The Amazing Race Casts Social Stars on the Next Season


CBS announced the 11 teams competing in the spring cycle of The Amazing Race. The gimmick this time is that all the racers are internet stars. Famous You Tubers, Viners, Instagramers and gamers comprise the cast. The most famous face of this crew is You Tube’s Tyler Oakley, who has popped up on various talk and awards show in the past couple of years.

Another twist will have host Phil Keoghan streaming live video on his Facebook when the race kicks off on Sunday November 15.

Obviously a bid to young up the viewing demo. Dancing with the Stars has casted social media stars without a perceptible effect to their oldish viewer demo.

Millennials watching Youtube and other online media won’t suddenly decide to settle in on a Friday night to watch network TV because some social stars decide to cross over. Good luck with that CBS.

Details and cast list below.

Meet the 11 new teams of social media influencers who will embark on the journey of a lifetime on the next season of The Amazing Race! Teams include You Tube stars Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl, Gamers Burnie Burns and Ashley Jenkins, Lifestyle vlogger Blair Fowler and her father Scott Fowler, Vine star Cole LaBrant and his mother, Sheri LaBrant, Magic Viner Zach King and his wife Rachel King, and more.

For the first time, fans will have the opportunity to check on their favorite teams and get a real time look behind the scenes of the show when Phil Keoghan streams live video on his Facebook page during the first leg of the Race on Sunday, Nov. 15 at approximately 7:30 PM, PT/10:30 PM, ET. Follow Phil Keoghan on Facebook and Twitter @PhilKeoghan or for additional updates and information.

Following are the 11 teams competing on the upcoming season of The Amazing Race:

Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl – Social Media Influencers


Tyler and Korey’s Announcement

Relationship: Best Friends
Current Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.

Tyler has more than 7.7 million subscribers on YouTube and is one of the biggest social media influencers in the space. He is racing with his best friend and fellow YouTube star, Korey Kuhl, who hosts the award-winning podcast “Psychobabble” with him.

Subscribe on YouTube: Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl
Follow on Twitter: @tyleroakley and @koreykuhl
Like on Facebook: Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl
Follow on Instagram: @tyleroakley and @koreykuhl
Follow on Tumblr: Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl
Listen to their podcast: Psychobabble

Burnie Burns and Ashley Jenkins – YouTube Stars


Burnie and Ashley’s Announcement

Relationship: Dating
Current Residence: Austin, Texas
Burnie runs Rooster Teeth, one of the largest gaming sites with more than 8.2 million subscribers on YouTube. He is racing with his girlfriend and Rooster Teeth co-host, Ashley.

Subscribe on YouTube: Rooster Teeth
Follow on Twitter: @burnie and @ashleyj

Erin White Robinson and Joslyn Davis – YouTube Hosts


Erin’s Announcement Video
Joslyn’s Announcement Video

Relationship: Best Friends
Current Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.
Erin and Joslyn are best friends and YouTube hosts for the popular news and entertainment channel Clevver, where they cover everything Hollywood.

Subscribe on YouTube: Erin’s Reality and Joslyn Davis

Follow on Twitter: @heyerinrobinson and @joslyndavis
Like on Facebook: Erin Robinson (Erin White)
Follow on Instagram: @heyerinrobinson and @joslyndavis
Follow on Vine: heyerinrobinson and joslyndavis
Follow on Snapchat: @heyerinrobinson and @joslyndavis

Sheri and Cole LaBrant – Vine Star


Relationship: Mother/Son
Current Residence: Enterprise, Ala.
Cole is a teen heartthrob Viner who has amassed more than 6.5 million followers. He is racing with his mother, Sheri.

Follow on Vine: ColeLaBrant
Follow on Twitter: @Thesupercole
Like on Facebook: Cole LaBrant
Follow on Instagram: @thesupercole

Zach and Rachel King – Vine Star


Zach and Rachel’s Announcement

Relationship: Newlyweds
Current Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.
Zach is best known as the Magic Viner and has more than 3.7 million followers. He is racing with his wife, Rachel.

Follow on Vine: Zach King
Follow on Instagram: @rachelmking and @zach king

Dana Borriello and Matt Steffanina – YouTube Stars


Dana and Matt’s Announcement

Relationship: Dating
Current Residence: Los Angeles, Calif.
Engaged couple Dana and Matt are best known for their dance videos and tutorials. They have danced all over the world and Matt has more than 2.4 million subscribers on YouTube.

Subscribe on YouTube: Matt Steffanina and DanceTutorialsLIVE

Follow on Twitter: @MattSteffanina and @DanaAlexaNY
Like on Facebook: Matt Steffanina and Dana Alexa
Follow on Instagram: @MattSteffanina and @DanaAlexa_
Follow on Vine: MattSteffanina

Jessica Versteeg and Brittany Oldehoff – Instagram Models


Jessica and Brittany’s Announcement

Relationship: Best Friends
Current Residence: San Francisco, Calif. and Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Jessica and Brittany are best friends and Instagram Models who together have more than 60,000 followers.

Follow on Twitter: @jessversteeg and @BrittOldehoff
Like on Facebook: Jessica Versteeg and Brittany Oldehoff
Follow on Instagram: @jessversteeg and @BrittanyOldehoff

Marty Cobb and Hagan Parkman – Viral Video Sensation


Relationship: Mother/Daughter
Current Residence: McKinney, Texas
Marty (Mother) is best known for her hilarious flight attendant safety demonstration that went viral and has more than 22 million views on YouTube. She is racing with her daughter, Hagan.

Subscribe on YouTube: Marty Cobb Smile High Club
Follow on Twitter: @flygirlmom and @haganelizabeth
Like on Facebook: Martha Cobb and Hagan Parkman
Follow on Instagram: @haganparkman

Scott and Blair Fowler – Beauty YouTuber


Scott and Blair’s Announcement

Relationship: Father/Daughter
Current Residence: Kingsport, Tenn. and Los Angeles, Calif.
Blair started her YouTube channel when she was 14, posting beauty and fashion videos. She has expanded her channel to include all things lifestyle and has amassed more than 1.7 million subscribers. She is racing with her father.

Subscribe on YouTube: JuicyStar07

Kurt Gibson and Brodie Smith – Pro Frisbee Players


Kurt and Brodie’s Announcement

Relationship: Best Friends
Current Residence: Dallas, Texas
Brodie turned his Frisbee skills into popular videos and has a YouTube channel with more than 1 million followers. He is racing with his best friend and former ultimate Frisbee teammate, Kurt. They won three National Championships at the University of Florida.

Subscribe on YouTube: Brodie Smith
Follow on Twitter: @BrodieSmith21 and @kurtegibson
Like on Facebook: Brodie Smith and Kurt Gibson
Follow on Instagram: @BrodieSmith21 and @kurtegibson
Follow on Snapchat: @BrodieSmith and @kurtegibson

Cameron and Darius Benson – Vine Stars


Cameron and Darius’s Announcement

Relationship: Brothers
Current Residence: Memphis, Tenn. and Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Cameron and Darius made a name for themselves on Vine by doing crazy stunts like parkour, unicycling and juggling. Together they have more than 3 million followers.

Subscribe on YouTube: Darius Benson
Follow on Twitter: @MrLegenDarius and @CamerontheB
Like on Facebook: Darius Benson and Cam Ben
Follow on Instagram: @MrLegenDarius and @picsofcam
Follow on Vine: MrLegenDarius and CAMBAM

THE AMAZING RACE sends 11 teams on a trek around the world. Each Team is comprised of two people who have a pre-existing relationship with one another. At every destination, each Team competes in a series of challenges — some mental and some physical — and when the tasks have been completed, they learn their next destination. Teams who are farthest behind will gradually be eliminated as the contest progresses, with the first team to arrive at the final destination winning at least $1 million.

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!