The Amazing Race 26 Recap – Episode 10 Live Blog

A new episode of The Amazing Race airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap of the episode here.

Last week was a non-elimination leg, so five teams still remain in the race. Laura and Tyler won the last leg of the race, so they’re the first to depart. They learn their new destination is Trujillo, Peru. Once there, they must go to the Plaza des Armas. Today is Laura’s 30th birthday, so she’s hoping for some birthday luck to help them out. They go to the travel agency to book a flight and learn they won’t arrive there until tomorrow morning. Right behind them are Hayley and Blair. Blair said that he’ll work on his listening skills and Hayley will work on not freaking out. They book a different and faster flight than Laura and Tyler. They’ll be arriving twelve hours earlier. Next Jelani and Jenny book a flight at a travel agency and they get on the same flight as Hayley and Blair. Mike and Rochelle and Matt and Ashley make their way to the travel agency too while Laura and Tyler go out drinking and celebrating. All the teams get to the airport, but Blair and Hayley and Jelani and Jenny are twelve hours ahead of Laura and Tyler, Mike and Rochelle, and Matt and Ashley. The bottom three teams must sleep there overnight as Hayley and Blair and Jelani and Jenny are already on their way to Peru.

Hayley and Blair and Jelani and Jenny arrive in Trujillo. They watch a fireworks show the night they arrive and begin the leg of the race the next morning. They receive their clues and learn they must go to the Plazuela de La Merced. Jelani and Jenny get in a taxi and make their way to the next location, but Hayley and Blair waste time waiting for a taxi driver to learn where to go. Hayley kept insisting to just go, but Blair wanted to wait to make sure they’re going to the right place. They finally make their way to where they’re supposed to go, and it turned out Hayley was correct in knowing where they needed to go. She’s absolutely livid that Blair did not listen to her at first.

Jelani and Jenny arrive at the Roadblock. One team member must work in a field and chop down sugar canes to receive the next clue. Meanwhile, Laura and Tyler, Mike and Rochelle, and Matt and Ashley arrive at Trujillo as Hayley and Blair arrive at the Roadblock. Jenny and Hayley work on the Roadblock for their teams. Mike and Rochelle get their next clue, but Laura and Tyler and Matt and Ashley get in a cab and drive right past the next clue box. But they realize their mistake while stuck in traffic and get out and return to where they were.

Matt and Ashley do their Speed Bump, which is for them both to use a typewriter to write up a llama loan application. Jenny and Hayley are still working on the Roadblock, and Hayley is taking her aggression out on Blair by chopping down the sugar canes. Blair jokes that Hayley is dangerous with a machete and Hayley potentially saying “I thought Blair’s head was a sugar cane” would hold up in court. Jenny finishes the Roadblock and she and Jelani learn their next location is Parque Ramon Castillo. Hayley also finishes the Roadblock soon afterwards. In addition, Matt and Ashley finish their Speed Bump as Laura and Tyler and Mike and Rochelle arrive at the Roadblock.

Jelani and Jenny arrive at Parque Ramon Castillo and get to work on the next task, which is a math problem that requires using a Fitbit tracker to calculate their calories burned to figure out the sum of how steps they’ve taken so far. Hayley and Blair arrive and get to work on the task too. Meanwhile, Tyler and Mike finish the Roadblock and leave with Laura and Rochelle just as Matt and Ashley arrive there.

Jelani and Jenny and Hayley and Blair finish the task and get the clue for the Detour: Mamas or Papas. Mamas requires teams to collect ingredients to make a Peruvian drink and Papas requires sorting out different types of potatoes and to place them in a correct bin. Jelani and Jenny choose Papas as Hayley and Blair choose Mamas. They get to work on their respective Detours as Laura and Tyler and Mike and Rochelle are working on the Fitbit task.

Jelani and Jenny deliver the potatoes and sort them out in different bins, but they do not pass. They must redo the task. Hayley and Blair, however, collect all their ingredients and can make their way to the Pit Stop. Meanwhile, Laura and Tyler and Mike and Rochelle complete the Fitbit task and make their way to the Detour.

Hayley and Blair check-in at the Pit Stop as Team #1! They win a Fitbit kit, which includes a Fitbit tracker for each of them, as well as a laptop and phone of their choice to help keep track of their fitness goals. Hayley and Blair admit that although they don’t always get along, they consider themselves BFFs and respect each other.

Laura and Tyler choose the Mamas Detour, but their taxi driver sent them to the Papas Detour instead. So they get to work on sorting out potatoes. Meanwhile, Jelani and Jenny greet Phil as Team #2 as Mike and Rochelle are working on the Mamas Detour and Matt and Ashley complete the Fitbit task. They choose the Mamas Detour too. However, they were taken to the wrong Detour like Laura and Tyler were too. They insist on doing the Mamas Detour and demand to be taken to the Detour they chose.

While Matt and Ashley are trying to find their Detour, Mike and Rochelle finish the Mamas Detour and can make their way to the Pit Stop. Matt and Ashley are then taken to the field to collect the potatoes, and now they resign themselves to just doing the Papas Detour anyway. Laura and Tyler are still working on the Papas Detour, but they do not pass. They must redo it.

Mike and Rochelle check-in at the Pit Stop as Team #3 as Laura and Tyler finally pass the Papas Detour. They can make their way to the Pit Stop now. They greet Phil as Team #4 as Matt and Ashley fail sorting the potatoes on their first attempt. They get it right on their next attempt, but it’s too late. They arrive at the Pit Stop in last place and have been eliminated from the race. They’re sad to be eliminated, but grateful for the experience.

Episode Summary

1st place: Hayley and Blair (Each won a Fitbit kit)

2nd place: Jelani and Jenny

3rd place: Mike and Rochelle

4th place: Laura and Tyler

5th place: Matt and Ashley (Eliminated)

Thanks for reading and come back next week for another live recap of The Amazing Race!

About Steven Curtis 576 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.