The season finale of The Amazing Race airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap and join the discussion here.
The episode begins with the Final 3 teams learning they will be flying to Chicago, Illinois. All three teams are excited to compete in the final leg for the million dollars. Once they land, they must proceed to the Chicagoland Speedway. Brooke and Scott are the first to arrive there, and they open their next clue. One team member must get into a race car after their partner changes the tire first. After they race one lap around the track, they will get their next clue. Brooke gets started on changing the tire, but she is struggling with the task. She has to switch the tire in under 40 seconds, but she is unable to do so. Meanwhile, Tara and Joey and London and Logan have arrived at the Chicagoland Speedway too. Brooke is very frustrated and keeps yelling that she can’t do the task. Nonetheless, she does manage to change the tire, allowing Scott to drive around the track. However, he doesn’t drive around the track under the time limit. They must drive around the track with a maximum time of 48 seconds, but Scott went 10 seconds over. Afterwards, Tara drives around the track, but she is too slow too. In addition, London is struggling changing the tire.
After Scott’s second attempt around the track, he went one second over. However, he completes the task on his next attempt. Meanwhile, London manages to change the tire on her fourth attempt. Brooke and Scott are currently in first place, and they get their next clue. They learn they must proceed to Monroe Street Station. As they make their way there, Tara and Logan are driving around the track, and both of them manage to finally complete the task. They can make their way to Monroe Street Station too.
Brooke and Scott find their next clue at the station, and they learn they must solve three riddles to identify three Chigago landmarks: Chicago Water Tower, Wabash Bridge, and Buckingham Fountain. Once they solve the riddles, they will arrive at those three landmarks. Once there, they must get a postcard from someone wearing red and yellow. Once they have all three postcards, they will learn their next destination. Tara and Joey arrive at the station too, and both teams are looking up the clues online and asking locals for help. After Brooke and Scott and Tara and Joey have already left the station, London and Logan arrive and get the clue informing them of the riddles.
Brooke and Scott are the first to find a landmark: Chicago Water Tower. They get their first postcard, and they make their way to Wabash Bridge next. They get their second postcard there before we see Tara and Joey or London and Logan get their first postcard. However, Tara and Joey do manage to get their first postcard at the Buckingham Fountain, and London and Logan get their first postcard at Wabash Bridge.
Brooke and Scott get their third postcard, and they learn their next destination: City Hall Rooftop. London and Logan are the next to get all three postcards as Tara and Joey are still looking for their third. Tara and Joey go to a wrong location. They are at the Chicago Temple, but there are no postcards for them there. They realize their mistake, and go try another building. Meanwhile, Brooke is feeling very emotional and is crying about not wanting to let Scott down.
Brooke and Scott are the first to the rooftop and they get their next clue. They learn they must go to Wrigleyville Dogs. On the way there, they see Tara and Joey still looking for their third postcard, realizing they are ahead of them. Nonetheless, Tara and Joey do manage to find their third postcard. Brooke and Scott arrive at Wrigleyville Dogs, and they learn they must deliver ten hot dogs to customers at a rooftop overlooking Wrigley Field. Among the customers are former The Amazing Race winners Ernie and Cindy, who happen to be from Chicago. Brooke and Scott get the task completed, and they can make their onto the field.
Tara and Joey finally arrive at Wrigleyville Dogs, but London and Logan are still behind. Back at the field, Brooke and Scott get started on their final challenge. They must answer questions about the race, specifically where they placed on each leg. They must place their placement on the scoreboard with one team member giving directions by radio as the other is placing the numbers on the scoreboard. Brooke and Scott get started on the task, with Brooke giving Scott directions through the radio. The places they visited are listed alphabetically, and Scott places their number placement with Brooke’s guidance. Meanwhile, Tara and Joey are delivering the hot dogs to the ten customers, and London and Logan are finally in a taxi on the way to Wrigleyville Dogs.
Brooke and Scott successfully complete the task, and they get their next clue. After solving a math equation about their placements, they learn the aisle where their next clue awaits. As they go searching for the clue, Tara and Joey arrive, and they get started on the last task.
Brooke and Scott find the clue, and they learn they can now proceed to the Finish Line: Milton Lee Olive Park. As they make their way there, London and Logan finally deliver the ten hot dogs to the customers, and Tara and Joey are still working on the scoreboard portion of the final task. Nonetheless, they get it done soon enough.
Tara and Joey are now looking through the aisles for their last clue as London and Logan are struggling with the final task. Therefore, there is no suspense as we see Brooke and Scott make their way to the Finish Line.
Scott says he picked the right partner, and they each used their own individual skills to their advantage. Brooke says she might’ve had more in common with other teams, but she wouldn’t have been as successful with them as she was with Scott. Later on, we see Tara and Joey arrive at the Finish Line in second place. Tara is proud how they did, and she says she couldn’t ask for a better teammate. Joey says it was an epic ride. Later on, London and Logan arrive at the Finish Line in third place. London says it was lucky they got paired up. She says they have a special relationship that will continue after the race. Logan says he was more and more impressed by her each day, and he considers London like family now. He’s happy he got to finish the race with an awesome partner.
Season Summary:
1st place: Brooke & Scott
2nd place: Tara & Joey
3rd place: London & Logan
4th place: Matt & Redmond
5th place: Becca & Floyd
6th place: Liz & Michael
7th place: Vanck & Ashton
8th place: Shamir & Sara
9th place: Seth & Olive
10th place: Jessie & Francesca
11th place: Kevin & Jenn
And that wraps up this season of The Amazing Race! Thanks for reading, and feel free to post your thoughts in the comments section below.