Join me here tonight for some fine dancing. Don’t forget to comment! I like comments!
We are finally at the Academy. There’s a big opening dance number presumably featuring all those dancers that made the Academy. I thought the hip hop guys dancing in the water was pretty cool. The ballroom part too. Six tappers made it. – Click to Watch Performance Video
So You Think You Can Dance 2017 SPOILERS – Meet the Top 10 and All Stars!
I believe we’re sticking with the same format from last year, where the All-Stars pick teams, and whittle it down, eventually landing on the one dancer they want to take to the Top 10.
“Take nothing for granted.”
So nice to see Allison back as an All-Star. I wish Twitch was there too.
Round 1- Solo’s
They need to earn a majority vote to stay. If they don’t get a majority, they will be sent home immediately.
1) Logan Hernandez- Contemporary
It’s a very unique dance. He chose to dance to sound effects instead of music, and it’s very trancy. I like it. It showcases who he is as a dancer, as well as his technique and ability. The All-Stars loved it too. – Click to Watch Performance Video
2-4) Robert Green- Hip Hop, Matthew DeLoach- Contemp, Chaz Wolcott- Tap
All from Logan’s group. Little snippets.
5) Tristen and Jensen- Ballroom
Lindsay’s little sister. I like that they choreographed a non-traditional ballroom routine. It was great. – Click to Watch Performance Video
Tristan is the only cut from the first group. All other 9 dancers advanced.
6-7) Kyle Bennett Jr- Hip Hop and Kevin Davis Jr- Hip Hop
Both do their solos. Both are good. Both dancers make it to the next round.
8) Lex Ishimoto- Hip Hop
He was one of the episode closers. He did the improv. Again, his solo here is amazing. I really hope this kid can learn choreo. – Click to Watch Performance Video
9-10) Kristina and Vasily- Ballroom
The “Fifty Shades Of Dance” duo. It’s more traditional ballroom. Maybe Vasily will actually get through. Standing O from the All-Stars. – Click to Watch Performance Video
Lex, Vasily, and Kristina, are all moving on, along with some other random dancers.
11)- Ryan Bailey – “Ryan’s Style”
He has his own “unique” style. Robert does not look like he’s having it. I’d argue his dance has nothing to do with his song. He’s a good dancer though, just an awful choreographer. – Click to Watch Performance Video
Ryan is cut. Also cut Romainson Romaine.
71 dancers made the Hip Hop round.
Round Two! Nappy Tabs is teaching some hip hop to these kids.
Dassy and Kiki are struggling learning choreo. – Click to Watch Performance Video
1) Robert Green- Hip Hop, Kaylee- Contemporary
They’re both killing it.
We’ll have to wait to see if they make a team.
2) Kiki and Alan- Ballroom
2 Ballroom guys. They’re just rolling with it. Kiki forgot the choreo.
Some more random dancers struggle on chreo.
3) Kevin Davis Jr- Hip Hop
He brought a lot off personality to his routine.
Kevin is the first one to hear his results. Allison, Fik-Shun, Comfort, Jasmine, and Cyrus all want him. He’s in high demand. And… COMMERCIAL. Of course.
Kevin says he doesn’t know a lot of styles, and wants to be wise in his decision. He picks Allison. Smart move!
4) Darius Hickman- Contemporary
His mom was in prison, his aunt was in an abusive relationship. He’s actually cut. Wow. I didn’t see that coming.
5) Dassy Lee- Hip Hop
She moved to America for SYTYCD. Cyrus says she has an amazing personality. Cyrus wants her. Fik-Shun wants her too. Dassy is torn. She picks Fik-Shun.
6) Logan Hernandez- Contemporary
Robert, Allison, Jenna all want him. Jenna even says she wants to be his partner on the show. Logan picks Allison.
7-9) Kaylee, Lex, Sydney
Three dancers who Robert wants, but he doesn’t get picked. Kaylee picks Cyrus. Lex picks Gaby. Sydney picks Paul.
10) Mark
Comfort and Allison really want him. He picks Comfort.
End of the road- Sade Autin, Chelsea Hough, Jason Kidd
11) Kiki
Jenna sees his potential and picks Kiki for her team.
So, there was this moment where Cat clearly said “nine other dancers”, but only showed three and which teams they made. This is the list I have so far, but I’m sure there are other dancers who made teams and got shafted on screentime tonight.
Team Allison:
Kevin Davis Jr
Logan Hernandez
Team Fik-Shun
Dassy Lee
Team Cyrus
Kaylee (Blue Haired Girl)
Team Gaby
Team Paul
Team Jasmine
Team Jenna
Join me again next week when the All-Stars finish off their teams.