio audience.
Enter Des in a flowing orange maxi. Love the turquoise statement necklace paired with it. But in her ITM she’s still wearing last week’s turquoise flowing belly-top. #editingtricks
Chris H enters Desiree’s abode on the island. She sits in front of pictures of Drew & Chris and weeps sadly. Her ugly cry is pretty darned controlled – I’d be bawling like a colicky baby LOL. Her mascara never runs, her kleenex never gets black stains from said mascara, and no tears flow down her cheek. Her eyes are not swollen either. She cries pretty.
Chris H: “Drew & Chris are still here. If you had never met Brooks, if he was never part of the equation, could you see yourself with either of these two guys?”
Des: “I dunno.”
Chris H suggests Des consider the remaining two guys
Des re Chris: “He’s fun… It’s relaxed and comfortable… It’s been a natural progression.”
Des re Drew: “The sweetest guy in the whole world… He’s very expressive and affectionate.”
Des re Des: “I’m still not broken. My heart might be though. It’s not fair to them.”
Chris H: If you date them, “what do you look for?”
Des: “How I feel… If I can give them the love they deserve… That undeniable spark, where you just want to be with them.”
Chris H tells us there will be a Rose Ceremony today.
ROSEWISE MOMENT: (in my best Reality Steve imitation) I was Right HAHA – Last week’s Rose Ceremony would take place at the start of this week’s episode! Gloat, Gloat, Gloat… ;)
So for the sake of love’s possibilities, Des decides to give Chris & Drew a fair shot and proceed with the RC.
Bach Nation Snarks…
Ali Fedotowsky ?@AliFedotowsky 3m
Why do ppl think I just gave something away? Des is my friend and she’s happy. Shame on you for thinking a girl needs a man to be happy.
Jonathan Vollinger ?@TheJonathanV 4m
Any good #TheBachelorette Finale care package should include wine, Kleenex, and Xanex. It’s just too intense. #canthandlethis
Alexis Levy ?@Alexis_Jordana 10m
RT if you want @chrisbharrison as your shrink #Bachelorette
Desiree Hartsock ?@BachelorTV 8m
Who gets boo-ed louder tonight, Brooks or A-Rod? #TheBachelorette
Brad Smith ?@bradcsmith 11m
Alright? Who’s takin 2nd place!? #TheBachelorette
Robert Mills ?@Millsy11374 25s
How bizarre is this? A rose ceremony in the first 20 minutes. Nothing is as it seems tonight #Bachelornation!! #Bachelorette
Diogo Custodio ?@DiogoCustodio 44s
Wishing @DesHartsock’s journey a happy ending! #TheBachelorette
Andrea Lavinthal ?@andilavs 1m
When my boyfriend breaks up with me I hope my other two boyfriends stay by my side. #TheBachelorette #gettherose
bob guiney ?@bobguiney 1m
“@WilliamFHolman: I heard Brooks rides a Unicorn back to Des in a suit of armor #TheBachelorette”You and your spoilers!!
Our suitors arrive at St Anne’s Point in matching grey & black two-tone Cadillac Sevilles (I totes recognize that car!) Drew arrives cutting a fine slim suit. No wonder he’s a model! Chris looks fine as well in his matching slim suit (these are NOT boot-cut guys LOL), and he’s also a part-time model.
Chris H warns our two dudes that Brooks is not here.
Des: “Brooks actually decided to go home on his own yesterday. Love is unpredictable, it is a two-way street. From day one I have taken each relationship individually. I am not going to let Brooks leaving break my spirit. When I ask you to accept my rose, please, let me know. Sorry.” Des really weeping this time, no crocodile tears.
Drew is called first. Will you accept this rose? “Of Course.”
Chris is called last. “Of course.” Followed by a hug.
Drew, Chris 1-upped you!
Drew: “I’ll never leave Desiree. It’s important that she knows that.”
Arie Luyendyk Jr. ?@ariejr 6m
Isn’t weird @SeanLowe09 is sitting with a bunch of his ex-girlfriends?
Sean Lowe ?@SeanLowe09 1m
@ariejr you’d think so but it’s really not.
Chris H interviews the audience, while he continues to make fun of “skipping jogging running” versus adult articulation. A Team-Chris member says Chris S is articulate. A Team-Drew member says he adores her and will take really good care of her. Lots of the audience thinks that Brooks is coming back. Some are Team-Brooks-or-no-one.
Funny, one lady says Brooks problem is that he sought advice from two women instead of a man. A man would have said “She’s a catch, what’s wrong with you! Get on that!” ROFL!
Boy this audience interview segment is really lasting a long time. Way to drag out the program due to lack of compelling footage!
Wow – lost my live feed, came back, and CH is STILL interviewing the audience? That was a full 10 minutes of broadcast. What a waste!
“I can’t even focus on this amazing view.”
Cue Des, Drew, and a Horse. Des is not feeling Drew.
Des to us: “I know the extent of what I need to do.”
Des to Drew: “I really need to talk to you.”
Des: “I’d be so lucky to have you in my life. I don’t know if I see our futures together. I don’t know if I can be 100% for you.”
Drew: “I didn’t see this happening.” Drew, did you forget that you are on TB??
Drew is devastated. “I have to thank you for being honest. I don’t know…” He holds his head.
Des says sorry. Drew says you don’t need to be.
Drew: “You don’t need to be sorry for not being in love with me. I would want you to be as love with me as I am with you. It hurts a lot. I don’t know when it will really sink in. But I guess this is goodbye. I hope you find your happiness.” Drew stares in the distance. Des gives him a warm hug. They both feel so bad.
Drew is crushed and confused. Drew hugs Des tight and even hugs her neck. His goodbye is so much warmer than Brooks’. “When all is said and done, she just didn’t want to be with me.”
The Bachelorette 9: The Chase
Des chases Brooks
Drew chases Des
Drew’s reaction is very similar to Des’ last week, though more controlled externally. He doesn’t try to convince her to change her mind. “I just have to start over”, Drew concludes as he hops into the pale-blue minivan.
Wait a minute… why doesn’t he get to go home in the grey/black Cadillac he came in on (oh, I mean “in”)??
Frank Neuschaefer ?@neuschaefer 7m
Crying?! There’s no crying on the #Bachelorette!!! – said no one ever #gettherose
Ashley S. ?@AshleySpivey 7m
Nothing says I couldn’t care less about this date more than Des’ loose, black pants. #bachelorette
Robert Mills ?@Millsy11374 8m
Whoa. Pot calling the kettle Brooks #Bachelorette
Zack Kalter ?@ZackKalter 7m
I’ll be live chatting #TheBachelorette finale, tonight on @ExtraTV @Spreecast: http://extr.tv/17ucFMh
Nick Peterson ?@NickPetersonTV 8m
Des feels like something is missing with Drew. I think it’s manliness. Just a hunch. #thebachelorettefinale
Arie Jr’s pick for the next TB lead.
Chris H: “Is it really possible that Brooks DOES come back to be with Des.”
Des: “The past WEEK(?) has been brutal with Brooks leaving.”
Chris S appears in a blue vneck tshirt and white shors. Des is wearing a pink bikini top and black maxi skirt. They board a hammock on a boat.
Just like when Bryden left, Chris S is here to console Des. “Going forward, I’ll love you, I’ll be there for you, you’ll have a shoulder to cry on.” Chris is melting Des’ heart. Des see’s that she has something that she can See Lasting with Chris.
Des: “To be honest, I would love for today to be perfect.”
Chris is copping a feel on national TV, hugging her on her bosom while she covers his arms with her (so that we cannot see him copping a feel).
Des’ ITM talking about Chris is cheerful as she talks about Chris’ great qualities. She says he makes her want more. So now she’s talking about her feelings and not his qualities – always a good sign pointing to F1. “It’s amusing how I’ve gotten to this point.”
Des: “Whether Chris and I end up together or not, I know I can trust my heart, and know that my heart will find what it needs.”
Jaclyn Swartz ?@JaclynSwartz 3m
Ohmergawddddd. I think she might pick Chris?! #Bachelorette #gettherose
Paige Vigil ?@paigevigil 53s
This. Is. So. Suspenseful. #TheBachelorette
Holly Julian ?@HollyDurst 1m
Maybe I’ve been watching too much Shark Week but when Des and Chris jumped into the water, I totally thought they were about to get eaten.
Rachel Truehart ?@RachTrue_ 4m
Brooks who? #movedon #Bachelorette Chris is def gonna #gettherose
Ali Fedotowsky ?@AliFedotowsky 4m
I’ve said it since the 2nd episode. It’s Chris. RT if you agree that he’s totally going to #gettherose #Bachelorette
Ashley S. ?@AshleySpivey 25s
Chris and Des are having 3rd date conversations. No way he is the final one. #Bachelorette
DES IS REBOUNDING WITH CHRIS. “Today went so amazing!” Des opines as she surprises herself with how quickly she switched teams. She thinks she is now Team Chris.
Des visits Chris at his bungalow, where Chris gives Des a gift. Lemme Guess – a Poem? She keeps thanking him – normally you say thank-you repeatedly to a stranger, not to a close loved one.
Des & Chris are really happy with the pace that things have progressed. And they feel they have known each other for a million years.
Chris: “I think you’ve made some pretty good decisions.”
Des: “Yeah, you’re here.”
Chris and Des both say “but at the same time” as qualifiers a lot.
Des wants Chris to meet her family.
Chris gives Des… a journal! With a quote! And ALL the POEMS he wrote her!
Here’s the quote: “The greatest thing in the world is not where we are but the direction in which we are going.”
Chris H interviews SEAN & CATHERINE in the studio audience to get us their opinion.
First things First: Wedding Soon? Sean said soon, not ready to announce a date. Cat: “no comment”. Sean: “I’m more in love with her than when I proposed to her.” If Cat had gone home, Sean says he would have packed his bags and gone home!
Next, Chris H interviews Jackie Parr. Boy, Jackie has been getting more screen time and talk time on Des’ season than she ever did on Sean’s season!
Now CH interview “my bestie in my mind” Lesley! Lesley is sad to see Des cry, as it reminds her of when Cat cried when Lesley was let go on Sean’s season.
Rachel Truehart ?@RachTrue_ 43s
Sooo is Chris Harrison going to talk to every single person there? Get on with the show I’m bored #bachelorette #gettherose
Leslie A. Hughes ?@leslieahughes 1m
@LiveBachelor @DesHartsock I’m going with #Brooks I just have a feeling or hoping he comes back !! #TheBachelorette
Lesley Murphy ?@LesleyMurph 23m
Gypset? @clmgiudici @ On location
Des takes Chris to meet her mom, dad, and Nate.
Nate: “Why should Desiree choose you?” “What were your first impressions of her?” “Did you see Des with a stronger connection with someone else?”
Chris S: “I don’t care what else is going on with someone else. In real life it goes on anyways, but you just don’t see it. Which is nice!”
Nate: “Are you confident that Des will choose you?” Chris: “100%”
Nate: “What if Des were to pick Drew?” Chris: “It would be really hard for me. It’s a form of rejection I’ve never experienced before.”
Dad talks with Chris
Chris to us: “I’m gonna ask Des’ dad something I’ve never asked any dad before.”
Chris to Dad: “I wouldn’t have stuck around if I wasn’t feeling it with Des. And I started feeling it Week 3.”
Dad: “Yes I’ll give you permission.” And they handshake. “What I see, what I hear, it will be a good fit. You better take care of her HAHA! I see you with Desiree, and she’s happy, and that’s what I want for her.”
Des talks with Nate
Des wants Nate’s opinion, and he’ll give it warts and all.
Nate: “You don’t think it will change tomorrow? Never rush into anything.”
ROSEWISE: It’s like Nate watched the past episode! He questions the quick switch from Brooks to Chris. So does most of the viewing audience!
Nate: “Before you wanted Brooks. That ship has sailed. Are you hurt in any way?”
Des: “It took me a long time to finally give up on that.”
Chris Bukowski ?@chrisjbukowski 7m
Who else misses Brooks? #bachelorette #gettherose #ManTears pic.twitter.com/Pouufw9PiN
Holly Julian ?@HollyDurst 7m
Someone needs to put Nate on Bachelor Pad next summer. #bachelorette
Emily Maynard ?@EmilyMaynard 7m
Chris is cute and all but he looks like Steve from Blues Clues. And he likes to rhyme. #Bachelorette
Brad Smith ?@bradcsmith 8m
Dez’s bro on the HBO version of #thebachelor
Kathryn Sherlock ?@KathrynSherlock 9m
I can think of a girl on my season who would be PERFECT for Nate #Bachelorette
Bianka Kamber ?@Biankakamber11 10m
@AftertheRose I think brooks will come back and confuse her. I’ve always thought her & Chris have great chemistry. Something is fishy
Des’ Final Day in Antigua
Chris visits Neil Lane
Chris wants to pick Des a ring that she’s gonna WANT to wear for the rest of her life. “This is the greatest gift that I can give to somebody. To care for her, provide for her, be there for her.”
Des walks out onto the balcony in THAT dress. The Randi Rahm dress with the beading added at the waste.
Des: “I’ve never felt so completely loved. And I don’t have a clue what I’m going to do.” Foreboding… “Chris does not know how I felt about Brooks. And Chris deserves to know everything. And once I tell Chris the truth, I’m afraid everything will change.”
And with that we cut to commercial, with 15 minutes left on the clock for this Finale P2.
Desiree Hartsock ?@BachelorTV 3m
Will Brooks come by air, by sea, or by a moped, Dumb & Dumber style? RuhRoh, Chris! #TheBachelorette
Jef Holm ?@jefholm 3m
Des is a babe
Brad Smith ?@bradcsmith 3m
Dez: Chris thanks so much for proposing…..Um quick note about Brooks though…. #TheBachelorette
William Holman ?@WilliamFHolman 4m
Chris had a poem engraved inside the ring. #Bachelorette
Michelle Money ?@MoneyMichelle 5m
Bad finale dress. Doesn’t fit. Nothing special. Thoughts!? @Possessionista
Mike Fleiss ?@fleissmeister 5m
Neil Lane is as beautiful as his rings…
Bachelor Nation ?@Bachelor_Nation 8m
Loving @DesHartsock’s final rose dress, good luck beautiful!!
Selma Alameri ?@SelmaAlameri 3m
Chris is just an absolute sweetheart! Hope she accepts his proposal! #goodman
Chris arrives cutting a dapper suit!
Des is elegant in her pale rose dress.
Chris is worried that Des still has feelings for others, but he’s hoping her feelings for him will conquer those.
Chris: “I love the happiness I see in your eyes…. I don’t want to make decisions for me anymore. I wanna make decisions with you for us now.”
As Chris is about to get down on one knee, Des asks Chris to pause while she explains the Brooks situation. Chris is willing to weather the storm with her. So they proceed with the bended knee and Des accepts Chris’ proposal!
Now it totally makes sense why Brooks was on a cruise alone this past week or so…
They close out with Chris pulling a When Harry Met Sally, where he talks to the camera/interviewer about the heart attack he just had when Des stopped his proposal.
Des & Chris make a mild gentle meek but confident couple. They remind me of Des’ own parents that way.
Leslie A. Hughes ?@leslieahughes 2m
Holy crap half way through #TheBacheloretteFinale and I’m just in tears watching @DesHartsock, hate to see her cry ????… #onlywantthebest4u
Stephanie A ?@StephTweets 4m
@DesHartsock @ChrisRSiegfried Seeing you two together in person at ATFR and the dodgeball game – you clearly have something very special! <3
Catherine Giudici ?@clmgiudici 7m
@seanlowe09 and I also endorse this new product called Engaged Bliss. Des officially just became a…
Courtney Robertson ?@bugrobertson 8m
And then there were two. A little behind, hoping to see some major sparks eek #bachelorette
Dana Weiss ?@Possessionista 9m
Des Hartsock Bachelorette necklace
Bryden Vukasin ?@BrydenVukasin 2m
@ChrisRSiegfried congratulations! I wish the best for you guys and I am very happy I got to meet and befriend you! Love you bro
“From the beginning I knew I would stay open and my heart would get me through.”, ponders Des. “Chris was always there, I was always falling in love with him. It’s not like I woke up one day and said “hey there””.
CH asks Des what was going on with Brooks. Des says she thought Brooks was going through what she did on Sean’s season, which was trouble with the process, not trouble with the lead. She didn’t realize she was wrong, that Brooks was having trouble falling for her. Once she saw that, she was ready to move on.
Brooks will come out after the commercial break.
The first time they will meet since the breakup in Antigua.
Des is not nervous!
Brooks meets Des
Des says she’s sure there are some questions…
Brooks is sporting a combover haircut. All the better to help Des get over him. Fugly!
Brooks: “Lot of feelings resurfaced last week… Watching the experience second-hand. How invested I was.. How badly I wanted it to work out.. The struggle.”
Des: “I think you were really honest… I think that helped… That helped us both have closure.”
Des question Brooks: “What happened from hometowns and Antigua? Feelings? You always made me feel confident that you wanted to be there. The head was ahead of the heart. When you feel it you know it.”
Brooks: “I stuck around until you were done with your questions, because I wanted you to have the time to process it all and ask whatever questions you had.”
Chris H: “Any questions you have?”
Brooks: “There are some things I could have done better.”
Des: “After you left, it was really good! Then I was able to dig deep into the other relationships.” Awkward pause, Des admits bashfully: “I’m engaged to Chris.”
Brooks: “I saw the way that Des looked at Chris on group dates, in rose ceremonies, I’m not surprised.”
Wow, I’m glad that Brooks saw that. TPTB might have shown us that too! But then, they wouldn’t be TPTB, would they?? ROFL.
Glad to see that Des & Brooks interacted awkwardly but successfully.
Michael Stagliano ?@MichaelStag 1m
So… Bronze = Drew. Silver goes to Brooks, but only cause he tripped at the finish line means Chris = Gold… #gotit
Ali Fedotowsky ?@AliFedotowsky 2m
Now I’m going to call the next #Bachelor … Juan Pablo!!!!!!! #gettherose #Bachelorette
Jenna Burke ?@TheOverAnalyst 2m
Drew hates this show #Bachelorette
Dana Weiss ?@Possessionista 3m
“after you left, my producer scraped me off the floor, plied me with anti-depressants and now I’m engaged to Chris,” #Bachelorette
Reegan Innes ?@reegan_innes 5m
“I wanna be that rock that doesn’t break for you.” That, ladies, is how a man should talk to you. #Bachelorette @TheBachelorTV
Andrea Lavinthal ?@andilavs 4m
It appears that Brooks is between hair products at this time. #TheBachelorette
Des feels warmly toward Drew, but Drew looks a bit stiff. Maybe he’s nervous. What’s it like seeing her? “It’s a long recovery process. It’s been 3 months since we last met. It’s difficult to watch the last few…”
CH: “Des left you broken-hearted.”
Drew, bitterly: “Unceremoniously.” Ooooh. “I felt her greeting toward Chris was more warm than mine.”
Drew claims he feels no regrets and no anger. His body language says anger to me. “It’s not the ending that I wanted, but I can smile knowing that you got what you were looking for.”
CH: “What questions do you have for Drew?”
Drew: “Could I have done anything during the process that would have changed things? When did you know that it wasn’t with me?”
Des: “Hard to say, I tried to stay open, so I could be available to a surprise.”
Drew: “Was I always behind Chris & Brooks.”
Des: “I noticed myself not being quite myself with you.”
CH: “Are you still in love with her?”
Drew: “No, but I always will have love for you. I will always be in your corner.”
CH: “Something tells me you will be more than OK after this.”
Interesting that Drew looks more handsome on TBette than on AFTR. Maybe the lighting on ATFR?
Long forgettable preview of a new Revenge-like TV show. Yet another nighttime soap. Uggh!
RealitySteve ?@RealitySteve 9m
Next season, I’m totally going to Nate Hartsock for my spoilers.
angie ?@LiveForDamon 8m
Michael Stagliano ?@MichaelStag 3m
aaaaaaaand Chris and Des = good thing?. Or Chris and Des = the next best thing? #roseparadox
Jaclyn Swartz ?@JaclynSwartz 6m
Des fell in love in a hopeless place. I fell on love in a hopeless cake. #gettherose #Bachelorette @neuschaefer
Ashleigh Hunt Fiora ?@AFiora125 6m
Dayummmmm I never watched this #Bachelorette but Drew is Finnnne in his three piece suit. #dapper #instawardrobe #metro?
Michael ?@MichaelGarofola 7m
Happy for Des and Chris. Hopeful for Drew. Proud of Brooks. #Bachelorette
William Holman ?@WilliamFHolman 7m
next bachelor. Drew. #thebachelorette
Public for the first time! Chris leans into Des, but Des leans away from Chris. Whadup with that?
Chris noticed his connection with her since the dodgeball group date.
Des says Chris is the greatest man she’s ever met – that let Chris know that what they had was solid and real.
CH shows us the beautiful proposal, on that hill in Antigua, again.
Des: “You have been by my side from the beginning… You mean the world to me… I love you, I love you so much.” Des cries on Chris’ shoulder as Chris hugs her.
Chris: “I have something to say. I am confident… Do you want to grow old together? Do you want to start a family? I was here first, I wanna be here last. Will you marry me?”
Des’ face is now beaming and glowing. “It’s amazing to watch it back.”
CH: “You guys are clearly in love…. Now who’s our new bachelor?” Chris shifts quickly, LOL.
Des & Chris look lovely together. I get the impression that they are very similar types of people. Ying and Ying, not Ying and Yang, KWIM? They looks dahling together. Clearly TPTB hid the real love story here. Even other cast members are tweeting that they notice the Des-Chris connection throughout.
Des & Chris part 2
There’s a bridal store near me – I wonder if she’ll take up residency there?
Seattle is Bach Central Numero Uno!
CH: “Are you moving in with Chris?”
Des: “No, we are moving into our own new place together!”
CH: “Do you have a gift for Des?”
Chris: “Yes… A dozen dried roses from all the ceremonies”, surrounding a poem called “My Girl”.
Rosewise: This is a nice poem, the best one he’s written. It actually held my attention. Usually I take a mini-nap during his poems. The best line: “Fall forward with me.”
CH: “We wish you the very best!”
Who’s going to be our next Bachelor? It’s coming up after the break!
Des: “Juan Pablo has the most edge. So sexy and charming.”
JP: “Being able to do what you love, and you get to get paid for that? Priceless. Camilla was born in Feb 14 2009. She’s 4 now. Her mom and I stayed together for 2 years but it didn’t work out.”
JP: “I want that wife, a couple other kids, Christmas, Valentines. I will definitely find my future wife and stepmom for Camilla.”
Wow, TPTB are really branching out! This will be… different. Well, maybe not.
JP: “There are more people here than on MTA!”
CH: “Has the decision set in yet?”
JP: “It was a difficult decision, I talked to family.”
JP: “I talked to my mom in SEATTLE.” There’s the SEATTLE connection again!
CH: “It’s your birthday!”
JP: “Thank you for that present! 32 today. 1981.”
OH MY GOSH… I just put 2 and 2 together…
JP is my kid’s spanish teacher’s son!!!
My kid took a crash course in spanish this summer from JP’s mom.
His mom was very good – after a mere month of crash-coursing (4 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 4 weeks), my kid, who’d never taken Spanish before, was able to place out of not 1, not 2, but 3 semesters of college Spanish at a top 10 university! What a coincidence. It could only happen in Seattle, where we have 3 degrees of Bach separation. Can’t wait to tell the kid when she gets home! :D
elan gale ?@theyearofelan 7m
@RachTrue_ @JuanPaGalavis @kacielynnb call me
Erica Helaine Rose ?@EricaTheRose 7m
I want Juan Pablo to be my Latin lover #thebachelorettefinale
Sophienette ?@sophienette 8m
@Millsy11374 you did! Love Juan Pa and his Chiquiturri! (hope I spelt that right @JuanPaGalavis !)
Lincee ?@Lincee 9m
Off to sign up for the bachelor.
Ali Fedotowsky ?@AliFedotowsky 10m
Juan Pablo might be my favorite #Bachelor ever!!! So happy for him!!! P.S. It’s not a spoiler when it’s all over the Internet #gettherose
ashlee frazier ?@ashleefrazier 10m
It’s gonna be another shirtless season! Juan Pablo…obsessed. Xoxo congrats #Bachelor
Sarah Newlon ?@SarahNewlon 11m
Finally! A smokin’ hot #bachelor! Obsessed with Juan Pablo.
Gia Allemand ?@GiaAllemand 12m
I am more excited hearing that @JuanPaGalavis is #TheBachelor then the ending of #TheBachelorette #GetTheRose
Emily is just happy that she won’t have to watch Jef or Arie on her TV for 3 mos…ROFL
Emily Maynard ?@EmilyMaynard 12m
All my prayers have been answered. #bachelor
John Wolfner ?@jwolfner 13m
Ok, I’m watching the finale now & I’m already bored. Wonder if I can get sum from my gf during these slow moments of the show.
Dana Weiss ?@Possessionista 21m
I gave him my heart and he gave me some dead rose petals #Bachelorette
Jonathan Vollinger ?@TheJonathanV 22m
Worse hair than Brooks, not as sensitive as Chris, not as good looking as Drew. Wouldn’t have mattered. #notevenmad #TheBachelorette
Ashley Elgin ?@BachelorExpert 25m
Free adjustments for life! #Bachelorette
EmilyCOBrien ?@EmilyCOBrien 4m
It’s like 100 Shark Weeks rolled into one. @JuanPaGalavis #Bachelor
Coastal ?@AftertheRose 42m
What I thought was so special is how that whole day was all about them. Congrats Chris and Des!! #bachelorette
Robyn Ross ?@RobynRossTVG 42m
Sad I’m in LA and can’t interview the happy couple in person tomorrow! @DesHartsock
Trista Sutter ?@tristasutter 43m
I think @DesHartsock ‘s final rose dress is my favorite of all seasons…even my own (if u take away sentiment)!!!! GORGEOUS! #bachelorette
Jillian Harris ?@jillianharris 1m
Wow. Not the ending I expected. What do u think?
Chris Harrison ?@chrisbharrison 4m
I love this!!! RT @LambchopRuns: My ovaries just exploded when @chrisbharrison announced the new #Bachelor.
Chris Harrison ?@chrisbharrison 1m
Final day in Antigua! What an incredible ride it was @deshartsock
Michael ?@MichaelGarofola 2m
So excited for #the Bachelor in Juan-uary. This season will be Juan to remember. #JuanPunsAreFun #ButImDone #maybe
Jonathan Vollinger ?@TheJonathanV 3m
God, Juan Pablo is cool. It’s not even fair. #thebachelor
Mikey Tenerelli ?@MikeyTenerelli 5m
Naming my two kids #juan and #pablo because @JuanPaGalavis is the man. #JustSaying
Ashley Elgin ?@BachelorExpert 7m
I just finished my #Bachelorette finale recap, please excuse the typos, it is late.
Sarah Herron ?@sarahherron 1m
I think @ashleefrazier would like to reappear on Juan Pablo’s season of #TheBachelor @fleissmeister
Zak Waddell ?@RealZakWaddell 3m
That’s my boy!!!!!!!! Congrats on The Bachelor. Truly happy for you. @JuanPaGalavis #BachelorNation #congrats
ashlee frazier ?@ashleefrazier 3m
Looks like I’ll be buying the Spanish Rosetta Stone thanks to Juan Pablo. #thebachelor
Will Reese ?@PsshWillReese 8m
They could not have picked a more selfless, giving and caring bachelor than @JuanPaGalavis He’s the Juan. #thebachelorette #Ineedtostop
Jackie Parr ?@Jparrmakeup 12m
With my girls!!! Loved my dress from @materialisticxo http://instagram.com/p/cqL6heEGiz
Daniella McBride ?@DaniellaMcBride 13m
Wow epic finale!
Selma Alameri ?@SelmaAlameri 13m
@DesHartsock baby girl I am so happy for u! Congratulations!!! I literally teared! Love u!
Andrew Kimmel ?@andrewkimmel_ 14m
Watching as Chris tells @deshartsock he loves her for the first time in Portugal and now as he…
Jason Mesnick ?@jason_mesnick 5m
Seriously what is it about Seattle girls & guys on the Bachelor & Bachelorette?
Well, that’s a wrap! Congrats to all the players and playahs this season! I’ll be filling in the blog with Tweets and observations from my West coast TV broadcasts. Please join us and follow along!
Thank you,
Incredibly Rosewise