Survivor Season 47 Week 2 Recap and Live Blog

A new episode of Survivor 47 airs tonight on CBS. Read a live recap here.

It’s the morning of Day 4. On the Lavo tribe, Rome says tribe morale is “through the roof.” Rome found the box from the Beware Advantage, but he couldn’t read the note in the dark. He tells Teeny about it to build trust with her. Rome was originally Teeny’s target, but now this changes Teeny’s plan. Now she feels like she must work with him. Nonetheless, she still tells her closet ally Kishan about Rome finding the Beware advantage and the box. She shows Kishan the box without Rome. While they’re reading the note, Rome walks up behind them and joins them. Teeny tries to do damage control and says she was just excited to read what the box said. In his confessional, Rome says he doesn’t trust Teeny as much anymore. After reading the note in the box, Rome chooses to take the idol that’s good for only one tribal council instead of trying to find the idol that’s good for three tribal councils.

Meanwhile on the Tuku tribe, TK says Kyle is his #1 ally. He wanted a strong three that included Gabe, but he changed his mind about Gabe. TK says Gabe has been playing an erratic game; TK doesn’t trust him. TK tries to form a bond with Tiyana instead. She lets him know she’s concerned about an all-male alliance. She thinks the tribe is divided by the men and women. TK says he wants a trio with him, Kyle, and Tiyana. Tiyana tells him she thinks that’s a great idea. Tiyana adds that Kyle is genuine, so she believes she can lean on him in this game.

At the Gata tribe, Andy feels like he has an opportunity for recovery. He feels more included now, but he is still on the outs of the tribe. In her confessional, Rachel says Andy is still the easy option to vote out. Sam says they all want to make him feel part of the tribe. Anika says Andy needs words of affirmation. She says Andy is like a “toxic clingy boyfriend.” Sam says they need to keep an eye on Andy since it would be a problem if he finds a hidden immunity idol. Sam wants to keep Andy close to him, and he tells Andy that he feels good with him. After Sam walks away to use the bathroom, Andy goes searching for an advantage. Sam returns and Andy is gone. Andy found the Beware Advantage. However, he puts it back and plans to go back for it later.

Meanwhile on the Lavo tribe, Rome is driving his tribe members crazy. Aysha notes how Rome wants to do everything. Kishan says Rome is a showman. Rome wanted to make the fire for the tribe, but Kishan builds the fire instead. Teeny calls Rome cocky. She says he would be an easy choice to vote out, but his idol complicates matters.

Back on the Gata tribe, Sam tells Anika that Andy went hunting for an advantage. The two of them decide to search instead. While searching, Sam finds the Beware Advantage. In her confessional, Anika says she’s glad Sam found it since this makes Sam a bigger threat. Sam doesn’t like that Anika knows he has the advantage, so Sam also tells Sierra. Sam says Sierra is his #1 ally. Anika tells Rachel about it too. Sam correctly assumes Anika told Rachel, so he tells Rachel about the Beware Advantage too. Everybody except Andy knows the advantage has been found. However, he goes back for the Beware Advantage and discovers it’s gone. Andy tells Sam about the advantage and guesses that one of the girls found the Beware Advantage. Sam pretends to be shocked. In his confessional, Sam admits that he believes he can trust Andy more than he realized.

At Tuku, TK talks to Tiyana and Kyle about who should be voted out. TK suggests Sue. Gabe pretends to be their fourth, but Gabe feels closer to Sue and Caroline. Gabe gives his pitch to work with Caroline, but Caroline doesn’t trust him. Gabe shows her his idol. Now she’s feeling better about working with him after talking to Sue. Later, Sue wants to take a nap on the sand. However, TK won’t stop talking, and she’s very annoyed by him. Even Tiyana admits she doesn’t vibe with TK as a person, but she likes the security of being in a majority alliance with him.

Back at the Gata tribe. Sam has the key for the hidden immunity idol, and he goes searching for the box with Sierra. Sierra feels like the two of them have built a strong trust. They find the box, and Sam unlocks it. He decides to keep the hidden immunity idol that is good for only one tribal council. After claiming the idol, Sam pitches to Sierra if he should use the idol on Andy at their next tribal council. He explains he doesn’t want to be the only man on the tribe. Sierra doesn’t like the idea of working with Andy, but she’s going to support whatever Sam decides to do.

It’s time for the immunity challenge. The tribes must get a bag of rice to shore, including pushing a bag of rice through a wall out in the ocean. Afterwards, they must maneuver a key through a maze and then open the bag of rice. They will retrieve a ball from the bag and then maneuver the ball through a winding snake track. The first two tribes to finish will win immunity and reward. The winning tribes will also win a fishing kit.

The challenge begins, and eventually Gata takes the lead. They are the first to work on maneuvering the ball through the track. While watching Sam, Anika, and Sierra maneuvering the ball, Rachel sneaks some rice into her pocket. The other two tribes get to the last stage of the challenge too. It soon becomes fairly even among all three tribes. Tuku drops their ball, putting them in last place. Gata is the first to land their ball. Gata wins immunity! Tuku and Lavo are tied, but Tuku drops their ball again. Lavo gets their ball at the end of the track. Lavo wins immunity! Tuku will go to tribal council tonight. Jeff calls out Rachel for sneaking rice into her pocket. He’s amused, but he tells her to empty her pockets. Jeff asks Tuku their thoughts about losing. Tiyana is smiling and says they’re trying to stay positive, but TK doesn’t approve of the smiles. He says everyone should be mad at the loss like he is. He’s angry they lost. Tiyana is visibly annoyed by TK’s response. In her confessional, Sue says she thought Tiyana was close to TK, but that might have “put the nail in the coffin” for TK.

Tuku returns to camp. Gabe noticed Tiyana rolling her eyes at TK after the challenge, so he thinks the numbers could now be there to vote out TK. TK is by the water, still disappointed that they lost. TK feels like he’s the leader of the tribe, and he thinks everyone should have the same mindset as him. He returns to camp, walking in on Tiyana and Kyle talking about him. He asks if they’re talking about him, which they deny. Later, Kyle pulls TK aside and tells TK he ruffled feathers. TK doesn’t think he owes Tiyana an apology. Kyle is trying to keep their trio together, so the three of them talk to air out their issues. TK and Tiyana make up. In her confessional, Tiyana says she is trying to separate her emotions from the game. She admits TK is an asset in the physical challenges, even though she doesn’t like him. TK tells Kyle and Tiyana that Sue should be voted out tonight. In his confessional, TK says his gameplay is flawless and he’s playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.

TK tells Gabe the plan to vote out Sue, but Gabe wants to blindside TK instead. He’s hoping Tiyana joins him, Sue, and Caroline to vote for TK. They don’t want to go to a tie or have Gabe play his hidden immunity idol. Caroline and Sue say they are willing to go to rocks if there is a tie, but they doubt Tiyana would go to rocks to save TK. Sue lets Tiyana know there is a plan to vote out TK tonight. Tiyana realizes she is in the middle. She’s torn what to do. Even if she doesn’t want to work with TK, she doesn’t feel good about blindsiding Kyle too. She hopes she makes the decision that is best for her game.

It’s time for tribal council. Jeff asks if there are any natural pairings. Sue says there’s a bromance developing. She says the three guys are together and the girls are on the bottom. Tiyana agrees, but she says nothing is cookie cutter and things can change. Kyle says he’s bonded with both the men and the women. TK says Sue wasn’t comfortable initiating conversations. Sue says that’s not true. She can socialize with anyone. Sue says there was a line drawn, and the guys wanted to stay strong. Gabe adds there are strategic relationships and social relationships. Gabe say those two things aren’t always the same. Jeff asks about idols, and Caroline says everyone is assuming Gabe has been hunting for idols. Gabe admits he has been exploring and wants to be like Indiana Jones. TK reiterates they can’t be okay with losing. Tiyana wants to make sure they vote to keep the people they can work with. Afterwards, it’s time for the vote.

Before Jeff reads the votes, Gabe plays his hidden immunity idol for himself.

The first vote is for…







TK is the second person voted out of Survivor 47. TK and Kyle are visibly blindsided.

And that wraps up tonight’s episode of Survivor 47. Thanks for reading, and come back next week for another live recap.

About Steven Curtis 564 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.